
  1. 另一方面,亚马逊(Amazon)和其它纯粹的电商网站还将继续蚕食市场份额。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) and other pure-play e-commerce sites will continue to gain market share .

  2. 然而,他最终的结果是好的,作为电商网站阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的创始人,他现在是中国最富有的人士之一。

    Yet it turned out well for the founder of e-commerce site Alibaba , who is now one of the richest men in China .

  3. 此后该品牌又遭百货公司内曼?马库斯(NeimanMarcus)抛弃,后者解释称,将该品牌从其电商网站下架是因为销售数字惨淡。

    It was then dropped by Neiman Marcus , which cited poor sales in its decision to remove it from its website .

  4. 刷销量凸显出监管电商网站上的第三方卖家有多困难。不止是阿里巴巴,所有拥有开放式供应商平台的网站,比如eBay和亚马逊(Amazon),都面临这个令人头疼的问题。

    Brushing highlights the headaches of policing third parties on e-commerce sites and applies not just to Alibaba but to all sites that have open supplier platforms , such as Ebay and Amazon .

  5. 在《中国投资参考》的调查中,36%的受访者表示,阿里巴巴的B2C平台天猫是他们使用最多的两个电商网站之一,比前一季度低了0.7%。

    In China Confidential 's survey , 36.3 per cent of respondents said Alibaba 's business-to-consumer site Tmall was one of the two ecommerce sites they most regularly used , down 0.7 percentage points quarter on quarter .

  6. 尽管阿里巴巴仍是当仁不让的市场领先者,其旗下两家消费电商网站——淘宝网(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall)——的人气在今年第一季度都有所下降,京东的人气则大幅上升。

    Although Alibaba remains the clear market leader , both of its consumer ecommerce sites - Taobao and Tmall - declined in popularity in the latest quarter , while JD.com was up sharply .

  7. 腾讯(Tencent)持有多家硅谷企业的股权,例如信息应用Snapchat、处境艰难的电商网站Fab.com,以及大受欢迎的在线多人游戏《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)开发商RiotGames(腾讯后来收购了这家公司)。

    Tencent has a stake in a number of companies including Snapchat , the messaging app , Fab.com , the struggling ecommerce site , and Riot Games , maker of the hugely popular online multiplayer game League of Legends , which the Chinese company later acquired .

  8. 他指出新公司只能有一位老大,“而且这个人就是自己”,并继而称自己与昔日在Yoox一样不受员工待见。Yoox为阿玛尼(GiorgioArmani)与华伦天奴(Valentino)等时尚品牌管理电商网站。

    Pointing out that there would be only one boss of the new group " and that 's me , " he went on to describe himself as unpopular at Yoox , which runs ecommerce sites for Giorgio Armani , Valentino and

  9. 三年前,在电商网站销售广告还只是一个谨慎的实验。

    Three years ago , selling ads on an e-commerce site was a cautious experiment .

  10. 数量众多的电商网站在激烈的竞争下,纷纷推出大量促销信息。

    A large number of e-commerce sites have launched much promotional information under the fierce competition .

  11. 目前,该公司电商网站上51%的交易发生在智能手机上。

    Fifty-one percent of transactions on the company 's e-commerce sites now take place on smartphones .

  12. 销售的提高意味着电商网站上更有利排名,进而会带来更多销售。

    Higher sales mean better placement on ecommerce websites , leading in turn to more sales .

  13. 加文不但被做成“表情包”,还出现在中国电商网站销售的各种马克杯、海报和衣服上。

    Gavin can also be seen on a variety of mugs , posters and clothing hawked on Chinese e-commerce sites .

  14. 顾客也会在国内的电商网站购买物品,例如能够售卖国外物品的京东。

    Shoppers are also turning to special domestic e-commerce websites , such as one offered by JD.com , that sell foreign goods .

  15. 阿里巴巴电商网站上的许多卖家会使用这些服务,但大客户的增长较为缓慢。

    Many vendors who sell on Alibaba 's e-commerce sites use the services , but it has been slowly adding larger clients .

  16. 阿里巴巴的大部分收入来自于其面向消费者的电商网站,如全球速卖通、天猫商城、淘宝和聚划算。

    The majority of Alibaba 's revenue comes from its consumer-facing sites , such as AliExpress , Tmall , Taobao , and Juhusu .

