
bái jiè
  • White mustard;sinapsis alba
白芥[bái jiè]
  1. 甘蓝-白芥单体异附加系自交后代的GISH分析

    Analysis of the Selfing Progenies of Brassica oleracea-Sinapis alba Monosomic Alien Addition Line by GISH

  2. 白菜与白芥属间花粉&柱头相互作用的研究

    Studies on pollen ── stigma interaction between Chinese cabbage and white mustard

  3. 白芥及油菜产量性状抗旱性及抗旱性鉴定指标研究初探

    Drought resistance and its estimate index of Seed yield and its characters of white mustard and rapes

  4. 文中分析了水分亏缺和非水分亏缺处理下白芥不同生育时期地上部分形态及生理生化指标。

    Segment of the ground of White Mustard of shape and physiological and biochemical indexes were analysed under water defect and non-water defect .

  5. 本课题旨在是研究和探索白芥幼苗在干旱胁迫下的生理生化响应和柠檬酸合酶机制。

    The purpose of this study was to study the physiology and biochemistry response and citrate synthase gene expression of Sinapis alba seedling under drought stress .

  6. 严重干旱胁迫时,表达量上升后不会再下降,揭示白芥生理受损程度严重难以恢复。

    Under severe drought stress , the expression did not fall after the rise . That is indicated that the plant physiological damage can not recover any more .

  7. 结果表明,白芥在不同生育时期对水分亏缺敏感性不同,开花期最为敏感,其次为结荚期,蕾苔期最不敏感。

    The results indicated that segment of the ground of White Mustard had different water defect sensitivity in different stage , the first sensitivity in flowering stage , the second in podding formation stage , the third in budded term .