
  • 网络EDM;electron discharge machining;ZNC-BR
  1. 电火花机床伺服性能研究

    Performances of EDM Machine Servo

  2. 本文简要介绍了数控电火花机床的主要功能、加工工艺及应用实例。

    The paper introduces the main functions , machining technology and application examples of NC EDM machines .

  3. 单片机在电火花机床改造中的应用

    Application of A Monolithic Computer in Improvement of Spark Machine Tool

  4. 国产电火花机床混粉加工试验研究

    Research on EDM using powder-mixed dielectric in homemade EDM-tool

  5. 基于有限状态机原理的数控电火花机床工件找正方法

    Aligning Method for Workpiece of CNC EDM Machine Based on Finite State Machine

  6. 微型电火花机床容栅数显器数字显示卧式镗铣床

    Horizontal boring and milling machine with digital readout device

  7. 微细电火花机床实时数字控制系统

    Realtime NC System of Micro - EDM Machine

  8. 电火花机床电液式进给机构电控系统设计

    The design of an electric control system for the electrohydraulic servo mechanism in EDM

  9. 电火花机床计算机数控系统的设计

    Design of computer numerical control system for EDM

  10. 轮胎模电火花机床的数控改造研究

    Research on NC Reconstruction of Tyre-mould EDM

  11. 电火花机床电液压式主轴头伺服控制系统

    The Servo Control System of Hydraulic Main Shaft Head Used for Electric Spark Machine Tools

  12. 适应控制电火花机床

    Adaptive controlled discharge machine

  13. 电火花机床用永磁直线电机的端部效应及其控制的研究

    Research on the End Effect and Control of the PM Linear Motor Used in the Electric Discharge Machining

  14. 对普通轮胎模电火花机床进行数控改造,研究了其硬件电路、软件构成。

    The common tyre - mould EDM is reconstructed by applying NC technology and the hardware circuit and the software structure are researched .

  15. 随着微纳技术的快速发展,微细电火花机床的加工效率和加工质量都受到了严峻的挑战。

    With the rapid development of micro and nano technology , micro-EDM machine is critically required to improve its working efficiency and the quality of products .

  16. 最后,本电源作为横轴微细电火花机床的重要组成部分,通过和机床本体、运动控制、上位机监控部分的联调,实现了稳定的加工。

    In the end , as an important part of horizontal spindle micro-EDM machine tool , after debugging with mechanical structure , movement control and monitor software sections , it works reliably .

  17. 该技术方案以小型电火花机床的主轴头和电源控制柜为基础,重点研究了总体结构、电极与工件之间的三坐标移动、电极精确定位、工作液循环系统等关键技术。

    The key technologies , the whole makeup , the motion between electrode and workpiece at three coordinates , precise orientation of electrode and cycle system of work liquid are emphatically studied .

  18. 工作液槽是电火花机床重要的辅助装置,本文还从机械结构方面设计了一种适合大型龙门结构火花机的工作液槽。

    Working liquid tank is an important auxiliary device of EDM machine tools , from the aspects of mechanical structure this paper also designs a working liquid tank which is suitable for large gantry structure EDM .

  19. 本文通过对电火花机床改造的简明介绍,详细地分析了如何在设备改造中使用微机控制,提高设备的自动化、智能化、自诊断等性能

    Simple introduction is made through reform of spark machine tool in the paper , analyze how to operate a microcomputer control in reform of the equipment , improve automation , intelligence , self-diagnosis features of the equipment

  20. 本文根据电火花机床在电加工过程中电极与工件之间的放电特性,采用单片机实现对传统电火花成型加工过程中放电状态(间隙电压)的控制。

    In this paper , according to the characteristics of electrode spark with workpiece in ESM ( electric spark machine ) processing , singlechip is adopted to control the state of gap voltage in the process of EDM .

  21. 牛头滑枕部件是大型双牛头电火花机床关键承载构件,其结构的静、动态性能是直接影响该机床加工精度的关键因素。

    Ngau-Tau ram component is the key bearing structure of large-size double Ngau-Tau-stype EDM machine , where the static and dynamic performance of the structure is the key factor that directly affects the machining accuracy of the machine .

  22. 本文摒弃常规电火花机床单悬臂牛头横梁结构,创新性的设计龙门横梁结构,保证机床整机结构布局合理,横梁部件结构刚性大幅提高,驱动系统的驱动性能得以改善。

    In this paper , conventional EDM machine single cantilever tauren structure is abandoned , design innovatively gantry beam structure , ensure complete machine layout rational , beam parts structure rigidity sharply higher , improving the driving performance of drive system .

  23. 永磁直线电机的直接驱动方式可赋予电火花机床优良的性能,能实现高速和高加速度加工,解决了长期困扰电火花加工业的深型腔加工难的问题。

    The direct drive mode based on the permanent magnet ( PM ) linear motor can be provided for the best performance of the electric discharge machining . It finishes the high speed and high acceleration cutting , and solves the difficult problem of manufacturing deep slot mould .

  24. 电火花加工机床的开放式CNC系统设计

    Designing of an open CNC system in EDM machine tool

  25. FPGA技术在电火花成型机床控制器中的应用

    Application of FPGA Technique on Electrosparking Machine Controller

  26. 一种基于FPGA技术的电火花成型机床控制器的设计

    Design of Electrosparking Machine Controller Based on FPGA

  27. 基于Lex和Yacc的电火花加工机床数控系统代码解释器开发

    Development of Code Interpreter for EDM CNC System Based on Lex and Yacc

  28. PCL-839卡在电火花数控机床控制系统中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of PCL-839 Card to the Control System of EDM Numerically-controlled Machine

  29. 选择RT-Linux实时平台作为开发环境,首先分析了电火花数控机床硬件构成和加工所需要的功能,并以此为据对数控系统进行了功能划分,构建了数控系统的结构框架。

    RT-Linux was chose as the real-time platform . At first , the paper analyzed the hardware structure of EDM machine and the functions needed , and divided the functions in EDM software system , established the framework of CNC system .

  30. 本文讨论了电火花加工机床数控脉冲电流源中应用的V-MOS功率场效应管的选用、测试方法和组成脉冲电流源电路的框图。

    This report presents the selected use and test methods of V-MOS power field effect transistor for numerical control pulse power supply in the machine tools of electric spark machining . It also presents the block constitution diagram of pulse power supply and circuits .