
bái lán
  • gardenia;Byakuran;Michelia alba;Michelia x alba
  • white orchid
白兰 [bái lán]
  • [white orchid] 兰花的一种,叶子比秋兰略小,秋开青白色花,极香

  1. 根据行道树的生长状况及净化重金属的能力,8种供试植物中,白兰(MicheliaalbaDC.)

    Based on the growth of and heavy metal purification by the 8 speices , Michelia alba DC .

  2. 白兰开花过程中花被片结构的变化与释香机理

    Variation in Perianth Structure during the blooming of Michelia alba DC . and Its Aroma Emission Mechanism

  3. ACC脱氨酶基因转化白兰瓜的初步研究

    Primary study on transforming Cucumis melo var.I with ACC-deaminase gene

  4. 危害白兰瓜果腐病的镰刀菌经鉴定为砖红镰孢(FusariumlateritiumNees)。

    The superior pathogen of muskmelon fruit rot was identified as Fusarium lateritium Nees .

  5. 用带有ACC脱氨酶基因和卡那霉素抗性基因(Npt,作为报告基因)的工程根癌农杆菌转化白兰瓜子叶,通过组织培养,得到具有卡那霉素(Km)抗性的再生小苗。

    Cotyledons of Cucumis melo var.I were transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens ( LBA4404 ) carrying ACC deaminase gene and Kanamycin resistant gene ( Npt ⅱ , as report gene ) . Some regenerated Kanamycin resistant seedlings were obtained .

  6. 在6℃下胁迫6h后,抗寒性强的玉金香电导率较对照增加幅度比抗寒性弱的白兰瓜低69%;

    When being forced 6 hours under 6 ℃, in contrast to the comparison , electric conductivity of the high chilling resistant cultivar ," Yujinxiang " is 69 % , lower than the low chilling resistant cultivar " Bailangua " .

  7. 甘肃白兰瓜、西瓜疫霉种的鉴定研究

    Studies on phytophthora Species From Honeydew and Watermelon in Gansu province

  8. 听我说,海丝特白兰!那声音喊道。

    Hearken unto me , Hester Prynne ! said the voice .

  9. “咱们不要回头看了,”海丝特白兰回答说。

    " Let us not look back ," answered Hester prynne .

  10. 白兰的梦想是:我们生活的世界充满和平与尊重。

    Peace and respect for the world in which we live .

  11. 《红字》中海丝特·白兰的多重性格特征解读

    Unscramble the Multiple Dispositions of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter

  12. 啊哈!我们清楚那意味着什么,海丝特·白兰!

    Aha ! we know what that means , Hester Prynne !

  13. “是你的天父把你送来的!”海丝特·白兰回答说。

    " Thy Heavenly Father sent thee !" answered Hester Prynne .

  14. 你和你的人,海丝特白兰,都属于我。

    Thou and thine , Hester Prynne , belong to me .

  15. “那样也许倒好些!”海丝特·白兰说。

    " It had been better so !" said Hester Prynne .

  16. 海丝特白兰凝视着他的面孔,迟迟没有开口。

    Hester Prynne looked into his face , but hesitated to speak .

  17. “他还不如马上死掉呢!”海丝特·白兰说。

    " Better he had died at once !" said Hester Prynne .

  18. 红字在海丝特-白兰的胸上燃烧。

    The scarlet letter burned on Hester Prynne 's bosom .

  19. 白兰瓜花芽发育的研究

    Study of The Development of Floral Bud of Bailan Melon

  20. 海丝特-白兰把手指放到那红色标志上回答。

    Answered Hester Prynne , laying her finger on the red token .

  21. 兰州白兰瓜产区的土壤地球化学环境特征

    The Characters of Soil Geochemistry in Lanzhou Honeydew Melon Garden

  22. 船长和海丝特-白兰没有再说什么。

    Nothing further passed between the mariner and Hester Prynne .

  23. 米奇不是一个真正的绅士,他也无法拯救白兰琪。

    Mitch is a fake gentleman who can not save Blanche either .

  24. 海丝特白兰定睛望着他的面孔回答说。

    Replied Hester Prynne , looking firmly into his face .

  25. 然而,这种种想法给海丝特白兰带来的影响,主要还是忧虑而不是希望。

    Yet these thoughts affected Hester Prynne less with hope than apprehension .

  26. 白兰瓜组织培养中染色体不稳定性的研究

    Study on Chromosome Unstability in Tissue Culture of Cucumis melo var Inodorous

  27. “它已经替你报复了!”海丝特白兰说。

    " It has avenged thee ," answered Hester prynne .

  28. 白兰瓜光合产物的运输及其机理

    Studies on the Transport of Photosynthate and its Mechanism in Bai-Lan Melon Plant

  29. 还有海丝特-白兰,胸前闪着刺绣的字母;

    And Hester Prynne , with the embroidered letter glimmering on her bosom ;

  30. 因此,海丝特白兰并没有出走。

    Hester Prynne , therefore , did not flee .