
  1. RFID在电力物资管理系统中的应用研究

    Study and Application on RFID for Electric Power Material Management System

  2. 基于UML的电力物资管理系统的建模与开发

    Modeling and Development of Material Management System for Power Company Based on UML

  3. 本文侧重物资管理系统的分析与设计,首先分析了鲁能电力物资管理的现状,存在的问题。

    This paper is devoted to the analysis and design of material management system .

  4. 电力物资管理系统是针对电力物资管理的行业特点而开发的管理决策型应用系统。

    Power supplies management system is for management of the development of industry characteristics and management decisions based applications .

  5. 在此模型中利用数据库技术实现了对信息流的控制,并将此模型用于电力物资管理信系统的开发之中,得到较为理想的应用效果。

    The control over information flow using database technology is implemented in the model . This model is applied to a powerstation 's MIS with a satisfactory feedback .

  6. 运用现代物流管理理论,借助先进的计算机技术,提出了地方电力物资管理信息系统的整改方案。

    Through applying modern logistics management theory , using advanced computer technology ; we propose the locality electric power material management information systems reform scheme , discuses and analyze the design of decision support subsystem and the decision-making model of the issues in detail .

  7. 电力企业物资管理与ERP模块设计

    Materials Management and ERP Module Design of Electric Power Enterprise

  8. 电力电缆物资管理的ERP应用

    Applications of ERP in Power Cable Material Manage

  9. 以规范电力物资采购管理为目的,分析推行ISO9000标准的必要性及在物资采购中的运用。

    The necessity of promoting ISO 9000 to standardize power material procurement and the application of the standard in material procurement process are analyzed .

  10. 基于J2EE的某电力企业物资管理系统,采用客户层、Web层、业务逻辑层及企业信息系统层四层结构。

    The material management information system electric power was based on J2EE ( Java TM 2 Platform Enterprise Edition ) . Four-layer architecture was adopted by the system , such as client layer , Web layer , service logic layer and enterprise information system layer .

  11. 然而,目前我国对电力物资的管理仍主要采取手工方式。

    However , at present , the management of the electricity material in China is still mainly taken manually .

  12. 随着计算机技术和现代通信技术的发展,管理信息化已经成为电力基建物资管理发展的方向。

    With the development of computer and modern communication technology , management informatization has become the development orientation of material management for electric power capital construction .

  13. 为适应供电企业电网建设和改造中大量物资的管理与控制,本文研制开发了C/S模式的电力企业物资管理信息系统。

    To adapt the plentiful material management and control during the power system developing , a C / S mode of material management information system is developed .

  14. 对电力生产物资供应管理与控制的探讨

    Discussion about material supply management and control of electric production

  15. 电网企业电力物资采购风险管理

    Risk Management for Procurement of Electric Power Materials for Power Grid Enterprise

  16. 基于电力建设的物资管理模式

    Material and Goods Management Mode Based on Electric Power Construction

  17. 电力物资招标评标管理系统的开发与应用

    Application and Development of Inviting and Assessing Bids Management System of Power Materials

  18. 现代的电力工程现场物资管理开始向低库存、低成本,高效率的方向发展。

    The material management in modern power project is developing in the direction of low inventories , low-cost , but high efficiency .

  19. 电力系统的物资管理,也从以前的仓库管理,提高到集中采购的层次。

    Compared with the warehouse management in the past , the materials management of the electrical Power System has improved to the level of the centralism purchase nowadays .

  20. 希望本文能为电力物资招投标管理工作实际操作提供参考和借鉴,对促进电力物资招投标管理的科学化和规范化运作起到一定的理论价值和现实意义。

    I hope this tender for the management of power supplies to provide reference for the actual operation of the bidding for power supplies scientific and standardized management of the operation play a certain theoretical and practical significance .

  21. 本文在论述电力工程现场物资管理的现状、存在问题分析的基础上,提出基于信息技术手段、通过建立现场物资管理信息共享平台的方式来提高其管理水平和信息化程度。

    Based on the analysis of actuality and existing problems in material management of the power project , this paper put forward a method to improve the management efficiency and information degree in material management . The method is to build a material management information system using modern information technology .

  22. 电力企业物资资源信息管理平台的构建与应用

    Material Resource Information System Construction and Application of Electricity Company

  23. 国家电力物资商务网内容管理模块的设计与实现

    National Electric Power Material Internet Business Design and Realization of Content Management Module

  24. 加强和规范采购环节提高电力建设中设备物资管理水平

    Strengthen And Regulate Procurement Process And Increase The Management Level Of Equipment And Material During The Electric Power Project Construction

  25. 通过对传统采购与供应链采购的比较,分析了供应链采购对提高江苏省电力公司物资集中采购管理水平和经济效益的重要性。

    Comparing the traditional procurement with the supply chain procurement , the paper describes the importance of adopting supply chain procurement for the Jiangsu Electric Power Co.

  26. 在电力工业中,电力物资是保证其正常运转的重要支柱,加强电力物资的管理至关重要。

    In the electric power industry , electricity material is an important pillar to guarantee its normal operation , so it is critical to strengthen the management of the electricity material .