
  • 网络lander
  1. 两年之后,极地登陆者号却在着陆时迷失了。

    Two years later , the Polar Lander was lost during landing .

  2. 每次任务都发射一枚具备从火星轨道拍摄火星表面能力的人造卫星,同时充当与海盗登陆者进行联络的中间站。

    Each mission had a satellite designed to photograph the surface of Mars from orbit , and to act as a communication relay for the Viking lander that each mission carried .

  3. 两年后,NASA折损了火星气象卫星和火星极地登陆者号。

    Two years later NASA lost the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander .

  4. 注册登陆者必须使用真实邮件地址进行账户激活。

    The register should active their user account by email .

  5. 问题6:是什么原因让美国政府放弃将“空中登陆者10号”作为间谍飞机?

    Question 6 : What cause the US government to abandon the Airlander 10 as a spy aircraft ?

  6. 报道说,美国国家研究委员会建议未来的火星登陆者应该100%地进行杀菌。

    The advisory , which is based on a NASA-funded report by the NRC , recommends that all future landers be100 percent sterilized .

  7. 这是一个新网站,里面都是,我猜,浸透水的登陆者。”安巴克说道。

    There was a new site here , filling in for the one that was , I guess , water logged , " said Ansbach .

  8. 种族主义继续占上风可有事实说明:我们有意无意挑选了三位白种人作为首批登陆者。

    Eg : That racism continues to prevail is indicated by the fact that we , intentionally or not , chose three white men to be the first men associated with the moon .

  9. “登陆者”是一种轻小灵便的机器,可以在角部的一组推进器和腹部的一个主引擎的控制之下进行紧贴地面的飞行。

    Lander is a small , lightweight , maneuverable machine designed for tight above and below ground flying , controlled through a set of thrusters on the corners and a single main engine on its belly .

  10. 去年,作为探月工程的第一步,中国将一个自动控制的航天器发射进入月球轨道。中国的探月工程将包括在登陆月球和随后让登陆者携带月岩样本返回地球。

    Last year , an automated spacecraft made it into lunar orbit , the first step in a moon exploration programme that will include a landing , and later the return of a lander to earth with rock samples .