
  • 网络White Revolution
  1. 伊朗白色革命时期的妇女问题研究

    On Iranian Women during the White Revolution

  2. 白色革命与农业的可持续发展

    White revolution and sustainable developing of Agriculture

  3. 白色革命摧毁了伊朗乡村传统的封建土地所有制,进而推动了工业化和城市化的进程。

    The White Revolution smashed traditional feudal land ownership in rural Iran and quickened industrialization and urbanization .

  4. 基于以上的考察,笔者试图从社会传统文化、政治经济方面对造成伊朗白色革命期间妇女问题的客观原因给予详细的分析。

    On Iranian Women during the White Revolution So the author draws up to analyze the objective reasons from the social traditional culture , politics , and economy .

  5. 第一部分:考虑到妇女问题具有一定的历史性,笔者简要回顾了白色革命前伊朗妇女的社会地位和生活状况。

    In the first part , the author briefly reviews the Iranian women 's condition before the White Revolution and concludes that the question of women actually is a historical issue .