
  • 网络Resistance ratio;RRR
  1. DB型硅碳棒的冷端部和发热部的电阻比已经发生了巨大的改进。

    Improvements in the cold-end-to-hot-zone resistance ratio between the original DB and new DB has been dramatic .

  2. 用V/F变换器作A/D转换器的便携式电阻比电桥

    The portable resistance ratio bridge using v / f inverter as a / d converter

  3. 掺入11%的Gd后,可以使磁电阻比提高一个数量级。

    The substitution of 0 11 % Gd for La improved the magnetoresistance ratio by an order of magnitude .

  4. 使用低温泵真空系统的平面磁控溅射设备,通过严格控制溅射条件和溅射过程,成功地淀积了室温&液氮电阻比β优于2.2的超导Nb膜。

    Superconducting Nb Films with β > 2.2 have been successfully deposited with planar magnetron sputtering technique using cryo-pump vaccum system by strictly controlling the sputtering parameters and procedure .

  5. 掺Dy使材料的相变温度单调下降,峰值电阻率迅速增大,磁电阻比急剧增大。

    When La is substituted by Dy , the transition temperature decreases monotonically , the peak resistivity increases rapidly , while the magnetoresistance ratio ( MR ) increases dramatically .

  6. 该电路输入阻抗大于10MΩ,输出直流信号,最小输入信号的电压电阻比是5mV/Ω。

    The input impedance of the circuit was larger than 10 M Ω . The output was direct signal . The minimal ratio of voltage and impedance was 5 mV / Ω .

  7. 随掺Gd量增加,材料的相变温度逐渐下降,对应的峰值电阻率大幅度增加,居里温度逐渐下降,磁电阻比明显提高。

    With increasing the doping amount of Gd , the transition temperature of the samples decreased monotonically , the corresponding peak resistivity increased dramatically , the Curie temperature decreased monotonically , the magnetoresistance ratio increased significantly .

  8. 400℃10min退火后,比接触电阻比退火前降低了约两个数量级。

    The specific contact resistance is dropped in two orders of magnitude when the contact was annealed at 400 ℃ for 10 min.

  9. 结果表明跨节比电阻比节间的高,通透性低的短的节细胞比柱状节间细胞累积更多的CF。

    The results showed that the specific electrical resistance across the node was higher than that across the internode . Consequently , short nodal cells with lower intercellular permeability retained more CF than that in the cylindrical internodal cells .

  10. 细电线的电阻比粗电线的电阻大。

    Small wires have more resistance than large ones .

  11. 基于温度相关电阻比技术,提出了分段非线性曲率校正电流产生电路。

    A piecewise nonlinear curvature corrected current generator based on temperature related ratio is proposed .

  12. GB/T12968-1991纯金属电阻率与剩余电阻比涡流衰减测量方法

    Eddy current decay method for measurement of resistivity and residual resistance ratio of pure metals

  13. 用单片机控制V/F转换器的便携式电阻比电桥

    Controling portable resistance ratio bridge of V / F converter with single chip micro & computer

  14. (热电阻的)电阻比GB/T10067.4-1988电热设备基本技术条件间接电阻炉

    Resistance ratio ( of resistance thermometer sensor ) Basic specifications for electroheat installations & Indirect resistance furnaces

  15. 运用电位方法测量纯金属铍剩余电阻比,研究了时效处理制度对金属铍的剩余电阻比的影响。

    The effect of aging treatment on residual resistance ration of pure beryllium was studied by the use of electric potential approach .

  16. 由于高温超导薄膜的表面电阻比铜的表面电阻要低上1000倍,因此用这种材料可以研制出性能优异的高温超导滤波器。

    The surface resistance of HTS thin films is very low , so HTS thin films can be made into filters of excellent performance .

  17. 细导线的电阻比粗导线的电阻大,它阻碍电流通过,因此变得很热。

    A thin wire has a higher resistance than a thick one . It tries to stop the flow of current . Then it gets very hot .

  18. 结果表明,随替代量增加,材料的居里温度和相变温度单调下降,磁电阻比急剧增大。

    With increasing substituting amount of Dy , the Curie temperature T_C , the phase transition temperature T_P for the samples decrease monotonically , while the corresponding CMR effect increases dramatically .

  19. 本文研究的是应变计长序列原始资料的误差检识和修正问题,探讨利用数理统计理论进行自动化整理分析的方法及程序。对仪器的实测电阻比,采用回归拟合修正法进行修正;

    This paper first discusses the error-detecting / correcting problems inherent to original data of long sequence measured from a set of strain gauges , and then proposes the method and program for automatic data analysis using mathematical statistics .

  20. 为方便应用,还给出了不同参数范围下的实心与管状圆柱形导线的集肤电阻比和内电感比曲线。

    For the convenience of applications , several sets of curves , for both the skin effect resistance ratio and internal inductance ratio of solid and tubular cylindrical conductors , which cover different ranges of parameters , are presented .

  21. 积分比较式除法器在压敏电阻压比测量中的应用

    Measuring voltage ratio of varistor by integral comparison divider

  22. 磁极线圈直流电阻极差比超标的处理措施

    Handling Measure of Ratio of DC Resistance Difference per Pole in Magnetic Coil Exceeding Standard

  23. 表面电阻和比表面积测试结果表明,二者均随着纳米碳纤维热处理温度的升高而减小。

    At the same time , it was indicated that both of the test results of surface resistance and specific surface area of CNFs increased with the raising of heat treatment temperature .

  24. 本文从总弧电阻、比电阻、极限开断电流、介质恢复强度等方面评述了紊流对气吹断路器开断性能的影响。

    This paper gives a review of the effect of turbulence on the interrupting performance of the gas blast circuit breakers from various aspects , such as total arc resistance , specific arc resistance , interrupting current limit and dielectric strength recovery .

  25. 结果表明,(Sr,Pb)TiO3的居里温度较理论计算值稍有偏移。典型陶瓷样品的电阻升阻比为4.2,V型特性明显。

    Results indicated that Curie temperature of ( Sr , Pb ) TiO 3 deviates slightly from calculated value , and lg (Δ R max / R min ) is 4 2 V type characteristic is remarkable .

  26. 变压器绝缘电阻和吸收比分析

    The Analysis of Insulation Resistance and Absorption Ratio of Transformer

  27. 用于测试变压器绝缘电阻的吸收比试验

    Absorptance Test Used for Measuring Insulation Resistance of Transformer

  28. 相应地,沿易轴方向的电阻率和磁致电阻都要比难轴的小,这毫无疑问地表明了磁性和输运各向异性之间的关系。

    Accordingly , the resistivity and magnetoresistance measured along the easy axes are lower than that along the hard axes . The correlation between the magnetic and transport anisotropy has been undoubtedly demonstrated .

  29. 提出一种输出低于1V的、无电阻高电源抑制比的CMOS带隙基准源(BGR)。

    CMOS bandgap reference ( BGR ) without a resistor , with a high power supply rejection ratio and output below1V is proposed .

  30. V-P-Fe系临界温度电阻的组份比分析

    Analysis of component proportion of critical temperature resistor of V-P-Fe system