- 网络power system simulation

The technology of power system simulation 、 substation simulation 、 center-control substation simulation 、 Web 、 computer graphics and image 、 communication 、 data-base 、 multimedia three-dimensional cartoon are used in the opening and distributed simulation training system .
Study on Voltage Stability and Power System Simulation
Application of Rational Unified Process in Development of Power System Simulator
Simulation Operation Mode of Power Grid Based on SCADA and WAMS
DTS in simulation and analysis system of South Hebei Power Network
Specially using the AGC strategy provided above , a model of Fujian-East China Grid interconnected system has been set up and used to analyse the effect of control strategy through simulating working conditions .
The host of Guangdong Power System Simulator ( GDPSS ) utilizes Sun Sparc Station ( SS10GX 51 32 P46 ) . It has quick response to various operations . The unified stable / dynamic power system model is adopted .
Built on the basis of theoretical analysis , and based on Matlab / Simulink simulation platform , the simulation model of V / f control and PQ control system of microsources are built . Besides , a simple structure of microgrid simulation model containing two microsources is established .
The architecture of simulation system for South Hebei power network , its integrated data and graphic supporting environment ( IDGSE ) and features of the presented system are described in detail .
Design and Realization of Graphic System of General Power System Simulator
The multi-operation system and multi-model power simulating multimedia training control system
Extension Approach for Load Model in Object-oriented Power System Simulation Software
Simulation Study on Wind Power System Containing Various Wind Turbine Generators
Simulating Support Function and Its Improvement in Power System Simulator
Application of Power System Simulator in Power Network Planning
Research on Fault Calculation Method in Power Simulation System
The practical effects of Northeast China Power System Simulator
The Research on Data Platform of the Power System 's Simulation and Training System
The Research on Aircraft Power Supply Network Simulation
Man-machine interface technology used in the dynamic simulation part of Northeast Power System in China
Compared with other bias settings in two-area interconnected power system model , the simulative results indicate the superiority of the proposed technique .
We have developed in data-flow and simulating engineering field , such as hydroelectricity , turbine , power plant , electric net and some others system .
Power network simulating system can be used in the dispatching training , safe analysis of the power network and the study of the operating mode for power system .
The travelling wave of electromagnetic transient process in high voltage network is attenuated and distorted by the corona . The factor has to be considered in simulative calculation , analysis and protection against over voltage in electrical system .
The paralle computing , based on the network partition , is an effective method to enhance the simulation speed of large-scale power grid . It breaks the bottleneck of difficulty to greatly enhance the simulation speed in traditional algorithm .
This paper Based on the analysis functions of Power grid operators to fill in application operation ticket presents its construction scheme composed of the graphics toolbox , databases , grid wiring diagram , the logic of state rule and the logic of operate rule .
A power system simulator is an important training and researching tool The software structure , simulating support function and the relation between simulating support function and other parts in dispatcher training simulator , are described . The development and improvement of simulating support function are discussed also
Application of UNIX IPC Mechanism in Dispatcher Training Simulator
The simulation system of sub-transmission power network is based on Client / Server mode ; it has implemented real-time communication of data using VisualC + + at the Windows platform .
This simulating system consists of dispatcher training system ( DTS ) and power network off-line simulating system ( POS ) .