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bái qū cài
  • greater celandine
  1. 播种前用PEG处理颠茄、丹参、龙芽草、白屈菜、桔梗等药用植物种子,可使种子提前发芽,不仅发芽整齐,而且可提高发芽率。

    Treated with polyethylene glycol the seeds of some medicinal crops such as Atropa belladonna , Salvia miltiorrhiza , Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica , Chelidonium majus , Platycodon grandiflorum * can be induced to sprout earlier and faster .

  2. 白屈菜在1~2mg/ml作用两天时对109细胞的有丝分裂有显著抑制作用;

    Mitoses of the cells were inhibited at the concentrations of 1mg / ml and 2mg / ml chelidonium majus .