
  1. 太湖、巢湖、白洋淀、泸沽湖的优势磷形态分别为铁锰螯合态磷、铁铝氧化态磷、钙镁结合态磷、活性有机磷。

    Advantage phosphorus forms in Tai Lake , Chao Lake , Lugu Lake is respectively for Ferromanganese of Chelated phosphorus , iron and aluminum oxidation state phosphorus , calcium and magnesium bound phosphorus , active organic phosphorus .

  2. 不同湖泊水溶性有机质都主要源于生物来源,巢湖和太湖富里酸和胡敏酸组分来源接近陆地端源,而白洋淀和泸沽湖更倾向于生物来源。

    Water-soluble organic matter in different lakes is mainly derived from biological sources . The fulvic acid and humic acid component in Chao Lake and Tai Lake are close to the land-side sources . Baiyang Lake and Lugu Lake are more inclined to the biological source . 3 .