
  • 网络Price of Cabbage;KONICA HEXAR;etam
  1. 新闻集团上周同意以3500万美元的白菜价,将MySpace卖给一家由私募基金投资的在线广告网络SpecificMedia。

    Fast forward to this past week , and News Corp. ( NWS ) agreed to sell MySpace to a pe-backed online ad network called specific media for a paltry $ 35 million .

  2. 如今,在中国部分地区,钢铁已经跌至白菜价。

    Steel prices in some areas of China are now as cheap as cabbage .

  3. 这种白菜价提醒我们有两大问题仍在困扰着西班牙银行系统。

    Basement prices are a reminder of the two big problems still dogging the Spanish banking system .

  4. 互联网泡沫破裂的时候,我没办法,只好按白菜价卖掉了我的第一家公司。

    Having to sell my first company at a very low price when the dotcom bubble burst .

  5. 工业需求极度疲软,以至于在中国部分市场上,钢铁已经卖到了白菜价。

    Industrial demand has slackened to the point that steel in some Chinese markets is as cheap as cabbages .

  6. 这意味着大多数并购标的要么是中不溜的公司,以低于面值价格出售,要么是运营不善,以白菜价出售。

    What that means is that most of the M & A targets either are middling companies being dumped around par , or failed companies being sold for scrap .