
  • 网络Power Equipment;electrical equipment;power system
  1. 基于Internet的电力设备虚拟医院

    Internet based virtual hospital for power equipment

  2. PLC智能化电力设备故障诊断系统

    Intelligent diagnosis system based on PLC for electric power equipment

  3. 基于SqlServer的电力设备预测检修系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Power Equipment Predictive Diagnostic Maintenance System Based on SQL Server

  4. 利用MIS技术加强电力设备缺陷闭环管理

    Utilizing MIS Technology to Enhance the Power Equipments Defect Closed Management

  5. 本文根据现代远程监控技术和嵌入式技术的最新发展,对嵌入式Internet技术在结合某工程的电力设备远程监控系统中的应用进行了研究。

    This paper studies the embedded Internet technology in application to electric power equipment based on modern remote monitor technology and embedded technology .

  6. 作者提出的一种基于Web技术的远程监测系统可以很方便地让系统运行人员监测系统的运行状态以及电力设备的状态。

    A web-based remote supervisory system is presented . With the presented system the operating situations of power system and the status of power equipments can be easily inspected .

  7. 基于CIM的电力设备维护管理系统模型

    Power equipment diagnosis and management system model based on CIM

  8. 电力设备SF6气体现场高效回收回充技术研究

    Field SF_6 recovery and refilling technology for power equipment

  9. MDF生产线电力设备的管理与维护

    Management and maintenance of electric equipment in MDF plant

  10. 利用SVG对图形对象的支持完成了电力设备图元的设计;

    The graphics of the electrical equipment are designed by the SVG technology 's support to the graphic objects .

  11. 作为回报,东方电气(DongfangElectric)、哈尔滨动力设备(HarbinPowerEquipment)和上海电气(ShanghaiElectric)等中国大型能源企业从越南获得了利润丰厚的电力设备供应合同,并在越南各地建设发电站。

    In return , large Chinese energy groups such as Dongfang Electric , Harbin Power Equipment and Shanghai Electric have been awarded lucrative contracts to provide equipment and build power stations across Vietnam .

  12. 介绍了ERP的概念及其功能组成,分析了电力设备修造企业的特点及现状。

    The concept and the functional composition of ERP are introduced . Also the actuality and feature of the enterprise of manufacturing and repairing of electric power equipment are analysed .

  13. 设计了以黑白电荷耦合器件(CCD)传感器为核心器件的在线监测系统,该系统可通过探测近红外辐射从而对变电站中一些电力设备进行监测;

    An on-line monitoring system with a monochrome CCD sensor as the key device has been designed . It can detect near-infrared and on-line monitor certain power installations in substations .

  14. 采用嵌入式和GPRS技术,通过Internet和GPRS来监测电力设备中SF6绝缘气体的密度和湿度。

    By using the technology of GPRS and embedded system , the density and humidity of SF6 in the electric equipment are monitored directly based on GPRS and Internet .

  15. Modbus协议是工业自动化领域里使用最普遍的协议,楼宇自动化系统中许多暖通、电力设备都采用MODBUS通讯协议。

    Modbus protocol is the most common protocol in the industrial automation field and it is widely used in many electrical and HVAC equipment .

  16. LEM电流传感器在电力设备介电特性在线监测中的应用

    Application of LEM Current Sensors in the On-line Monitoring the Dielectric Characteristics of the Electricity Power Equipment

  17. 该文提出了基于独立分量分析的近红外图像去噪方法,该方法能有效地处理用黑白CCD传感器监测电力设备所产生的图像,使这种监测方案具有实用价值。

    A method of near-infrared image de-noising based on ICA is presented in this paper . It can process availably images in monitoring power equipments by using monochrome CCD sensor , and it has practical significance .

  18. 因此,无论在国内还是在国际,DGA技术都被列为电力设备预防性试验的重要位置。

    Thus , the DGA technology has been placed in an important position in the preventive tests of power transformer equipment .

  19. 用电能计量仪表同时测量电力设备接口处电压信号和电流信号的能量,可以计算出设备的等值阻抗。稳态基频等值阻抗控制是TCSC装置的基本控制对象目的。

    The energy of voltage and current signals across the equipment terminals is measured by energy meter , then the equivalent impedance can be calculated . TCSC is mainly used to control its fundamental equivalent reactance .

  20. Lanco表示,作为交换,Lanco承诺为两座发电站购买中国电力设备,而国开行将帮助Lanco从其他中资银行获得银团贷款,满足其总共20亿美元的融资目标。

    In exchange Lanco said it had made a commitment to buy Chinese power equipment for both projects , while CDB will help the group syndicate further loans from other Chinese banks to reach its $ 2bn target .

  21. 电力设备状态监测技术的研究现状及发展

    Present situation and development of condition monitoring techniques for electrical equipment

  22. 电力设备在线监测系统软件框架的设计

    Design of the Software Frame of Power Equipment On-line Monitoring Systems

  23. 矿山电力设备运行监测系统的研制

    Research and development on the monitoring system of mining electrical equipment

  24. 电力设备冷却技术及其强化传热研究进展

    Study Progress on Power Equipment Cooling Technology and Heat Transfer Enhancement

  25. 大型电力设备用光纤振动传感器

    Fiber Optic Vibration Sensor for Applications in High Power Electric Machines

  26. 绥中某电力设备站场区地震危险性分析

    Seismic Risk Analysis of Some Electric Power Equipment Station in Suizhong

  27. 适用于电力设备状态检测的多参数光纤传感器系统

    Fiber-Optic Multi-Parameter Sensing System Suitable for Electrical Power Equipment Condition Monitoring

  28. 基于虚拟仪器的可视化电力设备在线红外监控系统研究

    Visualization power equipment online infrared monitoring system based on virtual instrument

  29. 紫外成像技术在电力设备故障检测中的应用初步研究

    Application of UV imaging technology in detecting electric power equipment fault

  30. 频谱分析在电力设备中轴承故障诊断的应用

    Application of Spectrum Analysis in Failure Diagnosis of Bearings for Power Equipment