
zhènɡ zhuànɡ xué
  • symptomatology;semeiology
  1. 胆病症状学聚类研究

    The Study of Hierarchical Clustering about Semeiology of Gallbladder Diseases

  2. 胆病证型及症状学研究

    Study on Syndromes and Semeiology about Gallbladder Diseases

  3. 癫痫的症状学特点及其与EEG、MRI和SPECT的相关性

    A Study of Clinical Semiology in Epilepsy and Its Correlation with EEG , MRI and SPECT

  4. 关于Pusher现象的症状学研究

    A study on symptom of Pusher phenomenon

  5. 方法应用Meta分析对国内符合标准的9项研究进行分析,比较双相与单相抑郁患者的症状学差别以及差异的效应。

    Methods The symptomatical difference and its effect were analyzed by using Meta-analysis in 9 studies consistent with the standard published in domestic journals .

  6. 方法:对19例RamsayHunt综合征分别进行临床症状学、家系、电生理、影像及病理研究。

    METHODS : Totally 19 patients with Ramsay Hunt were investigated in clinical semiology , ancestry , electrophysiology , screenage and pathology .

  7. 目的:主要讨论围绝经期综合征(PPS)中医症状学量表的测量误差大小。

    Objective : This paper mainly discussed what the value of measurement error of the TCM symptom scale of perimenopausal period syndrome ( PPS ) was .

  8. 目的应用心率变异性(HRV)探讨自主神经功能与急性高原反应(AMS)症状学评分的相关性。

    Objective To explore the correlation between the autonomic nerve function and the symptomatic scores of acute mountain sickness ( AMS ) by using heart rate variability ( HRV ) .

  9. 心力衰竭(heartfailure,HF)是症状学病名,是各种心脏疾病终末期的临床表现,为临床常见病及多发病。

    Heart failure ( heartfailure , HF ) is a disease name in symptomatology , which is the clinical manifestations of end-stage of various heart diseases . It is a kind of clinical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease .

  10. 结论Jeavons综合征由于复杂的症状学和抗癫痫药物的影响所致的脑电图变化的遮蔽,常导致漏诊,Video-EEG对明确诊断有重要价值。

    Conclusion Jeavons syndrome is liable to underdiagnosis due to the subtle clinical semiology and the masking of EEG changes by antiepileptic drugs . Video-EEG analysis is often needed for confirmative diagnosis of jeavons syndrome .

  11. 强迫症症状学的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the symptomatology of obsessive & compulsive disorder

  12. 精神分裂症与抑郁症症状学及神经递质的比较研究

    Relationship between Negative Schizophrenia and Depression on Clinic Symptoms and Neurotransmitters

  13. 围绝经期综合征中医症状学量表信度评价

    Reliability Evaluation of the TCM Symptom Scale of Perimenopausal Period Syndrome

  14. 亚健康人群症状学特征的临床流行病学调查

    Research on the Symptomatic Characters of the Sub-healthy People Based on DME

  15. 左基底节区损伤为主脑卒中患者10例失语症状学研究

    Characteristic of Aphasia after Left Basal Ganglia Injured : 10 Cases Report

  16. 4仅仅满足于症状学的诊断,未能深入探索病因学诊断。

    Being content with symptom diagnosis and unable to explore the etiology .

  17. 肺功能与急性高原反应症状学评分之间的相关分析

    Correlation Between Pulmonary Function and the Symptomatic Scores of Acute Mountain Sickness

  18. 慢性鼻-鼻窦炎患者症状学特点及内镜鼻窦手术后主要症状的转归

    Symptomatic characteristics of chronic rhinosinusitis patients and symptom-specific outcomes after endoscopic sinus surgery

  19. 毒损脑络学说的症状学研究思路探讨

    Research thinking of symptomatology in theory of damage of brain collateral by toxin

  20. 目的考察亚健康人群不同亚型的症状学特征。

    Objective To observe the characteristics of different subtype symptoms in subhealthy people group .

  21. 番茄斑萎病毒在烟草植株上症状学特征

    Symptomology of Tomato spotted wilt virus on Tobacco

  22. 三组大鼠的症状学分析模型组评分高于对照组和干预组。

    By symptomatology of rats the model group score higher than the control and intervention group .

  23. 比较不同季节、手术前后症状学频次差异。

    The frequencies of the symptoms before and after the operation in different seasons were compared .

  24. 231例不同季节开颅患者围手术期中医症状学调查

    A TCM Symptomatic Survey of 231 Cases of Craniotomy in the Peri-Operative Period in Different Seasons

  25. 躯体不适感在精神心理疾病症状学中的诊断意义

    Diagnostic significance of " unwell sense of body " in the semiology of psychical and psychological disease

  26. 雅斯贝尔斯的精神病理学标志着精神病学理论从克雷佩林的疾病分类学概念进入到描述性症状学概念。

    Jaspers'psychopathology is a symbol of the transition of psychiatric theory from Kraepelins'nosological conception to descriptive-symptomatological conception .

  27. 目的探讨急性脑梗死症状学、影像学及病因学分类之间的关系。

    Objective To study the correlation between symptomatic , radiological and etiological classification in acute ischemic stroke .

  28. 它是现存最早的病因及症状学著作。

    The book gave an extensive and minute description of the etiology and symptoms of various diseases .

  29. 中风病高危因素及相关症状学研究&中风病与高血压因机证治的关系

    The Study on Risk Factors and Related Symptoms of Apoplexy & The Relationship Between Apoplexy and Hypertension

  30. 平原水负荷后的排尿量与急性高原反应症状学评分之间的相关分析

    Correlation between amount of urine excreted after water load at sea level and the symptomatic scores of AMS