
  • 网络E-supply Chain Management;Electronic Supply Chain Management;escm
  1. 因特网的发展为这一难题提供了新的求解方法,即将供应链管理同因特网结合起来,实施电子供应链管理(e-SCM)。

    Internet 's development gives a new way to resolve the problem , which is combining Supply Chain Management ( SCM ) with Internet to implement e-Supply Chain Management ( e-SCM ) .

  2. 通过对企业供应链优化意义的阐述,提出了采用以电子商务和供应链相结合的电子供应链管理来实现企业供应链的优化。

    The e-supply chain management ( E-SCM ) is of significance to the optimization of supply chain , where the e-business is integrated with supply chain .

  3. 基于J2EE技术的企业电子商务供应链管理应用研究

    The J2EE-based Application and Research on Enterprise E-Business Supply Chain Management

  4. 其次,引出电子商务供应链管理(E-SCM)这一概念,并探讨其集成与协作的核心思想。

    Secondly , the concept of E-SCM is educed and the key thoughts is analysed .

  5. 电子化供应链管理协同机制研究

    Study on Mechanism of Electronic Supply Chain Collaboration Management

  6. 最后,本文以上海贝尔为例,对电子商务供应链管理战略的实施进行了案例研究。

    Finally , a case study to show how Bell ( Shanghai ) implements the E-commerce supply chain management strategic is presented .

  7. 接着探讨了实施电子商务供应链管理的必要性和可行性,给出了实施电子商务供应链管理具体途径及方法。

    Then focus on the implementation of e-business supply chain management , the necessity and feasibility , and the implementation of e-business supply chain management specific ways and methods .

  8. 分析了电子商务供应链管理的实质和构造模式,并提出电子商务供应链管理的注意事项。

    It analyses the essence of the supply chain management in E commerce and its structural model , further more , it puts forward the problems on supply chain management in e commerce .

  9. 电子商务对供应链管理的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Electronic Commerce on Supply Chain Management

  10. 电子商务中供应链管理的分析与研究

    The analysis and study on supply chain management in E-business

  11. 基于协同电子商务的供应链管理信息系统研究

    Study of SCM Information System Based on Collaborative E-Commerce

  12. 电子商务和供应链管理作为企业提高竞争力的两大利器,在实践过程中有互相渗透,相互结合的趋势。

    E-commerce and supply chain management is mutual penetration as competitive two " sharp weapon " in practice .

  13. 第二,在供应链管理中许多低效的地方大多发生在组织、流程的交叉处,如何识别理解供应链管理的低效及其原因,找出补救措施,是电子化供应链协同管理的关键问题。

    How to recognize and understand such inefficiencies and causes , and find the remedies is the key for E-SC collaboration management .

  14. 最后,本文介绍了电子商务和供应链管理在中国的发展状况及中国企业实施基于电子商务供应链管理过程中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了相应的改进措施和发展建议。

    Finally , the paper introduces the progress of E-Business & SCM in China and point out the existed problem , as well as the solution .

  15. 研究能够改进和协调因特网能使供应链的运作策略和协调机制成为电子商务与供应链管理研究领域的一个新课题。

    To explore operation strategies and mechanisms for improving and coordinating Internet-enabled supply chain is one of imperative problems in the area of ecommerce and supply chain management .

  16. 本论文以协同电子商务,供应链管理为理论基础,详细介绍了网络协同采购系统和协同电子商务平台的分析、设计和实现过程。

    This paper expatiates the network collaborative purchase system and analysis , design and realization process of collaborative e-business platform based on the theories of collaborative e-business and SCM .

  17. 本文研究了电子商务在供应链管理中的应用,分析了电子商务对供应链管理及供应链业绩的影响。

    In this paper , E-business is applied into the supply chain management . How E-business affects the management of supply chain and the outstanding achievement of supply chain is investigated .

  18. 在第2章中,首先对我国烟草机械零配件的供应链进行了分析,进而研究了我国烟草机械零配件基于电子商务的供应链管理的必要性和可行性。

    Secondly , by analysis of spare fittings of tobacco machinery in our country , the necessity and feasibility of electronic-business-based supply chain management of spare fittings of tobacco machinery in our country are put forward .

  19. 电子商务在供应链管理中的任务是协调企业与供应商的采购、物料计划与仓储、运输间的业务、销售、批发、零售商间的协调和网络服务。

    Task of EC in SCM is harmonizing that includes purchase harmonizing between enterprise and supplier , operation harmonizing among materiel plan and storage and transportation , harmonizing and network service among saler and merchant and shopkeeper .

  20. 首先阐述了电子商务、供应链管理的相关理论,分析了电子商务供应链的主要发展阶段,供应商伙伴管理的重要作用和类型,电子分销的优势。

    The author has firstly addressed relative theories like e-business , supply chain management and the developing process of the e-supply chain , studies on the importance of supplier partner management , types of suppliers , and the advantage of e-distribution .

  21. 从供应链管理的实质及发展、基于电子商务的供应链管理的原理及模式、电子供应链的实施三个方面,对电子商务与供应链管理问题进行了研究与探讨。

    The main concern of the article is to discuss the electronic commerce and the supply chain management , including the essence and development of supply chain management , the principle and mode of supply chain management based on electronic commerce and the implementation of electronic supply chain .

  22. 基于WEB的电子商务环境下供应链管理绩效评价

    Supply Chain Performance Management Measurement Based on WEB E-commerce

  23. 本课题以面向电子商务的集成供应链管理系统研究开发为应用背景,着重探讨客户关系管理(CRM)系统。

    This paper bases on the research and development of oriented e-commerce integrated supply chain management system , focuses on customer relationship management ( CRM ) system .

  24. 接着结合实现的“基于电子标签的集成供应链管理系统”,以其中的应用之一&“产品物流路径跟踪”功能阐述了EPC信息服务的工作流程;

    Thirdly it parses the implementation and work flow of EPC information service according to its application on product track in theimplemented system ;

  25. 然后阐述了电子商务环境下供应链管理的结构和研究内容,并根据Cisco公司基于全球电子商务的供应链管理的实现进行案例分析。

    In the end the chapter has a case analyses about the SCM implement on the basis of the global EC in the Cisco Corporation .

  26. 电子商务化的供应链管理的研究及电子物流系统的设计与实现

    The Research of e-SCM and the Design and Implementation of Electronic Logistics System

  27. 样本应用程序将描绘虚构的消费类电子产品零售商的供应链管理应用程序。

    The sample application will portray a supply chain management application for a fictitious consumer electronics retailer .

  28. 电子商务中的供应链管理

    Supply Chain Management in E-commerce

  29. 经济全球化、电子商务和供应链一体化管理理念的发展使中国传统企业受到了强烈冲击,传统的经营模式已经不再足以应对激烈的市场竞争。

    Chinese tradition enterprises have been strongly impacted by the economic globalization , electronic commerce and the supply chain integral management principles .

  30. 那些利用电子商务重新定义供应链管理的公司可以大幅度提高效率和获得比它们的竞争对手更强的竞争优势。

    The companies utilizing E-Commerce to redefine the SCM can raise the efficiency and get competition advantage stronger than rivals of them .