
  • 网络White;white base;opaque
  1. 这只是一个简单的网页,和白底黑字、有着蓝色超链接的word文档相似。

    It was a simple page , similar to a Word document with black lettering on a white background with blue hyperlinks .

  2. 奥运会旗的特征是白底,上面有五个彩色连环。

    The Olympic flag is white with five colored interlocking rings featured .

  3. 公司的名称是用白底红字写的。

    The name of the company is written in red on a white background .

  4. 商业文书格式和白底黑字背景是最容易看见的。

    Block style and black-on-white background are easiest to see .

  5. 她穿一条白底黄花的裙子。

    She wore a skirt with yellow flowers on a white background .

  6. 钢板日用搪瓷白底釉日用钛白釉瓷层耐酸性能研究

    Study on Acid Resistance of Titania - white Domestic Enamel

  7. 哪面国旗的白底中红色条纹呈对角线状?

    Which flag has a diagonal red cross on a white background ?

  8. 改掉在白底上作画的习惯。

    Get out of the habit of drawing on a white background .

  9. 这些家伙是白底黑条

    These guys ... They 're white with black stripes .

  10. 她有一件白底蓝点的连衣裙。

    She has a white dress with blue spots .

  11. 而奥运的旗炽也显示白底衬托五环的色彩。

    The olympic flag shows these five colored rings on a white background .

  12. 在白底上红色显得特别醒目。

    Red stands out against a white background .

  13. 钢板日用搪瓷白底釉

    White Ground Coat for Domestic Sheet Steel Enamel

  14. 白底涂布白板纸是一种新型包装装动包装纸板。

    Coated white cardboard is a new kind of cardboard for packing and decoration .

  15. 我记得她穿着一条白底印花长裙。

    I remember , she was wearing a long , white , flowery skirt .

  16. 白底绒水貂染色

    Dyeing of mink with white fine hair

  17. 白底涂布白板纸的研制羧甲基纤维素保水剂在涂布白纸板中的应用

    Design and Production of Coated White Card board Application of CMC on Coated White Paper board

  18. 否则,当前行的单元格显示白底黑字。

    Otherwise , the cells in the current row have a white background and black text .

  19. 在蓝白底的包装纸上用这些手写的科学登时来表明你是个计算机专家。

    Show your geeky side with these hand-written scientific equations on blue and white graph paper .

  20. 西装背心的低领里露出浆得笔挺的白底粉红条纹衬衫的前胸。

    The low crotch of the vest revealed a stiff shirt bosom of white and pink stripes .

  21. 这台白底、黑边的喷气飞行器有一个砖块大小的基座,后面还有两条支架腿。

    His white jet pack with black trim stands on a brick-sized base with two legs sprawled behind it .

  22. 图表等图形看起来也更清晰了,就像在白底黑字的书上一样。

    Graphics , like charts and graphs , look just as clear as they do in any black-and-white book .

  23. 最佳的配色方案是黑字白底,但是,也有很多其它较好的颜色组合方案。

    The best combination for readability is black text on white background , but there are other excellent combinations also .

  24. 第七条中国红十字会使用白底红十字标志。

    Article 7 The Red Cross Society of China shall use the sign of the Red Cross against a white background .

  25. 大部分当代的茶杯和茶碟上的图案是白底上描蓝的“柳树图案”。

    The most common contemporary tea cup and saucer pattern is " The Willow Pattern " a blue on white pattern .

  26. 我的意思是,音乐发行逐步电子化的趋势简直已经白底黑字地写在那儿了。

    I mean , it just seemed like writing on the wall , that eventually all music would be distributed electronically .

  27. 钢具表面深蓝色、精抛光、镜面抛光、发蓝表面的不同白底图案等是我公司独特的新型技术。

    Steel tools with navy blue , precise polishing , blueing surface and white base logo which is our company special new technic .

  28. 红十字会的旗帜,即白底上红色十字,是由瑞士国旗红白两面色互换而成。

    The design of its BADGE , a red cross on a white field , was obtained by reversing the colours of Switzerland .

  29. 给玛莉的是中国式的白底印花蓝布,而劳拉的则是点缀着金棕色小点的深红色棉布。

    Mary 's was a china-blue pattern on a white ground , and Laura 's was dark red with little golden-brown dots on it .

  30. 国王穿着用紫红色和白底黑花的毛皮做成的大礼服,坐在一个很简单却又十分威严的宝座上。

    Clad in royal purple and ermine , he was seated upon a throne which was at the same time both simple and majestic .