
  • 网络electrical fault;electric failure
  1. GKD(1A)型内燃机车电气故障分析及应急处理方法

    Electrical Fault Analysis and Emergency Treatment Methods for GKD_ ( 1A ) Diesel Locomotive

  2. 某银行计算机中心电气故障解决案例

    Solution Case for the Electrical Fault in a Bank Computer Center

  3. 根据PC梯形图分析设备电气故障实例

    Analysis of Electric Failure Insurance Based on PC Ladder Diagram

  4. PC在机床电气故障检测及显示中的应用

    Application of PC in Malfunction Detection and Display of Machine Tool 's Electricity

  5. PLC控制网络的远程电气故障诊断

    Remote Fault Diagnosis Research on PLC Controlling Network

  6. ZnO电阻片成型用全自动液压机常见电气故障剖析及对策

    Common Electrical Breakdown of Automatic Hydraulic Press for ZnO Resistor and Its Countermeasure

  7. 火电厂DCS失电故障原因分析及其应对措施因电气故障引起的火警

    Cause analysis of power-lossing faulty occurred in DCS of thermal power plant and countermeasures thereof

  8. 及时处理生产过程中设备的电气故障,确保机床的电气系统和控制系统的正常可靠运作,如CNC系统。

    Make sure electrical system and control system of production machines working in normal operation , such as CNC control system .

  9. 高压直流(HVDC)输电系统故障会使交流系统电气故障特性复杂化。

    The faults of HVDC power transmission system make the electrical characteristics of AC system more complex .

  10. 运用实践证明:LOGO控制简单方便,减小了电气故障率,值得推广。

    The practice shows that LOGO control is simple , reduces electricity fault rate and is worth extended by contrasting LOGO control to direct-current relay control .

  11. 然而,GIS内部不可避免的绝缘缺陷会逐步扩展并导致故障发生,最常见的电气故障特征是在绝缘完全击穿或闪络前发生局部放电(PartialDischarge,简称PD)。

    However , the inevitable insulation defects inside the GIS may expand gradually and lead to fault occurrence , and the most common feature of electrical faults is partial discharge ( PD ) before insulation breakdown or flashover .

  12. 分析MZ-1-1000自动焊机常见电气故障发生的原因及排除的方法

    Analyzing Cause of Common Electric Fault of Automatic Welding Machine MZ-1-100 and Eliminating Method

  13. WD-400型挖掘机人为电气故障的诊断与处理

    Troubleshooting of Manmade Electrical Failures on WD-400 Excavator

  14. 乔格硅钢片剪切线电气故障维修方法与技巧

    Electric Fault Maintenance and Skill for GEORG Silicon Steel Cutting Line

  15. 住宅电气故障分析及其改进设计

    Analysis on Failures of House Electric Apparatus and Its Improving Design

  16. 励磁系统故障是发电机组电气故障的主要原因。

    Excitation system failure is main cause electrical emergency of generator .

  17. 汽车火灾中电气故障痕迹物证的分析研究

    Study of analyzing mark evidence of electrical failure on automobile fire

  18. 混凝土拖式泵现场电气故障检修

    On-site Checking and Repairing of Electrical Trouble for Concrete Trailer-type Pump

  19. 瓦里安5000型高效液相色谱仪电气故障的诊断与维修

    Diagnosis and Maintenance of the Electrical Troubles for Varian 5000 HPLC

  20. 电动切土豆机电气故障,需修理。

    There is electricity trouble of electric potato peeler to be repaired .

  21. 最后,对电气故障仿真方法进行了研究。

    Finally , the electrical fault simulation methods were studied .

  22. 一起起重机电气故障引发的钩头坠落事故剖析

    Analysis to a hook falling accident due to electric failure of crane

  23. 全自动分装线电气故障维修两例

    Two examples about electric problem in the automatic product line

  24. 长江12-3型汽油发电机组电气故障检测

    The electric system failure diagnosis of changjiang 12-3 type gasoline generating sets

  25. 异步电动机发生电气故障的诊断、检测和修复的研究

    Diagnosis and Repair Study of Electric Default in Asynchronous Motor

  26. 本文总结了同步发电机电气故障的主要类型。

    This paper summarizes the synchronous generator the main types of electrical fault .

  27. 龙门起重机电气故障诊断系统的开发

    Development of electric failure diagnosis system for gantry crane

  28. 电机故障的类型多种多样:既有缓变故障和突变故障,又有电气故障和机械故障;

    There are many kinds of electric machinery fault .

  29. 在航天飞机上,对每一种可能出现的电气故障都作好了排除的准备。

    In the space shuttle every possible electrical failure has been provided for .

  30. 数控机床常见电气故障的诊断方法

    The Fault Diagnostic Method of the Common Electrical Apparatus of Numerical Controlled Machine