
diàn shì ɡuǎnɡ bō
  • television broadcasting;telecasting;videocast
电视广播 [diàn shì guǎng bō]
  • [television;videocast;telecast] 通过电视进行的广播

  1. 基于FC和SAN技术的大型电视广播平台的构建

    The Setting-up of the Large-scale Television Broadcasting Platform on the Basis of FC and SAN Technology

  2. IPTV业务是基于IP宽带网络的电视广播业务,作为一种新兴的互联网业务,为运营商提供了新的商业价值。

    As a new Internet service , IPTV based on the IP broadband network television broadcasting applications , is providing the brand-new potential value for network-operators .

  3. 这一盛事将向近150个城市同时进行电视广播。

    The event will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities .

  4. 有关选举的电视广播主要播放发言者的特写镜头。

    The election broadcast consisted largely of talking heads .

  5. 我希望从事电视广播事业。

    I 'd like to work in television .

  6. 你知道那个充斥着电视广播的目击证人?

    And you know that eyewitness that 's been clogging up the airwaves ?

  7. 几年前,这家公司将自己在电视广播公司&星空传媒集团中国分公司(StarChina)持有的股份削减到了50%以下。

    A few years ago it cuts its stake in broadcaster Star China to below 50 % .

  8. 视频是在电视广播、Internet以及无线网络中目前最受欢迎的媒体形式。

    Nowadays , video is the most popular media form in airwaves , Internet and wireless network .

  9. 地面数字电视广播传输系统同步算法仿真与FPGA实现

    Simulation and FPGA Implementation of Synchronization in Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting Transmission System

  10. 国家地面数字电视广播USB测试接收机的数据传输与处理

    Data Transmission and Processing of DTTV USB Testing Receiver in China

  11. 业务信息(SI)在数字电视广播中的作用

    Role of SI in DTV Broadcasting

  12. 便利、普遍使用的辐射源信号是FM广播信号和电视广播信号。

    The convenient and common used illuminator is FM signal or television broadcast signal .

  13. 利用PDH/SDH网络传输MPEG-2码流,是数字电视广播的一种解决方案。

    Transportation of MPEG-2 stream over PDH / SDH is a solution for digital video broadcasting .

  14. 基于PC的卫星数字电视广播系统的MPEG-II解码

    PC - based MPEG - II decoder for digital video broadcast - satellite systems

  15. 介绍一种基于FPGA的DVB-T数字电视广播移动接收系统,主要阐述了DVB-T系统中TS码流的组成结构以及对其解复用的原理,提出了基于FPGA的TS码流解复用模块的具体实现方法。

    This paper introduces a DVB-T receiver based on FPGA , shows the construction and the demultiplexer 's design method about TS code flow .

  16. 单频网(SFN)是目前地面数字电视广播系统覆盖最好的方法之一。

    At present , SFN is the best method of DTTB coverage .

  17. 本文以光纤电缆混合网络(HFC)为基础,提出了一种应用于计算机数据传输、有线电视广播及电话通信的综合服务方案。

    In this paper , we propose a HFC based comprehensive servicing solution that is applied in the computer data transmission , wireline television broadcasting and telephone communication .

  18. 除了数字电视广播外,数字广播技术还包括数据广播和交互业务两大方面,其典型应用包括软件下载、宽带Internet服务以及交互电视等。数据广播实际上是广播电视增值业务的基础。

    Besides the digital television broadcast , the digital broadcast technology also includes two big aspects which are the data broadcast and the interactive service , its typical application including software downloading , wide band Internet service as well as interactive television and so on .

  19. 在有关广告业务低迷的担忧正影响西方电视广播公司的市场估值之际,加林确信CME将继续取得增长。

    As fears of an advertising downturn sink western broadcasters ' market valuations , Mr Garin re-mains confident that CME will continue to find growth .

  20. 这样通过宽带IP骨干网络,可以作为数字电视广播除了卫星,地面广播和电缆(CABLE)外又一个有效廉价的节目分发通路,而且对实现IPTV业务提供了一个更为高效的途径。

    Through the broad-band IP backbone networks , we can achieve an efficient distributor way of digital televisions broadcasting service other than satellite , cable and terrestrial broadcasting , which is more convenient to deploy IPTV service .

  21. 数字电视广播是AVS的一个重要的应用,随着我国将在2015年停止模拟信号电视广播,数字电视解码芯片必然具有相当广阔的市场前景。

    Digital television is one of the most important applications . As China will stop analog television in 2015 , digital television has a broad market prospects .

  22. 说明了IPTV业务的演化,指出IPTV业务正在经历一个从转播电视广播到VoD点播再向网络新媒体演化的过程。

    This article firstly explains the evolution of IPTV services and introduces that IPTV services are developing form TV broadcast to VoD and then evolving into a new network media .

  23. 由于卫星数字电视广播(DVB-S)系统接收数据量大,对实时性稳定性要求高,利用PC机实现DVB-S系统中mPEG-II全软件解码是一个挑战性的课题。

    The digital video broadcast-satellite ( DVB-S ) system is a new methodology for MPE G-II decoding .

  24. 介绍了数字电视广播条件接收系统的基本原理,以及机卡分离技术在DVB机顶盒中的应用。

    This paper introduces the basic theory of DVB conditional access system and how does the technology of the separation between host and card application in DVB set-top-box .

  25. 介绍由电视广播网、互联网和电话网连接起来的IPTV系统,叙述IPTV的系统结构和相关的技术要求。

    This paper introduces the IPTV system that be linked by TV broadcasting network , internet , telephone network , describes the IPTV system construction and the relevant request of technology .

  26. 丽音(NICAM)双伴音/立体声电视广播技术

    Techniques in TV Broadcasting with NICAM Dual / Stereo Sound

  27. 在holeinthewall节目视频成为youtube上的大热门后,英国popidol节目的制作者fremantle购买了该节目模式的版权,并卖给16个国家的电视广播公司。

    After clips of hole in the wall became viral hits on youtube , Fremantle , the UK-based creator of pop idol , bought the rights to the format and sold them to broadcasters in 16 countries .

  28. 介绍了数字多媒体电视广播协议(DMB-T)中的信号帧结构,该结构引入PN码帧头用于时域同步。

    The paper presents the frame structure defined in the Terrestrial Digital Multimedia / TV Broadcasting system , which adopts PN codes as frame-preambles to achieve system synchronization in time domain .

  29. 为了提高移动信道下正交频分复用(OFDM)接收机的性能,提出了一种适用于地面数字电视广播标准(DVB-T)的信道估计均衡算法。

    To improve the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) receivers in the mobile channel , an algorithm for channel estimation and equalization suitable for digital video broadcast-terrestrial ( DVB-T ) was proposed .

  30. 委员会认为如此可释放多达120MHz的电视广播频段。

    The FCC thinks this could release up to 120MHz of TV broadcast spectrum .