
diàn huà yònɡ hù
  • telephone users;telephone subscriber
  1. 基于ASP的电话用户维护管理系统设计

    Designing of the Telephone Subscriber Maintenance and Management System Based on ASP

  2. 电话用户环路延伸器中的回波抵消器

    The Echo Canceller for the Telephone Subscriber Loop Stretcher

  3. 电话用户与Web的桥梁&VoiceXML

    The Bridge Between Telephone User and Web & VoiceXML

  4. 移动电话用户预测中Logistic模型和瑞利分布的综合运用

    The Application of Logistic Model and Rayleigh Distribution in Mobile Users Prediction

  5. 通过IP网络延伸电话用户线

    Extending subscriber line using IP network

  6. 启用GPS的移动电话用户可以使用GPS和GIS软件来定位与之交谈的人,有时甚至可以确定他们自己的位置。

    GPS-enabled mobile-telephone users can use GPS and GIS software to locate the people they are talking to and , sometimes , their own position .

  7. 随着Internet业务、多媒体业务的迅速发展,以及移动电话用户的迅猛增长,人们对高速、高可靠性的无线多媒体通信的需求越来越大。

    Along with the raped development of Internet operation and multimedia operation and the rapid increase of mobile telephone user , people require more and more high speed and high security wireless multimedia communication .

  8. 今天,便携式电话用户约有四亿,与之相对照的是,个人电脑(PCs)的拥有者为三亿。

    Today there are about 400 million cellphone subscribers compared with 300 million owners of Personal Computers ( PCs ) .

  9. 不对称数字用户线(ADSL)是在现有电话用户铜线上以不对称速率传输数据的一种新技术。

    ADSL is a new data transmission technology in asynchronous bit rate over the existing telephone copper lines .

  10. Hilbert空间中Bessel列的算子扰动包含按字母表顺序排列的电话用户及其电话号码的手册。

    Operator perturbations of Bessel sequences in a Hilbert space a directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers and their telephone numbers .

  11. SIP透明地支持名字映像和转向服务,允许实现ISDN和智能网络电话用户服务,如个人移动性。

    SIP transparently supports name mapping and redirection services , allowing the implementation of ISDN and intelligent network telephony subscriber services such as personal mobility .

  12. 交互式语音应答是对电话用户的语音输入或DTMF输入,进行语音响应,实现语音应答和交互;

    IVR mainly uses speech response to customers ' phone calls and DTMF input to realize speech interactive .

  13. 利用SqlServer2000编写了基于ADO技术、C/S模式下的电话用户资源信息库软件,通过以上技术达到了本系统的目标和要求。

    SQL-SERVER 2000 is based on ADO and is used to develop the C / S information base of IP user resource , by which the system can accomplish the need of the user .

  14. 那就学习Android平台编程吧,而且某一天,您将拥有包含几百万名移动电话用户的潜在市场&其中一些人可能需要使用您的程序。

    Learn to program on the Android platform , and you will someday have millions of mobile phone users in your potential market & some of whom may have a need for your program .

  15. 工信部发言人、总工程师张峰表示,去年年底,我国超过58%的移动电话用户为4G用户。

    More than 58 % of China 's mobile phone users were 4G subscribers at the end of 2016 , according to Zhang Feng , spokesperson and chief engineer of MIIT .

  16. 典型的IPPBX还能交换VoIP用户与传统电话用户之间的电话,或者以常规PBX一样的方法交换两个传统电话用户之间的电话。

    The typical IP PBX can also switch calls between a VoIP user and a traditional telephone user , or between two traditional telephone users in the same way that a conventional PBX does .

  17. 系统为电话用户设计了以语音命令方式交互的听觉用户界面(AUI)。

    The system has AUI ( Audio User Interface ) which uses voice command for telephone users .

  18. 对No.7信令方式电话用户部分测试中,发现的几个典型问题进行分析,提请在测试中予以注意。

    The typical problems found in the telephone user part test of the No 7 signalling system , which worth noting in test , are analysed in this paper .

  19. ADSL(不对称数字用户线)技术是在双绞铜线上进行视频通信的新技术,它采用DMT(离散多音调制)编码等传输技术,可为现有的电话用户提供宽带业务。

    ADSL ( Asymnetric Digital Subscriber Line ) is a new technology for video communication over twisted copper pairs . By using DMT line coding , it could provide broad-band services for existing telephone customs .

  20. 对公共信道信令系统中的综合业务数字网用户部分(ISUP)和电话用户部分(TUP)进行了简单的比较。

    The simple comparison is made between Integrated Server Digital Network User Part ( ISUP ) and Telephone User Part ( TUP ) in this paper .

  21. 尽管中国移动拥有中国62%的移动电话用户,但由于该公司的3G网络速度缓慢,其移动数据流量份额相对较小;该公司正寻求通过大举部署4G技术来补救这一问题。

    While China Mobile boasts 62 per cent of all mobile phone customers in China , its share of mobile data traffic is relatively small due to its slow 3G network , which the company is seeking to remedy with a widespread rollout of 4G technology .

  22. 综合复分接设备的七号信令系统单元板,用硬件的手段实现信令数据链路功能,对于信号链路功能以及电话用户部分(TUP)部分,采用软件实现。

    SS7 interface board of the integrated multiplex equipment , achieves signaling data link function by hardware . About signaling link function and telephone user part ( TUP ), adopts software implement .

  23. 基于电话用户交换机的语音识别系统研究

    Study of Speech Recognition System Based on Private Automatic Branch Exchange

  24. 程控交换机七号信令系统电话用户部分的开发研究

    Research and Development of Telephone User Part in No. 7 Signalling System

  25. 下个季度电话用户将面临话费提价的问题。

    Telephone users will be facing higher bills next quarter .

  26. 铜包钢电话用户通信线的研制

    The Development of Copper clad Steel Wire for Telephone users

  27. 到2004年六月份,中国的移动电话用户数以达到3亿户,移动通信已成为最活跃、最令人瞩目的产业之一。

    By Jun 2004 , the mobile phone subscribers have reached 300 million .

  28. 该市有许多私人电话用户。

    There are many private subscribers in the city .

  29. 上个月电话用户数增加了。

    The numBer of phone suBscriBers increased last month .

  30. 我国移动电话用户逾2000万

    Mobile Telephone Users in China exceeded 20 mil