
cuó chuāng
  • acne
痤疮 [cuó chuāng]
  • [acne] 皮肤病,多见于青年人的面部及胸、背、肩等部位。通常是圆锥形的小红疙瘩,有的有黑头。多由皮脂腺分泌过多、消化不良、便秘等引起。俗称粉刺

痤疮[cuó chuāng]
  1. 严重的惊吓会造成痤疮突发。

    Severe shock can bring on an attack of acne

  2. CO2激光及冷冻治疗囊肿性痤疮121例疗效观察

    121 cases of cystic acne treated with CO_2 laser and cryotherapy

  3. 对于红斑痤疮患者来说,可能是因为缺乏B族维生素。

    With rosacea , a lack of B vitamins may play a role .

  4. 痤疮丙酸杆菌激活的toll样受体

    Induction of toll - like receptors by Propionibacterium acnes

  5. 目的:了解维生素E,C,B组合物面膜治疗寻常痤疮的疗效及安全性。

    AIM : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of multiple vitamin E , C , B facial mask for the patients with acne vulgaris .

  6. 蛇毒NGF与胶原蛋白联合治疗急性感染控制后痤疮

    Clinical effects of NGF of snake venom and collagen on acne vulgaris

  7. 30例患者治疗后痤疮症状人数明显减少(P0.05)。

    There is a marked decline in the number in 30 patients acne symptoms through the treatment ( P0.05 ) .

  8. 方法:对20例高雄激素血症患者,进行3个月的去氧孕烯治疗,观察治疗前后LH、LH/FSH和睾丸酮的变化及多毛和痤疮的变化。

    Methods : 20 cases of hyperandrogenism were treated with Marvelon for 3 months .

  9. 比如,《红斑痤疮患者官方资料》(TheOfficialPatient’sSourcebookonAcneRosacea)。

    Et voil à , " The Official Patient 's Sourcebook on Acne Rosacea . "

  10. A组中中度痤疮患者的效果优于B组和C组(P<0.05),但对轻度痤疮3组差异无显著性。

    The clinical effect of Group A was higher than other groups in moderate acne ( P < 0.05 ), while the effect of 3 groups was not significantly different in mild acne .

  11. 在痤疮症状方面,治疗组治疗前后痤疮积分有显著性差异(P<0.01),且治疗后积分与对照组相比有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    About the symptoms of acne , there was significant difference in the acne points before and after the treatment ( P0.01 ), and there was significant difference ( P0.01 ) after treatment compared with the control group .

  12. 以红霉素为对照,观察芒果甙对痤疮丙酸杆菌及金黄色葡萄球菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)。

    The erythromycin was used as control , the minimal inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) of Mangiferin on Propionibacterium Acnes and Staphylocous aureus were observed .

  13. 目的探讨雄激素受体基因CAG多态性与痤疮中医分型的相关性。

    Objective To study the relativity of the CAG polymorphisms of androgen receptor gene of the patients with acne and syndrome differentiation and typing of TCM .

  14. 结论:IPL对雀斑、痤疮后色素沉着斑、老年斑有良好的疗效。

    Conclusion Intense pulsed light technology can be effective for the treatment of freckles , pigment after acne and senile lentigo .

  15. 目的分别评价痤疮综合分级系统(GAGS)在同一评价者间和不同评价者间的一致性,同时观察皮损计数法的一致性。

    Objective To evaluate the consistency of global acne grading system ( GAGS ) and acne lesion counting .

  16. 采用痤疮综合分级系统(GAGS)评价治疗前、后疗效。

    The therapeutic effect was evaluated by global acne grading system ( GAGS ) before and after treatment .

  17. 去年联邦贸易委员会(FTC)对两个声称他们可以治疗痤疮的移动应用程序制造商进行了罚款。

    Last year the Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ) fined the manufacturers of two mobile applications for claiming they could cure acne .

  18. 结果:经过不同时间的治疗,痤疮消失、皮脂溢消失,BMI治疗前为(25.7±5.8),治疗后为(21.2±3.4),差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    Results : After a different treatment period , patients ' acne and sebum overflow disappeared , BMI were 21.2 ± 3.4 after treatment versus 25.7 ± 5.8 before treatment ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 结果女性青春期后痤疮患者生活事件发生率高于正常女性(P<0.001),而EPQ结果中的N分均数也高于正常女性(P<0.001)。

    Result The rate of life events of women with post-adolescent acne is higher than that of normal women ( P < 0.001 ), and N scores of female Post-adolescent acne are higher in EPQ ( P < 0.001 ) .

  20. 方法:对976例痤疮病人应用甲硝唑0.4g+氯霉素1.5g联合局部外用治疗,观察皮疹和自觉症状的消退情况以及其毒副作用。

    Methods : 976 patients were treated with metronidazole and chloromycetin , adverse reactions and alleviation of symptom were monitored .

  21. 结果女性肝郁气滞型痤疮患者血清性激素水平与女性湿热内蕴型痤疮患者血清性激素水平比较,LH差异无显著性(P>0.05);

    Results Comparison between the level of the serum sex hormones of the female patients with Liver-qi Depression and patients with retention of damp-heat in the interior , no obvious difference in LH ( P > 0.05 );

  22. SCL-90各因子分值比较显示,重度痤疮组在强迫、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖等方面均高于对照组(P<005),差异有显著性。

    The analysis of SCL-90 showed that the patients with severe acne had significantly higher scores in such aspects as compelling , interpersonal relationship , depression , anxiety , hostility , phobia and lunacy than the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. 结论:采用波长为407~420nm的蓝光照射治疗痤疮安全、有效,可以改善皮肤性质,减少痤疮的复发。

    Conclusion The treatment of acne with 407 ~ 420nm length blue light was safe and effective . It could also improve the skin property , and decrease the relapse of acne .

  24. 建立兔耳痤疮动物模型:于每只家兔左右耳内侧耳管开口处2cm×2cm范围,每日涂煤焦油1次,每次0.5mL,连续2周。

    Establishment of animal acne model of rabbit 's ears : Pix carbonis was smeared at 2 cm × 2 cm opening site inside left and right ear of rabbit with 0.5 mL once per day for 2 successive weeks .

  25. SAHA综合征组与寻常女性痤疮组患者血清检查结果的总体分布无差异,SHBG均为正常范围内偏低,DHEAs均为正常范围内偏高。

    SAHA syndrome group and normal female acne patients of T , E2 , SHBG , DHEAs in serum examination results for the overall distribution differences , SHBG are within the normal range on the low side , DHEAs were within normal limits for high .

  26. 痤疮洗剂中盐酸小檗碱有效成份检测方法研究

    The detection of active component of Berberine hydrochloride in Acne Lotion

  27. 复方克林霉素霜治疗痤疮的临床疗效观察

    Clinical Efficacy of Compound Clindamycin Ointment in the Treatment of Acne

  28. 中药痤疮霜治疗寻常型痤疮的疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of " Ache Powder " in Treating Acne Vulgaris

  29. 大黄合剂治疗寻常性痤疮100例

    Rhubarb mixture used in treatment of 100 cases of acne vulgavis

  30. 结论:克林霉素磷酸酯凝胶治疗痤疮疗效佳。

    CONCLUSION : CPG is an effective drug in treating acne .