
diàn lì ɡōnɡ sī
  • power company;generator;electric company
  1. 基于PEST和SWOT的重庆市电力公司发展战略研究

    Chongqing Electric Company Developmental Strategy Research Based on PEST and SWOT

  2. 只有在州能源官员的严令之下,夏威夷电力公司(HawaiianElectricCompany)才于最近匆匆批准了长期积压的太阳能系统使用申请,其中就包括阿卡米那一份。

    Only under strict orders from state energy officials did the utility , the Hawaiian Electric Company , recently rush to approve the lengthy backlog of solar applications , including Akamine 's.

  3. 这一协议标志着南威尔士电力公司时来运转。

    The deal marks a turnaround in the fortunes of South Wales Electricity

  4. 新英格兰电力公司用煤发电。

    The company , New England Electric , burns coal to generate power .

  5. 美国南方电力公司在星期一的开盘抢购中收购了英国西南电力公司11.2%的股份。

    Southern acquired 11.2 per cent of Sweb in a dawn raid on Monday .

  6. 当有燃气或电力公司的职员来抄表时,要请他们出示身份证件。

    When officials like gas and electricity men call to read the meter , ask for identification

  7. 当地电力公司称一些住户要到周末才能恢复供电。

    Local electricity companies say some homes won 't be reconnected until the end of the week .

  8. 一家电力公司垄断了该地区的电力供应

    An electric power company monopolizes the power supply in this area .

  9. 东京电力公司(TokyoElectricPowerCompany,TEPCO)是日本最大的电力公司。

    The Tokyo Electric Power Company ( TEPCO ) is the largest power company in Japan .

  10. 在已有的战略成本管理理论的基础上,实现战略成本管理在H省电力公司的应用研究。

    Application research on electric power of H province is achieved on the base of strategy cost management .

  11. MC电力公司组建于2001年。

    MC Power Corporation was established in 2001 .

  12. 长江基建越来越依赖于海外收购来抵消旗下本土电力公司港灯集团(hongkongelectric)增长放缓的影响。

    CKI is increasingly relying on overseas acquisitions to offset slowing growth at Hongkong Electric , its local electricity operation .

  13. Domino群集技术在青海省电力公司办公自动化系统中的应用

    Application of the Domino Cluster Technology in Office Automation System of Qinghai Electric Power Company

  14. Z市电力公司是隶属于W省电力公司的国有特大型企业。

    Z City Electricity Company is a branch of Electricity Company of W Province , which is a typical state enterprise .

  15. 他不仅计划从山东电力公司(shandongelectricpower)购买发电设备,还希望全部引进中国建筑工人来建造发电厂。

    Not only does he plan to buy the equipment from the company , Shandong electric power , but he is also hoping to ship in a full Chinese construction crew to build it .

  16. 本文主要研究了在MicroSoftVisualStudio.NET2003平台下江苏省电力公司电力调度气象信息系统的设计与开发过程。

    This article mainly studied the design and development progress of the meteorological information system in Jiangsu Province electric power company under Microsoft Visual Studio . net 2003 platform .

  17. 位于亚特兰大的美国南方电力公司(SouthernCompany)是进展最顺利的,美国政府已承诺为其拨付80亿美元,用于其在乔治亚州建造总造价达140亿美元的核电厂。

    Atlanta-based Southern Company ( so , Fortune 500 ) is the farthest along and has been promised $ 8 billion by the government for the construction of a $ 14 billion plant Georgia .

  18. 这种评价方法为提高A电力公司ERP应用水平和电力企业信息化管理水平提供了有益的参考。

    This evaluation method to improve the level of ERP applications A power company and the power of enterprise information management level to provide a useful reference .

  19. 宁夏电力公司通信交换系统发展No.7信令的必要性

    Necessary of Developing No. 7 Message in Communication Transfer System in Ningxia Electric Power Company

  20. 例如,国有的韩国电力公司(KoreaElectricPowerCorp)牵头的一家财团击败了来自美国、法国与日本的对手,赢得阿联酋一笔价值200亿美元的核能合约。

    A consortium led by state-run Korea Electric Power Corp , for example , beat US , French and Japanese rivals to a $ 20bn nuclear power contract in the United Arab Emirates .

  21. EMG在2005年时还曾与一家名叫以色列电力公司(IEC)的上市企业签署过一项谅解备忘录。

    In 2005 , EMG signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jewish state 's public Israeli Electricity Company ( IEC ) .

  22. 同时集抄系统能与省级电力公司的MIS系统或需求侧管理平台软件进行数据通信,上传抄收的数据。

    At the same time , concentration and collection system connects with provincial power companies MIS systems or demand-side management software platform for data communications , and uploads the data .

  23. 在介绍基于GIS输电线路及雷击信息文件形成的基础上,根据电力公司积累的输电线路实际雷击基础数据,将输电线路雷击点与GIS中的地形地貌相结合进行分析。

    How to form the files of transmission lines and lightning strike information by using GIS is introduced firstly . Combined with the microtopography of GIS , lightning strike data collected from the electric power company is analyzed .

  24. 利用澳门电力公司每年发电量与澳门的度日(Degreedays)1)数作相关分析,从而寻求电能消耗量与澳门度日数之间是否有显著的关系,以协助估计能源消耗量。

    A correlation analysis of the generation of electricity and degree days in Macao was conducted to find out whether there is any significant relationship between the consumption of electricity and degree days , in order to assist the prediction of the future energy consumption .

  25. 接着,她为瑞士瑞典电力公司AseaBrownBoveri效力4年,然后加盟百事。

    She then spent four years with Asea Brown Boveri , the Swiss-Swedish electricity company , before joining Pepsi .

  26. 这起事件源自日本福岛市,它位于东京以北140英里,这里的福岛第一核电站在震后发生了严重泄露,东京电力公司(TokyoElectricPowerCo.)的工人们正在拼命采取措施,阻止危机升级。

    It was birthed in the city of Fukushima , 140 miles north of Tokyo , where workers for Tokyo Electric Power Co. , the embattled operator of the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant , desperately tried to contain an escalating crisis .

  27. 上个月,由摩根士丹利基建合伙人基金(MorganStanleyInfrastructurePartners)牵头的一个全球投资者集团同意向一家印度电力公司AsianGencoPte.Ltd.投资4.25亿美元。

    Last month , a consortium of global investors led by Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners agreed to invest $ 425 million in Asian Genco Pte. Ltd. , an Indian power company .

  28. 韩国电力公司(KEPCO)的战略转变及对我国电网企业的启示

    Strategic Transformation of KEPCO and the Advices Gived to our Grid Companies

  29. 介绍美国PacificCorp电力公司在Web上实现系统运行、停电管理与报告、网络制图、历史负荷记录及配电系统规划等业务的详细情况。

    Pacific corp ( Portland , Oregon , US ) has implemented Web applications in many fields of their businesses , involving network operation , outage management and reporting , network mapping , load historian , distribution planning , etc.

  30. 对模型中未知参数,设计相关确定办法,并利用Matlab软件对模型进行算例仿真,说明电力公司实际分时电价的制定方法和步骤,验证该分时电价模型的可行性和优越性;

    Cases analysis . This paper designs relevant method to confirm unknown parameters of models , then , uses Matlab to simulate the case to show the method and steps for setting TOU price and certificate the feasibility and advantage of this method .