
dēnɡ jì zhì
  • registration system
  1. 我国现行结婚登记制存在弊端。

    The current marriage registration system of our country has some disadvantages .

  2. 论我国实行对外贸易登记制的必要性

    On Necessity of Registration System of Foreign Trade in China

  3. 在他们为这项新研究收集的两组病人记录中,大约每20个人中就有一个人目前有养狗的记录。2001年瑞典强制实行养狗登记制,研究人员通过这一方法来确定样本中养狗的人。

    Across the two groups of patient records they gathered for this new study , roughly one in twenty people had current records of dog ownership - as Sweden instated mandatory for identifying the dog owners in their sample .

  4. 随着我国加入WTO,外贸审批制向登记制的逐步过渡,中小外贸企业面临大型外贸企业、外资企业与众多即将进入外贸领域的企业的竞争,面临着十分严峻的挑战。

    Following China 's entry into WTO , small and middle-sized foreign trade company face the challenge of big-sized foreign trade company , Joint venture company and many enterprises which now are allowed to enter into foreign trade field .

  5. 不动产权利登记制是一种高效用、高成本的制度供应,效用包括直接效用和间接效用,成本也包括直接成本和间接成本。

    Title registration system is a system with high effect and high cost .

  6. 成本负担与中国权利登记制的建构

    Cost Burden Analysis and Its Implication for Title Registration System Establishment in China

  7. 不动产权利登记制的经济分析及应用

    Economical Analysis and Application of Title Registration System

  8. 她还警告到,这种‘人间蒸发’的老年人现象只不过是反应户口登记制问题的冰山一角而已。

    She warns that the missing-seniors revelations are just the tip of the iceberg .

  9. 设立程序上,兼采登记制与备案制。

    The set up procedures should adopt both the registration system and record-keeping system .

  10. 孝子女士说,现在也该是废除户口登记制而采用个人身份登记制的时候了。

    Sodei says it 's high time to dump household registers and adopt an individual ID system .

  11. 实施备案登记制与分类管理模式可有效的解决现存的问题。

    Implement the " record registration and classification management " mode can effectively solve the existing problems .

  12. 中国代表强调,登记制的目的仅为收集统计信息。

    The representative of China emphasized that the purpose of the registration system was only to gather statistical information .

  13. 然而,实名登记制还将限制人们在网上举报官员腐败和滥用职权,这些举报通常是匿名进行的。

    However real-name registration will also curtail people 's ability to report , often anonymously , corruption and official abuses .

  14. 中国现行的外贸代理制形式是以外贸经营权的备案登记制为基础建立的。

    The China 's present form of Foreign Trade Agency System is established according to Registration system of foreign trade rights .

  15. 二要建立健全相关的法律、法规,加强管理,逐步由审批制向登记制过渡,走会展产业化之路;

    We should establish and improve related laws and regulations , strengthen the management , and develop the industry on the road to industrialization .

  16. 此外,外汇局对境内机构境外投资资金汇出的管理由以往的核准制调整为登记制。

    In addition , SAFE will replace its approval system for the outward remittance of capital by domestic institutions for offshore investment with a registration system .

  17. 同时,建立预先登记制和整体信用登记制,规范登记内容,充分发挥应收账款质押登记的公示公信力,确保应收账款质押关系人利益。

    At the same time , establish advance and overall registration system to standard the content of registration . Ensure interests of relations about the pledge of accounts receivable .

  18. 研究目的:通过对权利登记制成本负担及其影响因素的分析,为中国的登记立法提供建议。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze title registration cost and its influential factors , and contribute to legislation proposals for establishing title registration system in China .

  19. 但在当今人口流动性很大的单户住户的社会下,对长者尽孝道不过是旧时代的残留物罢了。因而以前那种户口登记制似乎已经开始分崩瓦解了。

    But in a highly mobile society of single householders , where filial piety is a relic of the past , the koseki registry system seems to have broken down .

  20. 不可否认,立案登记制有利于保护当事人的诉权,但若付诸实践,又可能会给现有的民事诉讼造成冲击,甚至引发恶诉、滥诉情况的产生。

    However , if the litigation registration system is put into practice , it may impact the present civil lawsuit system greatly and even cause the malicious lawsuits and excessive lawsuits .

  21. 立案登记制要求法院接受符合法定条件的起诉,如果驳回起诉,须明确陈述理由。公民有权对判决提起上诉。

    The registration system requires courts to accept legitimate lawsuits when they are filed or clearly state the reasons for rejecting them , and citizens have the right to appeal the decisions .

  22. 最后建议我国应当采取登记制与仪式制并采的方式,尊重当事人的选择,以解决现有的矛盾。

    Finally the proposed registration system should be taken to our country with a ceremony and take the way the system and respect the choice of the parties to resolve the existing contradictions .

  23. 更为重要的是外贸配套制度要跟上,与登记制同步,这才是外贸代理制推广和发展的出路。

    Furthermore , it is more important to pay more attention to the matching system of foreign trade agency , for it is the key to promote the development of foreign trade agency .

  24. 在立法模式方面,笔者主张以区别于婚姻的不登记制为主,承认同居合同的效力,并兼采区别于婚姻的登记制。

    As to the legislation model , the author maintains to adopt unregistered model unequal to marriage in principal , recognize cohabitation agreement , and to adopt registered model unequal to marriage in addition .

  25. 在各国立法例中,重点介绍了以德国法为代表的权利登记制、以法国法为代表的契据登记制、以澳大利亚为代表的托伦斯登记制,并对三者进行了分析比较。

    In legislative examples of various countries , it introduces the right registration system represented by Germany law , the contract registration system represented by France law and Torrence registration system represented by Australia law .

  26. 文章共分五章,第一章提出我国权利登记制存在的制度逾界问题;第二、三、四章分别从原理、实证、解释三个层面对登记限度问题进行了分析;

    The article can be divided into five parts : one for problem , from second to fourth , it analyses problems from theory , norms and explanation respectively , fifth for solution of problem .

  27. 基于对上述四个关系的分析,笔者提出在我国实行立案登记制改革方案是可行的,但成功与否的关键在于配套制度的改革。

    Based on the above analysis , this paper draws a conclusion that it is feasible to carry out the case-filing register project in China , whether it will be successful chiefly depends on the coordination of supporting systems .

  28. 2002年元旦实施的《中华人民共和国技术进出口管理条例》确立了技术出口中审批制和登记制这种宽严结合的管理模式,这表明科学规范的管理体制建立起来了。

    The Regulations on Technical Importation and Exportation enforced in the early of 2002 has established novel regulation pattern combining with examination system and registration system , which reflects that the standard and scientific regulation system has been built up .

  29. 加入WTO后实行的进出口经营权登记备案制使出口退税监管难度进一步加大。

    The registration system of import and export rights has further increased the difficulty of monitoring of the export drawback system after WTO accession .

  30. 该制度规定房屋租赁实行登记备案制,房屋主管部门颁发的房屋租赁证是租赁行为合法有效的凭证。

    The system goes house tenancy register records and House Tenancy Certificate are legal and valid for tenants ' renting .