
  • 网络electronic invoice;e-invoice
  1. 自2012年以来,电子发票体系已在全国22个省市试运行。

    The e-invoice system has been under trial operation in 22 provincial regions since 2012 .

  2. 电子发票发展环境政府面之研究

    Viewing of the Development Environment for E-Invoice from the Government

  3. 一个新的电子发票协议及其公平性分析

    A new electronic invoice protocol and its fairness analysis

  4. 一个电子发票协议

    A Protocol on Electronic Receipts

  5. 电子发票与纸质发票具有同等效力,可作为交易及税收证明。

    The e-invoices will serve as an equivalent to paper ones that provide proof of transactions and taxation .

  6. 该研究分析现行台湾政府于推动、发展电子发票制度的情形,并提出规划电子发票发展环境的一些建议。

    After analyzing the current domestic and international e-invoice situation , the paper provided the government some suggestions for development of e-invoice in the future .

  7. 我国电子商务税收监管制度应该从建立专门的电子商务税务登记制度、为电子商务设置专用发票、实行电子申报方式纳税和强化居民管辖权等四个方面进行完善。

    The tax supervisory system of electronic commerce in our country should from establishing special electronic commerce tax registration system , establishing special invoice for the electronic commerce , implementing the electron to pay taxes and strengthening the resident jurisdiction and so on four aspects to carry on the consummation .

  8. 电子支付的协议模式包括SSL和SET两种支付模式,电子支付工具包括电子信用卡、电子发票、电子现金三种。

    Electronic payment agreement pattern including SSL and SET two kind of payment patterns , electron means of payment including electronic credit card , electronic receipt , electronic cash three kinds .