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  1. 她用铅笔在餐巾纸上画图表。

    She pencilled a diagram on the napkin .

  2. 杰克.斯派洛:那只会让你成为一个画图表的人。

    Jack Sparrow : That makes you Chart-man !

  3. 前面用少于五分钟的时间,列出问题大纲,把脑海中想到的所有方法变成文字;也可以画图表或者图片来帮助理清思路。

    In the first five minutes or less , outline the problem and as many solutions that come to mind in words . Drawing diagrams or pictures may help , too .

  4. 虽然了解如何衡量、阅读刻度单位、进行运算及画图表很重要,雇主还会希望你能解释表格、图表中的含义。

    While it is important that you know how to measure and read scales , carry out calculations or draw a diagram , employers will also want you to interpret information from tables , graphs or charts .

  5. 我还利用计算机在画XRD图表和进行数据分析方面取得了可喜的进展。

    I have also made progress in drawing XRD graph and doing data analysis by means of the computer .

  6. 通过计算各种情况下BIP-N的差错块检出概率并画出图表,得到BIP-N误码检测的一般规律。

    By calculating the checking probability of BIP-N error block and drawing its chart , the general pattern can be obtained .

  7. 我正在用系谱附上一个我的饲养计画的图表。

    I am attaching a diagram of my breeding program with pedigree .

  8. 我们把那种生活画成图表。

    Let 's draw the graph of that life .

  9. 另一个方法是把故事画在图表上并简单地标明它们之间的相互关系。

    Another approach is to place stories on the graph above to simply mark where they sit relative to each other .

  10. 这些数字画成图表之后长这样:有了这些比值,我们就能把晶体管总数折算成总计算能力。

    It looks something like this : Using our ratio , we can convert the number of transistors to a total amount of computing power .

  11. 记录了三种常见的开式齿轮的齿形进行磨粒磨损对比实验的数据,将这些数据画成图表,并对这些数据和图表进行分析。

    The data of the comparative test of three profile wearing capacity in the presence of an abrasive is recorded , and expressed by figures and tables which are analyzed .

  12. 大部分XP开发人员对UML很熟悉,并且随时地在记事板上画一些UML图表以便能够想出更好的设计方案。

    Most XPers are fluent in UML , and periodically draw UML diagrams on marker boards to work out design issues .

  13. 我画了张图表看最新就寝规划图

    I made a diagram , see ? New sleeping arrangements .

  14. 如果我能画出张图表的话,我总会干得好得多。

    I always get on far better if I can draw a diagram .