
The TV shopping in the developed country , such as USA , Japan and Korea , are gradually became a good upcoming prospect of the newly kinds of industry which in the overall areas of the TV media , telecom broadcast , business retail and the logistics .
The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical singals for transmission .
Chapter III : Analysis of Current Situation of Heze Telecom Co. , Ltd. in Integrated Marketing Communication .
Then the production and transmission mechanism for EMG signal of the Skeletal Muscle as well as the non-stationary of the EMG will be analyzed and summarized .
Chapter IV : Program Design of Integrated Marketing Communication for Heze Telecom Co. , Ltd. Chapter V : Program Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication in Heze Telecom Co. , Ltd. Chapter VI : Conclusions and Prospects .
2 . To practically bring forward feasible advice for China 's Telecom by analyzing its marketing method .