
  • 网络A Life in Pictures;The Majestic
  1. 伯格曼电影戏剧人生的转折点之一发生一次住院期间。

    One of Bergman 's turning points during his years of film and theater production occurred during a hospital stay .

  2. 有句老话叫“电影记录人生”。问题是,现在坐在屏幕前看着这部短片的你们为什么要相信我所谓“游戏是罪魁祸首”的论调?

    The problem was , why should the thousands of you now watching this believe me when I say that , videogames were to blame ?

  3. 国产电影贴近人生,折射时代,走进心灵,是2002年度影片总体反映出来的良好人文趋向;

    Most of the Chinese movies produced in2002 reflect the reality of the present age and reveal the mind of people , representing a positive humanistic tendency .

  4. 她隐晦地表示说这部电影是她人生的写照。

    She made a cryptic comment about how the film mirrored her life .

  5. 就像我们自己的电影《傀儡人生》一样,我们给孩子传递了一个信号:

    like our very own version of the movie " Being John Malkovich , " we send our children the message :

  6. 吴贻弓的影片题材不同,力求展现不同阶层人群的生存状态,他把自己对电影、对人生的理解通过影片表达了出来。

    Wu Yigong tries to exhibit the living conditions of different levels of people in different themes . His understanding of movies and life can also be seen in his movies .

  7. 她的电影《玫瑰人生》使她获得了奥斯卡奖,这帮助她创造了历史,成为第一个凭借法国电影而获得奥斯卡奖的人。

    Her film , La Vie en rose , earned her an Oscar , which allowed her to make history as the first person to win an Oscar for a french film .

  8. 接着,就像电影《傀儡人生》中的情节一样,藤壶会操纵它的宿主去深水区孵卵,以躲避天敌捕食和减少食物竞争。

    Then , as though in a scene from " Being John Malkovich , " the parasite directs its host out to deeper waters where it can avoid predators and competition for food .

  9. 科波拉毫不讳言这部电影对他后续人生造成的冲击。导演兼酿酒人弗朗西斯.科波拉:导演兼酿酒入弗朗西斯·科波拉拍摄那部电影对我事业的改变超乎我的想象。

    Coppola is quick to acknowledge the impact the film had on the rest of his life.FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA , DIRECTOR AND VINTNERS : That project really changed my career to something very different than I would have imagined .

  10. 毋庸置疑,卡梅隆借助电影这个特殊的传媒对生态思想进行了有力的传播,他的成功将激励着其他电影人生产出更多的生态电影。

    Cameron has been transmitting his ecological thoughts via films successfully , and his success will stimulate other film makers to produce more eco-films .

  11. 这部电影的联合主演还有佐伊•索尔达娜(饰乌胡拉)和安东•尤金(饰契诃夫),安东•尤金因车祸离世,年仅27岁,这部电影也是向他人生最后的角色之一致敬。

    Zoe Saldana ( Uhura ) co-stars alongside Anton Yelchin ( Chekov ) , in what was to be his one of his final roles-tributes have been paid to the 27-year-old actor , who died after he was pinned against a wall by his car .