  17. Flash/Flex不应该用于显示基本信息或是作为大多数简单网站的技术选型,甚至是电商网站。

    Flash / Flex should not be used to display basic information or as a technology of choice for most simple websites , even e-commerce sites , etc.

  18. 如此变化,正是出于品牌推销以及对形象照片之需求,而正是电商网站对时尚评论的巨大发展创造了上述需求。

    It 's a change that has been driven both by brand promotion and the thirst for imagery created by the enormous growth in editorialising in ecommerce sites .

  19. 今年1月,中国监管机构批评阿里巴巴的电商网站上充斥着假货,这惊吓了投资者,在一定程度上导致阿里巴巴股票当月遭到抛售。

    In January , criticism by a Chinese regulator that counterfeit goods were ubiquitous on Alibaba 's marketplace sites spooked investors and contributed to a share sell-off that month .

  20. 光是在阿里巴巴的电商网站上,来自农村地区的网店数量自2012年以来已经增长了近50%,达到100多万家。

    On Alibaba 's ecommerce sites alone , the number of online stores from rural areas has increased by nearly 50 per cent since 2012 , to more than 1m .

  21. 一些中国网络购物者在英国电商网站上购买商品或找代购帮助他们在实体店购物后寄到中国。

    Some Chinese online shoppers bought goods on UK e-commerce sites or asked overseas shopping agents to help them with purchases in brick-and-mortar stores and to ship the packages to China .

  22. 相比之下,联想、小米和华为等中国智能手机厂商则利用了电商网站的销售平台,作为一条进入印度市场的低风险渠道。

    In contrast , Chinese smartphone makers such as Lenovo , Xiaomi and Huawei piggybacked on the distribution infrastructure of ecommerce sites as a low-risk way to enter the Indian market .

  23. 国内跨境电商网站洋码头表示,英国公投以来,欧洲商品日销量较平时翻倍,其中英国商品贡献了大部分销量。

    According to ymatou.com , a cross-border e-commerce site in China , daily sales of European products have doubled since the UK referendum , mostly driven by sales of British products .

  24. 但美国零售商似乎认为,将目标对准一家中国企业、而不是总部位于硅谷的电商网站,或许会更为有效。

    But US retailers appear to have decided that it would be more effective to take aim at a Chinese target , rather than launch attacks on the Silicon Valley-based ecommerce site .

  25. 摘要:随着计算机技术的蓬勃发展,互联网(如博客、论坛和电商网站)上产生了大量用户参与的、对于某种产品有价值的评论信息。

    With the rapid development of computer technology , there are a large amount of user comments for particular products on the Internet , such as weibo , blog and e-commerce sites .

  26. 这座中心不是为了给阿里巴巴极受欢迎的电商网站提供支持,而是将帮助它扩展不那么有名但却在一直增长的业务领域:企业云服务。

    Instead of supporting the company 's hugely popular e-commerce sites , the center will help Alibaba spread a less well-known but growing side of its business : cloud services for businesses .

  27. 同时我们还在印度进行了大量投入:我们于二季度发布了自己的电商网站,在三季度开始本地生产的运作,并在班加罗尔开设了一个大型的办公室。

    We have also been investing significantly in India : We launched our own e-commerce website in Q2 , and in Q3 we started our local manufacturing operation and opened a large office in Bangalore .

  28. 他补充说,针对不同的目的(如购物和办理银行业务),消费者应该使用不同的电子邮件地址,这样黑客就无法利用从电商网站偷来的电邮去匹配从银行窃取的电邮。

    He adds that consumers should use different email addresses for different purposes , such as shopping and banking , so hackers cannot match an email stolen from an ecommerce website to one from a bank .

  29. 本文在一个在线眼镜电商网站数据上验证了该方法,实验表明该方法仅用少量购买数据即有效提高了推荐效果。

    The effectiveness of SIR is evaluated on data collected from an online E-commerce site selling glasses . The experimental results show that SIR could improve recommendation effectively , with only a small amount of purchasing data .

  30. 合作是对阿里巴巴的一次考验。尽管采取了诸多举措整顿旗下的电商网站,但阿里巴巴依然因为几乎什么产品都卖而声名远扬,其网站上有品牌货,也有假货,偶尔还会有危险物品。

    The cooperation serves as a test for Alibaba , which despite taking steps to clean up its e-commerce sites , retains a reputation for selling just about any product - brand , fake or occasionally dangerous .