
  1. 方法:分别使用便携式甲醛分析仪和AHMT比色法同时对室内空气中甲醛浓度进行测定。

    Methods : The formaldehyde concentration in indoor air was measured simultaneously using the portable formaldehyde analyzer and AHMT method , respectively .

  2. 利用GBJ-202型甲醛分析仪监测室内空气中甲醛的含量

    Use GBJ-202 Monitor Determines Formaldehyde Content In Indoor Air

  3. 方法使用小型环境测试舱控制温度、水蒸汽浓度、空气交换率,用INTERSCAN公司的4160型甲醛分析仪测定不同条件下木质板材的甲醛释放量。

    Methods A small climate chamber was employed to control the temperature , concentration of vapor and ventilation rate .

  4. 方法应用酚试剂比色法与美国INTERSCAN公司提供的4160型便携式甲醛分析仪进行了现场测试,并对测试结果进行配对t检验。

    Methods The concentrations of formaldehyde were determined using the phenol reagent method and 4160-type portable formaldehyde analyzer ( supplied by INTERSCAN ) in site , and the results were tested by matched data t-test .

  5. 对国标GB/T18204.26-2000酚试剂比色法和XP-308型甲醛分析仪进行样品的对比实验分析及显著性差异的检验,得出了XP-308型甲醛分析仪与酚试剂比色法两种方法无显著性差异。

    On the basis of comparative tests and examinations of the notable difference for samples by using National Standard " GB / T18204.26-2000.Phenol Reagent Method " and XP-308 monitor it is concluded that the two methods are not marked difference .

  6. 前言:目的:研究电化学原理便携式甲醛分析仪测定数据的准确性。

    Objective : To study the data ′ s accuracy using portable formaldehyde analyzer .

  7. 电化学原理便携式甲醛分析仪对居室甲醛浓度测定准确性的研究

    Study on data ′ s accuracy using portable formaldehyde analyzer by electrochemistry principle for measuring formaldehyde concentration of indoor air

  8. 方法采用甲醛分析仪,气相色谱仪进行测定。

    Methods The portable formaldehyde analyzer was used to measure the concentration of formaldehyde , and gas chromatographs ( GC ) was used to measure the concentration of benzene and toluene .

  9. 所以我们迫切需要研发设计一种性能更稳定、操作更方便、准确度更高的甲醛分析仪,以解决国内现阶段技术比较落后的现状,并以达到国内先进水平为目标。

    Therefore , we developed an urgent need to design a more stable performance , easier operation , higher accuracy analysis of formaldehyde in order to resolve at this stage the status of backward technology , and in order to achieve the objective of the domestic advanced level .

  10. 探讨甲醛便携式分析仪与实验室分析的可比性

    Discussion on Comparability of Formaldehyde Portable Analyzer and Laboratory Analysis

  11. 用甲醛扩散管评价甲醛分析仪的性能

    Evaluation on the performance of formaldehyde analyzer with standard formaldehyde gas generated by diffusion tube

  12. 而只有电化学法能够做到快速准确的检测甲醛目前,在市面上销售的各种甲醛分析仪大多数都采用电化学传感器原理,但是在质量上良莠不齐。

    Electrochemical only able to do fast and accurate detection of formaldehyde . Currently , sales in the market a variety of formaldehyde analyzer most of the principle of the use of electrochemical sensors , but the quality varies .

  13. 目的探讨新装修居室空气甲醛污染的变化规律。方法使用41602型甲醛分析仪,测定装修后不同时期的居室空气中的甲醛浓度。

    Objective To study the characteristics of the variations of formaldehyde concentration in indoor air of newly decorated living rooms .