
huà jìng
  • picturesque scene
画境 [huà jìng]
  • [picturesque scene] 画面或绘画中的意境

  • 画境如诗

画境[huà jìng]
  1. 建筑语言是由描绘空间实体的形态语言系统和描绘环境景物的画境语言系统整合而成的,而这两大复合系统则又包容了各自特有的分支语言系统。

    S Architectural language integrates two language system , one is form language system which describes space and entity , the other is picturesque scene language system which describes environmental scenery .

  2. 诗境与画境相结合,是我国古代山水诗的共同特征,而作为王维山水诗的考语和定评的“诗中有画”有着特定的含义。

    Combination of poetic atmosphere and picturesque scene is the common feature of Chinese ancient landscape poems , but the comment of " picture in poems " for Wang Wei 's landscape poems has its special meanings .

  3. 中国现代画境小说探索

    An Exploration of the Modern Chinese Novels of Picturesque Atmosphere

  4. 《戴珍珠耳环的少女》美如画境

    Girl With A Pearl Earring

  5. 诗人们以饱含诗意的眼光欣赏绘画,又用优美的语言文字再现画境。

    Poets appreciated paintings in a poetic approach and then represented the picturesque scenes through beautiful lines .

  6. 当你把自己放入画境中,不管是哪个位置,它都会变得活起来,而且功能周全。

    Once you place yourself in the picture , no matter where you are , it all comes alive and becomes fully functional .

  7. 融于山水画境悠生&记莆田国际油画艺术产业园区规划

    Melt to swing a life in landscape painting boundary & Recording plan of the art industry garden of international oil painting in Putian

  8. 现代漆画之美,美在画境与材质的相得益彰,在艺术从林中突显它的美学价值!

    The beauty of modern painting depends on the environment and the painting materials complement each other . To highlight its aesthetic value the art jungle !

  9. 文人画在意境的营造上,突出地表现为诗境和画境的融合。

    The literary painting , in creating the mood of a work of art , prominently shows the integrity of the poetic mood and painting mood .

  10. 第二部分对倪瓒山水画风格特征进行研究,对其笔墨、章法及画境进行分析。

    The second part of the style characteristics of Ni Zan to study landscape painting , its ink , the rules and paintings throughout the analysis .

  11. 追求画境不仅是中国传统园林的魅力所在,同时也是现代园林设计所必须继承的精华所在。

    It points out that the pursuit of Artistic Flavor is not only the most attractive charm of Ancient Chinese gardens , but also the quintessence which modern gardens must inherit .

  12. 惨淡经营的布局就是画家们的苦心筑造,为身体和精神在自然山水中建造一个安适的居所,而不同的画境即是人在不同精神境界中与自然交流而融会同一的地方。

    The elaboration of the composition by artists is the hard work of construction an ideal world for the physical body and spirit , and different artistic impressions in spirit and version of the landscape painting is the different conditions of human minds meeting the natural world .