
  • 网络Electromagnetic Flowmeter;Electromagnetic flow meter;Magnetic Flowmeters;EMF;LDE
  1. 基于ARM的智能电磁流量计转换器的研制

    An Converter of Intelligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Based on ARM

  2. 基于Intel16位MCU及CPLD的电磁流量计设计

    Design of a General Purpose Intelligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Based on Intel 16-Bit MCU and CPLD

  3. 因而本文在分析国内外电磁流量计发展现状和趋势基础上,采用ARM系列中的新型微处理器来开发了新型的智能电磁流量计的转换器。

    An electromagnetic flowmeter converter based on ARM is presented in this thesis .

  4. 基于Modbus的电磁流量计通讯系统的研究

    Study on the Communication System of Electromagnetic Flowmeter Based on Modbus

  5. 基于RS-485的多电极电磁流量计的远程监控

    RS-485 Based Remote Supervisory of Multiple Electrode Electromagnetic Flowmeter

  6. HART协议在智能电磁流量计中的实现

    Realization of HART protocol in intelligent magnetic flowmeter

  7. 带PROFIBUS-DP接口的智能电磁流量计的开发

    Development of Intelligent Electromagnetic Flow Meter with PROFIBUS-DP Interface

  8. 设计了基于PC总线技术的检定系统,包括:用光电隔离器实现对电磁流量计表头微弱信号的提取;

    So the testing system based on PC-bus technology is designed , which includes the picking up of the fuzzy signals of electromagnetic flowmeter by optical-electric separator ;

  9. 而流体的非满管流动使电磁流量计的仪表系数K成为一个变化值,非满管状态的流量检测需要对流速和液位等多参数进行准确测量。

    The instrument coefficient K varies when EMF is used in partially filled pipe . Multi parameters , such as fluid level and velocity , are needed to measure accurately .

  10. Galileo接收机中窄相关技术的分析与研究窄带滤波微流量电磁流量计的相关技术

    Study on narrow correlator technology based on Galileo receiver Related technologies of narrowband filter low-velocity flow electromagnetic flowmeter

  11. HART通信使智能电磁流量计具备了常规仪表不可实现的功能。

    With HART communication , smart electromagnetic flowmeter is provided with some functions that general instrument can 't implement .

  12. 基于ARM-Linux的嵌入式系统在电磁流量计中的应用研究

    Application and Research of Embedded ARM-Linux System on Electromagnetic Flowmeter

  13. 把作者设计的信号处理方法在电路上得以实现,研制了采用低频正弦波作为励磁方式的基于MSP430单片机的电磁流量计样机;

    The electromagnetic flowmeter prototype , based on MSP430 MCU , was developed and it adopts low-frequency sine waveform exciting mode .

  14. 方法:麻醉犬iv甲基葡萄糖苷100、200mg/kg,用多导生理记录仪和电磁流量计测定心脏血液动力学参数。

    Method : Methyl Polyglycoside ( 100 、 200mg / kg , iv ) was administered to anesthetized dogs and cardiac hemodynamics parameters were measured by using polygraph and electromagnetic flowmeter .

  15. 控制系统一般采用PLC、电磁流量计、核子密度计等仪表和设备,不仅成本高,而且很容易出故障,使用维护量大。

    Control systems generally use PLC , electromagnetic flow meter , nuclear density meter and other instruments and equipment . It is not only costly but also easier to be breakdown , and need frequent maintenance .

  16. 提出了一种基于ARM的电磁流量计转换器的设计方案,详细说明了模拟信号处理放大电路[1]、励磁模块和智能处理单元的设计,采用模块化软件设计方法,实现多种功能。

    A simple and convenient design scheme of electromagnetic flowmeter converter based on ARM was introduced , and the modules include high-impedance analog signal amplifying and processing circuit , ARM microprocessor system , exciting , output , communication and display .

  17. 本实验用麻醉家兔和狗以电磁流量计测定了淫羊藿甙(EI)对脑血流的作用,结果表明,动脉和静脉给予EI均能显著增加脑血流量,降低腑血管阻力。

    Effects of Epimedium Icariine ( EI ) on cerebral blood flow in vivo ( rabbit and dog ) were studied . In anesthetized rabbits and dogs , i.v.

  18. 该方法利用电磁流量计在测量导电性流体方面的优势,弥补了ERT测量连续相参数的不足。

    The advantages of Electromagnetic flow-meter for conducting fluid are used to make up the shortages of ERT in the aspect of continuous phase measurment .

  19. AXF系列电磁流量计在电解铜箔行业典型故障分析与解决

    Analysis on Typical Failures of AXF Series Electromagnetic Flowmeter Used in Copper Foil Industry and their Solutions

  20. 研制了采用低频三值梯形波作为励磁方式的基于MSP430单片机的电磁流量计样机,并可根据试验需要而改变励磁波形、频率及采样方式等;

    The electromagnetic flowmeter prototype of three-value low-frequency trapezoidal waveform exciting mode , based on MSP430 MCU was developed , and the prototype can modify exciting mode , exciting frequency and sample method as required ;

  21. 微流量智能电磁流量计的研究

    A study on the intelligent magnetic flowmeter for very low flowrate

  22. 制造了两台钠用永磁式电磁流量计。

    Two magneto electromagnetic flowmeters for liquid sodium have been developed .

  23. 电磁流量计在注聚剖面测井上的研究与应用

    Research and application of electromagnetic flowmeter on injection profile in logging

  24. 浅谈电磁流量计在录井中的应用

    Talking About The Application Of Electromagnetic Flow Meter In Mud Logging

  25. 大鼠左心室泵功能的电磁流量计测定

    Measurement of left ventricular pump function of rats with electromagnetic flowmetry

  26. 电磁流量计电场动态平衡过程分析

    Analysis on Electrical Homeostasis Process on Electrode Plane of Electromagnetic Flowmeter

  27. 基于故障数据统计的电磁流量计失效模式分析

    Failure Modes Analysis of Electromagnetic Flowmeter Based on Failure Data Statistics

  28. 电磁流量计的理论模型及其在干标定上的应用

    Theoretical Model of Electromagnetic Flowmeters and Its Application to Dry Calibration

  29. 非满管电磁流量计在污水测量中的应用

    The application of the EMF-PF to the measurement of industrial wastewater

  30. 带微机电磁流量计转换器的研究

    Study on the Transmitter of Electromagnetic Flowmeter with a Single-chip Microcomputer