
  • 网络vRMS;RMS;effective value
  1. 系统可有效测量电压有效值、电流有效值、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数以及频率等电力参数。

    System can effectively measure the voltage RMS , current RMS , active power , reactive power , power factor , frequency , etc.

  2. 本文研究重点是根据小波包变换分解算法,推导出由小波包变换分解系数表达的谐波电流、电压有效值,达到电力系统谐波分析的目的。

    The emphasis of paper is that according to wavelet packet decomposition algorithms , the power system harmonic current , voltage RMS derived from wavelet transform coefficients .

  3. 这种基于占空比预测的PFC数字算法运算量较小,能直接抑制由输入电压有效值波动引起的输出电压波动,有更快的电流跟踪特性,非常适合应用于低成本的数字芯片控制中。

    This duty cycle prediction control has many advantages , such as small calculation , directly restraining the output voltage fluctuation caused by the input voltage RMS fluctuation , so it is very suitable for applying in low-cost digital chip .

  4. 在分析HSPS部分逆变器的主电路拓扑结构和工作原理的基础上,设计了基于电压有效值外环电压瞬时值内环的双闭环控制策略。

    After analyzing the topological structures and operating principle of the main inverter circuit in HSPS , a double loop control strategy that is voltage RMS outer and voltage instantaneous value inner has been designed .

  5. 本设计采用单极性等面积正弦脉宽调制法和混合查表法,通过软件计算产生SPWM控制信号,同时对输出电压有效值进行实时采样,形成闭环控制系统,从而实现了变频变压的全数字化控制。

    A unipolar equal-area sinusoidal pulse width modulation and hybrid look-up table methods are used in this design to generate SPWM signal by software calculating , and real-time sampling the RMS of output voltage to form closed loop control system , so digital control of the VVVF is realized .

  6. 定子采用(0,9)振动模式,在电压有效值为60V、频率40.2kHz下其空载转速为28r/min,最大输出载荷0.07Nm。

    ( 0,9 ) mode is stimulated inside the stator . Under 60 V driving voltage and 40.2 kHz resonant frequency , its velocity free of load is 28 r / min and maximum output load is 0.07 N · m.

  7. 再通过其均方计算出电压有效值。

    The voltage effective value was figured out by mean square .

  8. 一种实用的电流、电压有效值数字化测量电路

    An Applicable Digital Circuit for Measuring Effective Value of Current and Voltage

  9. 三相陀螺电机电压有效值的测量系统设计

    A Design of Measurement System of the Voltage Effective Value for Three-phase Gyroscope Motor

  10. 一种电压有效值的低温漂、高精度测量方案

    A low excursion with temperature and high precision measurement method for RMS of voltage

  11. 用指针式晶体管毫伏表测非正弦周期电压有效值

    Measuring the effective value of the non sinusoidal periodic voltage by transistor MV - meter

  12. 本文采用了一种新型的电压有效值测量方法来提高了有效值测量的精度。

    This paper adopted a new method to improve measuring voltage RMS the RMS the accuracy of measurement .

  13. 外环采用电压有效值反馈,调节输出电压,内环采用电感电流瞬时值反馈,提高系统动静态特性,并对采用该方案的级联逆变器进行了全面分析。

    The outer-loop adopting the voltage effective value feedback regulates voltage output and reduces the steady error of output voltage .

  14. 实验根据静电传感器输出的电压有效值对应已知的固相质量流量,建立系统电压-质量流量曲线;

    The Voltage - Mass flow rate curve is established according to the output of the electrostatic sensor and the known solid mass flow rate .

  15. 电能质量指标主要包括:电压有效值、电流有效值、有功与无功功率、电压波动、三相不平衡度、以及闪变等。

    The power quality indexs include : virtual value of voltage and current , active and reactive power , voltage fluctuation , three-phase unbalance factor , flicker and so on .

  16. 通过引入重复控制器,对电压有效值闭环方法进行修正,保证输出电压在过零点时不会出现震荡现象。

    By introducing the repetitive controller , which modified the RMS voltage control loop method , to it can ensure that the output voltage not occur oscillation at the crossing point .

