
bái rè huà
  • turn white-hot;white heat;fervorization
白热化 [bái rè huà]
  • [white heat] 变为白炽状态;感情或活动等发展到十分紧张的状态

  • 竞选已进入白热化

白热化[bái rè huà]
  1. 激光领域的竞争白热化

    Competition turn white-hot in lasers area

  2. 信息时代下的人类社会,企业间竞争日趋激烈,呈现着国际化、白热化的趋势。

    Under information epoch , the competition between different enterprises is drastic day by day , is showing the tendency of internationalization and turn white-hot .

  3. 竞争日趋白热化。

    Competition is getting hotter day by day .

  4. 为11月6日选举进行的竞选活动逐渐达到白热化。

    Campaigning is reaching fever pitch for elections on November 6 .

  5. 上周,当竞选活动进行到白热化时,首相启程去了美国。

    Last week , in the heat of the election campaign , the Prime Minister left for America .

  6. 紧张关系已达白热化程度,武装部队说士兵有可能不得不使用武器保护自己不受当地民众的伤害。

    Tension has reached such a pitch that the armed forces say soldiers may have to use their weapons to defend themselves against local people .

  7. 争论达到了白热化的程度。

    The debate became white-hot .

  8. 关于工作条件的长期争论终于达到了白热化的程度,工人们投票赞成罢工。

    The long-standing dispute about working conditions finally came to a head when the workforce voted for strike action .

  9. 二月份的期限越来越近,推出蒙太尼的宣传活动目前已进入白热化阶段。

    The promotional programme that would launch Montayne was now proceeding at a frantic tempo as the February deadline neared .

  10. 加入WTO后,银行业竞争更是进入白热化阶段。

    After joining WTO , the banking competition is heating up .

  11. Internet控制权之争白热化

    Battle Rages for the Internet Control

  12. JSF项目合同竞争进入白热化波音和洛克希德·马丁方案各有千秋

    Boeing and Lockheed Martin Compete for JSF Final Contract

  13. 经过白热化的讨价还价,这个在IP网上进行流式技术应用与生产的方案该接受了。

    After the heated price bargaining , the solution for streaming and production to operate in and IP network is ripe for the picking .

  14. 苹果(AppleInc.)应对竞争日益白热化的平板电脑市场的法宝是:提供更多的产品选择,以及免费的软件。

    Apple Inc. ' s answer to the increasingly cutthroat tablet-computer market : more product choices and free software .

  15. 随着中国加入WTO,全球市场一体化的形成,电解铝企业面临的竞争日趋白热化。

    As China enters into the WTO and the forming of the globalized market , the competitions among the aluminum electrolysis enterprises are becoming more and more fierce .

  16. 竞购北电的专利组合将能为Android带来一些法律保障,不过当竞标进入白热化时,谷歌却开始玩起游戏来。

    And when bidding for the patents that would have bought Android some legal protection got serious , Google started playing games .

  17. 随着移动通信产业的快速发展和3G牌照的发放,市场竞争也日趋白热化。

    With the rapid development of mobile communication industry and the issue of 3G license , the fierce competition is on a worldwide scale .

  18. 这可能是FDA和电子香烟制造商之间的官司为什么如此白热化的原因之一。

    This may be one reason why the battle * between the FDA and e-cigarette manufacturers has been so heated .

  19. 而随着2002年初中国联通CDMA网络的运行,C网手机进入市场,使原本就已竞争非常激烈的手机行业竞争更加白热化。

    With the operation of China Unicorn 's CDMA network in 2002 , that the CDMA mobile phones come into the market makes the dog-eat-dog mobile phone industry more white-hot .

  20. 特别是随着信息产业部3G牌照发放日期的临近及WTO框架内国际电信企业的准入,移动通信领域的竞争将会更加白热化。

    Especially with the coming date of granting 3G License plate and the entrance of international telecom enterprises , competition in the mobile communication market will become fiercer .

  21. 中国加入世界贸易组织前后,国内对世界贸易组织法律制度的研究也到达了白热化的程度,足见中国对成为WTO成员的重视程度。

    With China entering into WTO , a great number of scholars put their attention onto WTO legal system study , which reflect that China really regard to be WTO member much .

  22. 基于Linux操作系统的稳定性、免费性、可靠性、安全性和开放性而言,在Linux操作系统进行网络入侵检测的研究已日趋白热化。

    The stability of Linux-based operating system for free , reliability , security and openness , in the Linux operating system for network intrusion detection research has become increasingly heated .

  23. 随着3G牌照的发放和国内通信市场日益白热化的激烈竞争,市场对电信的服务也提出了更高的要求。

    The requirements of Chinese telecommunication market are becoming more strict as 3G licenses have been issued and the competition has been more and more fierce .

  24. 随着3G业务牌照的发放,电信联通均获得了全业务运营牌照,本来就激烈的电信行业竞争会更趋于白热化。

    China Telecom and China Unicom have received a full-service operation license with the 3G service licenses releasing . The telecom competition is hotter than before .

  25. 中国加入WTO后国内金融市场开放的步伐明显加快,金融体制和环境正面临深刻变革,金融业的竞争趋于白热化。

    With China ' accession into WTO , the step of opening financial market has speeded up apparently . And the financial system and environment are confronting profound changes ; competitions among local finance have become more furious .

  26. 近年来,我国电子商务市场发展飞速,电商企业之间竞争的日趋激烈,尤其是B2C电子商务企业之间的竞争已经白热化。

    In recent years , with e-commerce market developing rapidly , competition between electronic commerce enterprises become more and more fiercely , especially for the B2C e-commerce businesses .

  27. 在各方对人工智能(AI)的探索日益白热化之际,中国科技三巨头百度(Baidu)、阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)比硅谷竞争对手拥有一项明显优势——数据。

    As the quest to master artificial intelligence intensifies , China 's tech trio of Baidu , Alibaba and Tencent have a distinct advantage over their Silicon Valley rivals - data .

  28. 今年年初,博客创建软件WordPress的母公司Automattic收购了Simplenote的母公司。笔记服务领域的竞争达到何种白热化程度,这个例子可见一斑。

    In a sign of how hot the note-taking field is , Automattic , the company behind WordPress blogging software , acquired Simplenote 's parent earlier this year .

  29. 企业竞争的日趋白热化,国内外环境的不断变化,使得TMT产业的发展具有跨行业并购和跨国并购的特点。

    Business competition becomes more intense , ever-changing domestic and international environments , making the TMT industry with cross-industry mergers and acquisitions and cross-border M & A feature .

  30. 首先运用PEST分析法进行了宏观环境分析,认为本公司拥有国家产业政策、加入世贸等发展机会,也面临国际竞争者进入中国市场,竞争趋于白热化等威胁;

    Systemically . First , utilizing PEST method , this paper researches the relevant macroscopic environment , and gets the opportunities of government 's industry preferential policy and China 's entry of WTO and threats of intense competition from foreign companies .