
  • 网络hardware;Computer Hardware;CPU;DIY
  1. 他的专业是电脑硬件。

    His major is the hardware of a computer .

  2. 芯片设计者们用流水线技术向电脑硬件传递指令或低水平的命令。

    Chip designers pipeline the instructions , or low-level commands to the hardware .

  3. 这有助于避免电脑硬件可能引起的问题。很多硬件制造商已经开发了Win10系统的驱动器。

    This will help you avoid stability issues that could arise due to your computer 's hardware.Many hardware manufacturers already have Windows 10 drivers available now .

  4. 与此同时,更为广泛的用户成为受益者,我们只需要满足适当的电脑硬件要求,便可以利用浏览器进行GIS信息的浏览、查询、分析操作。

    Meanwhile , more potential user becomes beneficiaries ; we only need to meet appropriate computer hardware requirements by using common browsers to browse , inquiry , information analysis .

  5. 最近,对iPhone个人数据的使用,使苹果又远离提供电脑硬件一步。

    Most recently , that has been the use of personal data on iPhones – a step away from providing computer hardware .

  6. 一旦机器启动,BIOS就有了不同的用途,显示具有针对电脑硬件的标准应用程序编程接口的DOS系统。

    Once the machine has booted , BIOS will have a different use , appears to have a standard for computer hardware application programming interface of the DOS system .

  7. 他们已经在为一家美国公司经销电脑硬件了。

    They 're already distributing computer hardware for an american company .

  8. 而这显然会影响到消费者对于电脑硬件的选择。

    And that affects what PC hardware you should choose .

  9. 电脑硬件常见故障的检测与排除

    Check and Fix of Common Breakdowns in Computer Hardwares

  10. 学校计算机房电脑硬件常见故障分析及处理

    The Analysis and Handles of the Familiar Hardware Malfunctions for School Computer Lab

  11. 在电脑硬件上面安装z/OS有一些明显的物理性限制。

    There are obvious physical limitations to running z / OS on desktop hardware .

  12. 在电脑硬件上,它是接驳扩展印刷线路板的常用方法。

    A most common method of connecting add-on printed circuit boards to computer hardware .

  13. 我的专长是电脑硬件维修。

    My specialty is the computer hardware service .

  14. 电脑硬件的管理:服务器、网络线路、打印设备的维修;

    Manage the computer hardware : server management , network circuitry , printer equipment maintenance .

  15. 具坚实的个人电脑硬件知识。

    Strong knowledge in personal computer hardware .

  16. 如果你的电脑硬件太落后,将可能无法支持网络课程。

    If your computer is too old , it may not work with your online program .

  17. 电脑硬件及软件顾问、各类酒店或会所/乐部设计整套的信息管理系统。

    Design installation of full set computer systems for different types of hotel or leisure recreation establishment .

  18. 听力原文:计算机技术的未来对电脑硬件进步的可确定性的推算正在终结,那么下一步是什么?

    The future of computing The era of predictable improvement in computer hardware is ending . What comes next ?

  19. 电脑硬件是否会有更大的存储量,使我们能处理非常多的资料?

    Will computer hardware include massive amounts of memory that will allow us to file an enormous amount of material ?

  20. 索尼(上海)力争成为娱乐业及电脑硬件行业您所选择的商业合作伙伴。

    Sony DADC China objective is to become the business partner of your choice for the entertainment and hardware industry .

  21. 一家大型电脑硬件零售公司志在竞争压价,把自己定位于市场价格的底部。

    A large computer hardware retailer positioned itself at the bottom end of the market by undercutting all its competitors .

  22. 因电脑硬件问题或客户不愿意修理而无法进行维修则只收取上门费。

    If the maintance cannot be done succesfully due to the problem of hardware , we only charge visiting fee .

  23. 他说实际上美国生产率只是在电脑硬件领域才出现了提高。

    In fact , he says , the only improvement in US productivity has been in the field of computer hardware .

  24. 如此大的数据量对电脑硬件,特别是对个人电脑用户的硬件要求将十分苛刻。

    Such a large amount of data has put forward higher requirements to the computer hardware , especially the personal computer users .

  25. 谢伟琦是新加坡电脑硬件制造商华硕电脑的联合创始人,他并不直接参与福布斯媒体的管理。

    Mr. Hsieh , a co-founder of Asustek Computer , a Singapore-based computer hardware maker , is not as directly involved in Forbes Media .

  26. 这项发明应用最基本的电脑硬件就能完成,能够在1分钟左右扫描完一本200到250的书籍。

    The invention is able to scan a 200 to 250 page book in about 60 seconds using basic computer hardware available off shelf .

  27. 每个加入到英特网的人都在意识上作了个决定来加入其中,当然有个附加条件就是他们得为必需的电脑硬件和软件付费。

    Each person who joined the Internet made a conscious decision to do so , plus they paid for the necessary computer hardware and software .

  28. 文章对计算机实验室常见电脑硬件故障的检测方法和维护技巧,作了较详细的分析。

    This paper gives a more detailed analysis on the checking and measuring methods and maintenance tips of common hardware malfunction of our college computer laboratories .

  29. 安全问题存在于电脑硬件及软件之中,也存在于数据输入、加工、存储、传输、转存等环节上。

    The computer data security exists in software and hardware , exists in the links of data imputing , processing , exporting , conserving , transmission .

  30. 但在实践中其效果的发挥,会受到电脑硬件、学生的学习自觉性等因素的制约。

    But in practice , we find that there are some factors influencing the result , such as the teacher , the computer and the students themselves .