
shēn qǐnɡ rén
  • applicant;proposer;candidate
  1. 一旦得到否定裁决,申请人就失去了比利时法律的保护。

    Upon a negative decision , the applicant loses the protection offered by Belgian law

  2. 他是这一职位的申请人中最优秀的一位。

    He is the best applicant for the job .

  3. 从书面材料看,有几位申请人符合条件。

    On paper , several of the applicants fit the bill .

  4. 申请人必须精通英语。

    Applicants will be expected to have good command of English .

  5. 我可以给你简单介绍一下每名申请人的情况。

    I can give you a brief rundown on each of the applicants .

  6. 由于安全的缘故,所有的求职申请人都要经过严格的审查。

    All candidates are carefully vetted for security reasons .

  7. 他们对年长一些的申请人抱有成见。

    They are prejudiced against older applicants .

  8. 工作许可证只发给了5%的申请人。

    Work permits were issued to only 5 % of those who applied for them .

  9. 申请人需要提交一份简历和附函。

    Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter

  10. 他急于剔除那些他认为是冒牌货的申请人。

    He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds

  11. 申请人通常应该拥有优秀荣誉学位。

    Applicants should normally hold a good Honours degree

  12. 向每位申请人都讲授了安全知识。

    Each candidate is given instruction in safety

  13. 印度的申请人被告知通过驻伦敦的海外学生办公室递交申请表。

    Candidates in India are advised to submit their applications through the overseas student office in London

  14. 说得不客气一点,很多申请人英语水平都不高。

    To be blunt , many of the candidates only have a low level of English .

  15. 与那些优秀的推荐信相比,一封还不错的推荐信则会写:‘该申请者效率高或很聪明,是个理智的科学家等这种明显生硬的赞扬,’但这并没有让申请者从众多申请人中脱颖而出。

    " Compare those excellent letters with a merely good letter : ‘ The candidate was productive , or intelligent , or a solid scientist or something that 's clearly solid praise , ' but nothing that singles out the candidate as exceptional or one of a kind . "

  16. 选择志愿者时,你需要了解申请人动机。

    To select volunteers , you may need to understand the motivations of the people you wish to attract .

  17. 申请人请求司法审理以便废除责令某人守法的命令。

    The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bin-dover order .

  18. 在办公软件、电子邮件、网络检索等个人电脑应用方面,申请人应具备良好的操作技能。

    Applicants should have good PC skills with common office software , email and internet recherche .

  19. (二)被申请人有履行能力。

    and ( 2 ) the person against whom the application for advance execution is made is capable of fulfilling his obligations .

  20. 国家助学贷款属信用贷款,并且享受50%的财政贴息,但申请人必须符合所在学校享受国家助学贷款的条件。

    State educational loans belong to credit loans and enjoy a 50 % fiscal interest discount , and their applicants must meet the condition that the involved schools have access to state educational loans .

  21. 第十八条两个或者两个以上的申请人,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,以相同或者近似的商标申请注册的,初步审定并公告申请在先的商标;

    Article 18 . Where two or more applicants for the same or similar goods , the preliminary approval , after examination , and the publication shall be made for the trademark which was first filed .

  22. 第十二条同一申请人在不同类别的商品上使用同一商标的,应当按商品分类表提出注册申请。

    Article 12 . Where any applicant intends to use the same trademark for goods in different classes , an application for registration shall be filed in respect of each class of the prescribed classification of goods .

  23. 人寿保险是用来,保护有年幼小孩的父母的,Life,insurance,is,designed,to,protect–,他们是最重要的申请人。

    Ideally , it protects parents with young children & that 's the most important application .

  24. EarlyAction申请人:十月是最后一次可以参加ACT写作测试的机会。

    Early Action applicants : October is the last month during which you can take the ACT Plus Writing Test for Yale to consider your results .

  25. 公司登记(CompanyRegistration)作为登记的一种类型,是措公司登记机关根据登记申请人的申请,经依法审核,将法定应予以登记的事项登载于公司登记簿上并予以公示的法律制度。

    Company registration means the legal mechanism according to which the registration agency registers the statutory items on the registry book on the application of the registration applicant after strict examination .

  26. 2011年夏天,几乎所有申请人都放弃了传统的申请入学短文,转而提交Twitter申请书。

    Nearly every single applicant during the summer of 2011 opted for the tweet " essay " instead of the traditional one .

  27. 您认为,申请人是否周详地考虑过他/的攻读mba的计划?

    In your opinion , has the applicant given careful consideration to his or her plans for entry into the MBA program ?

  28. 随同父母移民的小孩之姓氏将不会出现于主要申请人的CPR表格之上。

    The surname of an accompanying dependent child will not be printed on the principal applicant 's CPR .

  29. 现行的用以认定学生签证风险等级的评估等级(AL)制度是按照申请人的国籍和教育类别对他们予以评级,并确定申请人在申办签证时需要提供的经济担保、教育背景和英语语言证明材料。

    The current AL system for identifying student visa risk ranks applicants according to their nationality and education sector and determines the financial , educational and English language evidence applicants are required to provide .

  30. 申请人:从二零零六年三月到现在我在DDD公司做软件工程师。

    Applicant : From March , 2006 to present I have been working at DDD Company as an Software engineer .