- electric field intensity;electric intensity

[electric field intensity] 空间任一点的电场强度,由置于该点的单位正电荷所受的力来量度
The transient responses of electric intensity in a dissipative medium are also discussed for excitation of unit step function . one pulae and N - pulse .
Methods With the compound of THF and DMF as the solvent , the PLGA fiber scaffolds with different surface morphology were fabricated via altering PLGA solution concentration , flowing rate and applied electric intensity .
Then , the radiation emission of P ⅲ 800 and displayer are measured and analyzed .
A model for carriers injection , transport and recombination in single layer organic light emitting diodes was presented .
The dependence of the field enhancement factor and the emitted current upon geometrical factors are discussed .
The electromagnetic field strength level in the power distribution area of outdoor AIS type is highest .
The dielectric strength of HTPB propellant increases with increasing volume resistivity or decreasing dielectric coefficient .
The theoretical results showed that the Stark effect becomes more remarkable with the increase of the electric field and well width .
The results showed that the apparent shear stress increased with the increasing applied field strength and particles concentration respectively , while it decreased with the increasing shear rate .
To study propagation characteristic of radar wave in a dispersive medium , frequency - dependent flux density D was introduced , and electromagnetic field E and flux density D were norma - lized .
Numerical calculation illustrated that the ground state energy increases with the increasing confinement strength , and decreases with increasing of electric field strength and wire length .
But as electricity fields strength was to 35 kV / cm , the relative inhibit activity decreased to 76.6 % and 82 % , respectively .
The results indicate that coalbed gas permeability is related to the effect stress a with a negative index , to the geothermal temperature T with a power function and proportional to the geo-electric field strength E.
By numerical simulation and data analysis , we believe that on the night-side of the Moon , sheath C is formed and the angle of photons hitting the Moon has large impact on the electrical potential and electrical field intensity .
The dependence of domain reversal characteristics of the ferroelectric thin film on external electric field and temperature is investigated by using the KA model .
( c ) The maximum coupled electric field on the motherboard is obtained when the EMR incident angle is 40 ° .
And 85.7 % ~ 88.2 % when direct current field strength was 1 500 V / cm for oocytes matured in vivo .
The property that SiC electroluminescent intensity is enhanced with an increase of electric field motivates to propose a novel method for online detection of surface electric field distribution in the SiC stress-grading coating .
The dependences of this change on the external electric field strength , the suspension concentration , the wavelength of incident light , the size and shape of PT powders were also investigated .
Calculation of Surface Electric Field along ± 800kV DC Transmission Lines with Bundled Conductors
Our results show that the osmotic pressure become negative when the applied field exceeds a critical value E c and then the liquid experiences a phase transition to a solid phase .
Some numerical results about the relations between the ground state energy and the Coulomb binding parameter , the parabolicity parameter , and electric field strength are obtained .
According to energy conversation law , electric field strength E c and E p of piezoelectric ceramic PZT layer and polymer PVDF layer in the composites were derived , respectively .
The reason is that the characteristics of this kind medium violate the rules of conventional medium . In this medium , the electric field intensity , the magnetic field intensity and the wave vector quantity assume the left hand relations .
When the method is applied to one and three orders SiC stress-grading coating , the measured values agree well with the calculated ones on the various spots , indicating the accuracy and reliability of this method .
Relative activity change of PE had good correlation with electric field intensity and pulse numbers , and the values of R ~ 2 were 0.988 and 0.953 , respectively .
Fundamental to CZE are homogeneity of the buffer solution and constant field strength throughout the length of the capillary .
Above models are calculated by ANSYS software , and the maximum electric field intensity value and their positions are shown . The cause is analyzed and the corresponding measures to reduce the maximum field intensity are taken .
The results of computation show that the relative variational rate of the volume and shape of particles is in direct proportion to the square of electric field intensity , and relates to the character of ER .
The dielectric property of dispersive media is written as rational polynomial function , the relation between D and E is derived in time domain . It is named shift operator FDTD ( SO-FDTD ) method .