
bái zì
  • White character;wrongly written or mispronounced character
白字 [bái zì]
  • [wrongly written or mispronounced character] 写错(如错写为同音异义字)或读错(读成形似的字或一边的字)的汉字

白字[bái zì]
  1. 这篇文章白字连篇。

    This piece is full of wrong words .

  2. 一根白色的粉笔在黑色的黑板上写白字

    A white chalk chalks white on a black blackboard .

  3. 我们本来的目的是减少dk的白字伤害,这样技能伤害就会非常的猛。

    We did consider purposely lowering DK white damage so that the specials could be bigger .

  4. 我认为它是一个写着白字的黑色广告牌。

    I think it 's a black sign with white lettering .

  5. 邀请卡是用非常漂亮的白字和金字写成的。

    The invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold .

  6. 停车牌(标志)是八角形红底白字。

    A stop sign is eight-sided and has a red background with white letters .

  7. 武器技能等级(主要指过低的武器技能等级)不再会因偏斜而减少伤害(白字)。

    Weapon skill will no longer reduce the percentage damage lost due to glancing .

  8. 在进行字符分割时,需要将车牌归一化为黑底白字。

    Before the character segmentation , we need to normalize the LP to state of black background with white text .

  9. 不过一个正在进行的整修项目将恢复原有的纯净:白色墙面,蓝底白字的站名。

    But a current renovation programme will restore the original purity : white tiles , white station names on blue backgrounds .

  10. 在西伯利亚偏远的建筑工地,工人在他们宿舍的楼顶上用巨大的白字写下了自己的不满。

    And at a remote construction site in Siberia , laborers painted their complaints in gigantic white letters on the roofs of their dormitories .

  11. 在黑牢的另一面墙上,他看出一片刻划的痕迹,绿色的墙上依旧还可以看出那些白字。

    On the other side of the dungeon he perceived an inscription , the white letters of which were still visible on the green wall .

  12. 通常它是以矩形黑底白字的方式显示,给人以方盒子的效果,经常用于新闻短讯或副标题。

    It is usually displayed as white characters on a rectangular black background , giving a boxed effect , often used for news flashes or subtitles .

  13. 圣彼得蒙马特尔街,有些光着胳膊的人举着一面黑旗在街上走,黑旗上写着这么几个白字:“共和或死亡!”

    In the Rue Saint-Pierre-Montmartre , men with bare arms carried about a black flag , on which could be read in white letters this inscription : " Republic or Death !"

  14. 不饱和树脂发光字:不饱和树脂都是三个组分的,有刺激气味,透明度太差不能做白字,长时间操作会中毒的,头晕,恶心。

    Unsaturated resin luminous characters : unsaturated resin is a three component , a pungent odor , can do too opaque white , long time operation will be poisoned , dizziness , nausea .

  15. 在那坟隆起的一端,也就是死者头部所在处,有个木十字架,上面写着一行白字:“上校男爵彭眉胥”。

    At the extremity of the grave , on a little swelling which marked the head , there stood a cross of black wood with this name in white letters : COLONEL BARON PONTMERCY .

  16. 不要用黑色背景(黑底白字),这同样是不专业的表现,而且阅读起来很困难,坚持用白底黑字。

    Don " t use a colored background . Again , it " s considered unprofessional . In addition , they can be hard to read . Always use a white background with black text .

  17. 达到命中上限可以让你确保在应当要触发清晰预兆的时候不会失败,而急速可以让你每分钟打更多的白字次数。

    Capping hit and having expertise makes sure you don 't fail to land attacks that might have been hits that proc omen of clarity , and haste means you land more attacks per minute .

  18. 特殊物理攻击,也就是打在怪物身上产生“黄字”的那些攻击。他们的命中判定方法,跟产生“白字”的普通攻击是不一样的。

    Melee special attacks , also called " Yellow-damage " melee attacks due to the color of their combat log entries and on-screen damage numbers , are not resolved the same way as white-damage melee attacks .

  19. 但正如我们所知道的,车牌颜色具有多样性:蓝底白字、黄底黑字、白底黑字等各种颜色的组合,使用彩色图像处理要分析多种情况。

    Multiple possible combinations of the color of license plate such as white words on blue background , black words on yellow background , black words on white background and so on necessities the analysis of various situations .

  20. 针对本文已有算法只能提取出蓝底白字的车牌且定位正确率不高的问题,本文从车牌图片自身的特点出发,提出了一种基于边缘纹理和边缘颜色对特征的车牌定位算法。

    The existing algorithm can only make the plate located , which has white lettering on a blue background . In view of the problem , this paper proposes a new locating method based on edge texture and edge-color pair .

  21. 根据彩色车牌的颜色特征和车牌的灰度图的几何特征,提出了一种将车牌灰度图颜色统一转换成黑底白字(或者白底黑字)的新方法。

    This paper proposes a new method to convert all kinds of vehicle license plate to white background and black characters ( or black background and white character ) based on the color character and geometry character of vehicle license plate .