  17. 该电源采用数/模混合控制及重复控制方法,数字部分实现高精度的波形发生器和电压有效值控制;

    The power supply adopts D / A mixed control and repetitive control . The digital part realizes the high precise waveform generator and the control based on voltage virtual value .

  18. 给出了计算负载电压有效值、电压纹波系数及各次谐波电压幅值的计算公式;

    Calculation formulas of SCR turn on angle , virtual value of load voltage , average of load voltage , voltage ripple factor and amplitude value of arbitrary order harmonic voltage are presented in this paper .

  19. 通过实验确定静电传感器上静电信号电压有效值与已知两相流质量流量的关系,建立了系统电压质量流量曲线。

    By correlating the voltage on electrostatic sensor and the fixed mass flow rate , the Voltage Mass flow rate curve of sensing system can be established . The key problem of electrostatic measurement was the electrostatic sensor .

  20. 发电机同期并网时要求冲击电流要小,并网后发电机能迅速进入同步,因而文中建立的同期模型具备调节功能使得并网断路器两端的电压有效值、电压频率、相角3个分量的差为零。

    To realize small impulse current and quick generator parallel-in , the established synchronization model has the function to regulate differences of voltage virtual value , frequency and phase between two ends of the parallel-in switch to zero .

  21. 论述了彩电灯丝电压有效值一般测量方法的利弊和灯丝绕组准确置换的依据;

    Both the advantage and the disadvantage of the common method of measuring the virtual value voltage of the filament of the colour television and the basis for accurate replacement of the filament winding are discussed in this article .

  22. 实现了电能数据的分类采集,包括交流电压有效值,电流有效值,有功功率,无功功率,功率因数,有功电能,无功电能;直流电压,电流,功率和电能。

    Completed the collection of energy data , including AC voltage RMS value , current RMS value , active power , reactive power , power factor , active energy , reactive energy ; DC voltage , current , power and energy .

  23. 本文从周期性电流和电压有效值的计算公式出发,分析了电子电路中两种常见的正弦脉冲波,分析过程简单明了,对解决有关技术问题有一定借鉴价值。

    Departing from calculated formula of periodic current and voltage effective value , two frequently sinusoidal pulse waves in electronic circuit have been analyzed . The analysis process is simple . This paper has some reference value for solving technical problem .

  24. 逆变器开环工作时,由于输出滤波器的电感、功率管导通压降以及导线电阻等多种因素的影响,使逆变器在加卸载过程中输出电压有效值发生变化。

    When an inverter works in open loop state , loading and unloading will change RMS of the output voltage because of the inductance of the filter , the on state resistance of the IGBT , the resistance of the wire , etc.

  25. 提出一种基于快速傅里叶变换FFT(FastFouriertransform)准确测量系统频率的算法,并考虑了被测量系统频率的电压信号有效值的波动对系统频率测量准确度的影响。

    A FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ) based algorithm for frequency measurement of power system taking amplitude and phase fluctuation of signal into consideration .

  26. 论文详细介绍了采用国际最新型的MOSFET电力电子器件、新型IC控制系统和国产磁性材料设计的高频正弦波逆变电源,其工作频率达到100KHz,功率容量达到500W,输出电压的有效值达到700V。

    This paper introduces particularly the design of high frequency sinusoidal invert power supply by using of new type of power semiconductor device-power MOSFET , new type of control system utilizing Integrated Circuits and homemade magnetic materials .

  27. 交流电压真有效值的测量

    The Measurement of AC Voltage TRMS

  28. 指针式晶体管毫伏表可用于测量直流分量为零的非正弦周期信号电压的有效值。

    The transistor MV meter may be applied to measure the effective value of non sinusoidal periodic voltage .

  29. 用小波变换可在时间域高效准确地求电压电流有效值、有功和无功。

    RMS , reactive power and active power are calculated most efficiently and most accurately using wavelet transform in time domain .

  30. 根据国家电能质量标准和国际相关标准对电能质量的要求,提出了一种基于小波变换的非正弦波电流(电压)有效值和功率的计算方法。

    According to request of national and international standards for power quality , the paper provides a new method based on wavelet transform of RMS and power measurements of nonsine wave current ( voltage ) .