
  • 网络Movie sound;Film Sound
  1. 明确了电影声音与画面作为构成电影语言的基本元素,在观影体验中具有多层次协同化的感知模式。

    Film sound and film image are affirmed as the fundamental elements in film language .

  2. 从电影声音、画面、节奏三个主要元素中,探讨了电影再现小说中的情感、情趣、情味的视听特点。

    From the perspective of the three main components of film sound , picture , and rhythm , the thesis discussed the reproduction of ' emotion ',' interest ' and ' sentiment ' in novels with audio visual effects in films .

  3. 使电影声音与动作同时发生。

    Make ( motion picture sound ) exactly simultaneous with the action .

  4. 电影声音的审美价值&《老无所依》个案分析

    Aesthetic Value of Movie Sound : Case Study of No Country for Old Men

  5. 电影声音技术的发展与人存在着同构的关系,电影声音技术是人类认知的物质产品之一。

    The development of the movie sound technology the isomorphism relation with human being , the movie sound technology is one of human cognition physical products .

  6. 然而,我们没有办法听到电影声音,是因为有两个小孩在座位上蹦蹦跳跳、大声嚷嚷、还在过道上跑来跑去。

    The soundtrack , however , was impossible to hear . That 's because two children bounced on their seats , talked loudly and raced up and down the aisles .

  7. 影艺术与技术的飞速发展,早期以视觉为主的电影声音观念已经渐渐淡出人们的视线。

    The relationship between film sound and film image has always been an important topic in film theory . With the rapid development of film art and technology , the early film sound concept of vision-domination has gradually walked out of sight .

  8. 以机械制图的教学为例,基于Authorware多媒体软件开发平台,提出了对PowerPoint幻灯片、数字电影、声音、图片等对象封装集成的方法。

    Taking the teaching of mechanical drawing as an example and basing on the design platform of Authorware , integrated methods are presented for the objects of PowerPoint slides , digital movies , sounds and pictures etc.

  9. 我怎样才能在耳机里调出电影的声音?

    How do I get the movie sound on the headphone ?

  10. 玩电影,声音和远见,没有问题。

    Playing movie , Sound and vision have no problem .

  11. 这部电影在声音和画面配合方面有问题。

    The film has some problem with its synchronization of word and picture .

  12. 电影后期声音艺术创作&声音元素的选择与组合初探

    Artistic Creation of Film Post-production Sound : Selection and Combination of Sound Elements

  13. 论武侠电影的声音艺术创作

    The Artistic Creation of Sounds for Martial-arts Movies

  14. 在拍摄和录音之前,导演得把整个电影包括声音和画面统统想像出来。

    The director must envision the entire finished film , including sound and visual images , before photography and recording begin .

  15. 安:你开始在你的电影中使用声音和对话,最著名的是《切尔西姑娘》(TheChelseaGirls,1966年)。

    NA : You started to use sound and dialogue in your movies , most famously with The Chelsea Girls [ 1966 ] .

  16. 在电影中,声音效果主要是通过人物之间的对白来实现的。

    In the film , sound effects are mainly achieved through dialogues .

  17. 他在电影里的声音不像这样。

    She didn 't sound that way in the picture .

  18. 第二部分主要对电影中的声音尤其是媒介声音进行界定和文本分析,以观察贾樟柯对媒介声音的运用。

    The second part will define and analyze the media-sound in his films to survey the using of media-sound .

  19. 我想我在哪里读到过,他们是用音乐的声音来淹没电影放映机的声音是吗?

    I think I read somewhere that they used music to drown out the sound of the film projectors ?

  20. 电影蒙太奇借助声音的造型功能,能形成电影艺术新的时间与空间的向度。

    By virtue of the modeling function of sound , montage can constitute new temporal and spatial dimensions in the art of films .

  21. 不过,如果你听,从独立电影界的声音,你会听到一个令人惊讶的乐观感。

    Still , if you listen to the voices from the independent film world , you 'll hear a surprising sense of optimism .

  22. 不,这个动画系列中的演员都是相当有才华的配音演员,他们可以使声音表演令人难以置信地接近他们相对应的电影表演者的声音。

    No , the actors in the animated series are amazingly talented voice-artists who were able to create readings that are incredibly close to their live-action counterparts .

  23. 而最好的部分是我们的作品里有几个把电影中的声音效果混合而成的新音响。

    And the best part is that we have several new individual sounds in our production that came from mixing two or more different sounds used in the films .

  24. 电影中的声音由人声,音效和音乐三大部分组成,本文着重阐述电影音效,作为电影声音中的重要元素之一,对影片所起的作用及其实现的手段。

    The human voice , sound effects and music are three major components in sound . And this thesis will focus on movie sound effects , which plays a very important role in movies ; this thesis will discuss its functions and how to achieve the best result .

  25. 电影艺术是由声音和画面结合构建的视听艺术。

    Film art by the sound and picture common construction of audiovisual art .

  26. 自从有声电影发明以来,声音已经成为电影语言中不可缺少的组成部分。

    Since the invention of sound film , sound has become an indispensable component of the filmic language .

  27. 这可不是件容易的事,考虑到捕捉一套电影所有的清晰声音所有的因素!

    This is no easy job considering all the factors involved in capturing clean sound on a movie set !

  28. 电影是一种声音活动和视觉活动相结合的产物,是导演艺术家用一系列的视听化描绘所组成的景象。

    The movies are an admixture of sound and vision activity , and a combination of seeing and hearing .

  29. 它可以用于抓取任何声音,包括音乐,电影,游戏的声音,流式音频或其他任何对话。

    It can be used to grab any sound , including music , dialogs from movies , game sounds , streaming audio or anything else .

  30. 播音员:因此,就像无声电影一样,人类声音似乎也可以看作是由声音符号组成的一系列无言的手势或表情。

    ANNOUNCER : So it seems that the voice can operate like a silent movie as a sequence of wordless gestures or a face made up of sounds .