
tòng chù
  • sore spot;tender spot;sore;sore (tender) spot
痛处 [tòng chù]
  • [sore (tender) spot] 感到痛苦或疼痛的地方

  • 触及痛处

痛处[tòng chù]
  1. 这话触及(到)了他的痛处。

    This remark touched a sore spot with him .

  2. 显然,我们戳到了他的某些痛处。这个发言击中了他的痛处。

    We had evidently touched some sore spot . This speech touched him on his most sensitive spot .

  3. 你谈起他的第一个妻子,这就触到了他的痛处。

    You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife .

  4. 阿利斯泰尔看到亨利向后缩了一下,好像那些话触到了他的痛处。

    Alistair saw Henry shrink , as if the words had touched a nerve

  5. 仔细检查痛处,找出最痛的地方来。

    Examine the painful area carefully in an effort to localize the most tender point .

  6. 我十分清楚这样说会戳到一些人的痛处。

    I am well aware that in saying this I shall outrage a few susceptibilities .

  7. 她帮他在痛处搽了一些碘酒。

    She helped him to put some iodine on that sore .

  8. 这个发言击中了他的痛处。

    This speech touched him on his most sensitive spot .

  9. 你以后说话必须注意点,你提到他第一个妻子,这确实触到了他的痛处。

    You 'll have to be more careful about what you say ; you really caught him on the raw when you mentioned his first wife .

  10. 听到我的问题,她似乎有些被戳到痛处,但她还是宽容的答道,

    Perhaps , this question hurt her a little but boldly she answered ,

  11. 我觉得你只是在评论她的厨艺时戳到了她的痛处而已。

    I think you just touched a nerve when you commented on her cooking .

  12. 我写的那篇有关锻炼的文章似乎触到了读者们的痛处。

    The article I wrote on exercising seems to have touched a nerve with the readers .

  13. 例句当我问及小陈她妈妈的时候,看得出来我触及到了她的痛处。

    I could tell I 'd touched a nerve when I asked Chen about her mother .

  14. 此外,让我们将重点还放在Web服务技术原先就瞄准的“痛处”上:集成和互操作性。

    Furthermore , let 's focus on the pain-points at which Web service technologies were originally targeted : integration and interoperability .

  15. 2.Hitsb.whereithurts:击中某人痛处,击中要害那句话刺伤了我。

    e.g. : That hits me where it hurts .

  16. XNA是在VB开发人员当中的下一个痛处。

    XNA is the next sore point amongst VB developers .

  17. 为了避免可能的痛处和错误,务必在Project层运行ClearCase操作SearchforalltheCheckedoutelements。

    In order to avoid potential pain and mistakes , be sure to run the ClearCase operation Search for all the Checked out elements at the Project level .

  18. InteropForms的第一个版本给用户带来的痛处是无法创建MDI子窗体。

    One sore point for users of the first Interop Forms was the inability to create MDI child forms .

  19. 在全世界的IT环境中,Agile(敏捷)运动正在获得越来越多的关注,引介另一种形式的思想有可能刺到某些从业者的痛处。

    In the global IT environment , where the Agile movement is gaining increasing attention , the thought of introducing another formality may send shivers down the spines of some practitioners .

  20. 为确定你的Spring框架应用的痛处所在,可以考虑使用JamonPerformanceMonitorInterceptor。

    To help determine where your pain points are in your Spring Framework application , consider using the JamonPerformanceMonitorInterceptor .

  21. 在这个过程里,他们识别出一系列作为RoR初级开发人员所能触及的痛处。

    During this process they identified a number of pain points for the beginning RoR developer .

  22. 在将Spaz与其他Twitter客户端相比较的时候,他指出了AIR的一个痛处,就是不能原生地与操作系统交互。

    In comparing Spaz to other Twitter clients , he touches on the common AIR pain point of not being able to natively interact with the OS .

  23. 全面实施ITIL或COBIT模式对于任何IT厂商都至关重要,而且要以最痛处入手。

    Implementing the entire ITIL or COBIT model would be overwhelming for any IT shop . Instead , start with the biggest pain point .

  24. 这句话现在又刺到英国的痛处。

    This sentence now thorn to the UK where it hurts .

  25. 对于斯皮策而言,这些指控击中了他的痛处。

    For Mr Spitzer , these allegations cut to the quick .

  26. 他用无情的话刺到我的痛处。

    He cut me to the quick with his unkind remark .

  27. 我关于离婚的言论无意间触到了别人的痛处。

    My remarks about divorce had unwittingly touched a raw nerve .

  28. 你曾提到他的前妻刺到了他的痛处

    You hit a raw nerve when you mention his first wife

  29. 别触我的痛处,不要再谈论没通过考试的人!

    Spare my feelings and stop talking about people failing exams !

  30. 整个团队开会并讨论每一个痛处或成功点。

    The overall team met and discussed each pain or success point .