
  • 网络inferior thyroid artery;inferior thyroid a
  1. 甲状腺下动脉的直径为(2.61±0.23)mm。

    The diameter of the inferior thyroid artery was ( 2.61 ± 0.23 ) mm .

  2. 椎动脉及甲状腺下动脉联合变异1例

    A case report of the aberrant vertebral artery and inferior thyroid artery

  3. 经甲状腺下动脉染色识别甲状旁腺

    Staining of Parathyroid Glands with Injection of Methylene Blue into Inferior Thyroid Artery

  4. 甲状腺下动脉与喉返神经的毗邻关系有五种类型;

    There were five types in position of inferior thyroid artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve .

  5. 甲状腺下动脉和中静脉主要能显示近甲状腺侧的血管干支及其腺体内血管构成。

    Inferior thyroid artery and middle thyroid vein were mostly revealed the vascular branches proximal TG and its vascular structures .

  6. 结论:右侧喉返神经与甲状腺下动脉的关系中危险型的发生率高于左侧,术中应特别注意以防损伤喉返神经。

    Conclusion : The incidence of risk type of the right side was higher than that of the left side and more attention should be paid during thyroid lobectomy of the right sides .

  7. 目的观察喉返神经与甲状腺下动脉的关系,探讨避免因显露而造成喉返神经医源性损伤的预防措施。

    Objective To study the anatomical relationship between the recurrent laryngeal nerve ( RLN ) and the inferior thyroid artery , to investigate the prophylactic measures on how to avoid iatrogenic injures while exposing the RLN during thyroid operation .

  8. 结论颈部肌三角中有异常甲状腺下动脉存在,甲状腺下静脉类型多,吻合支多,故颈部肌三角并非手术安全区。

    Conclusion The abnormal inferior thyroid artery is existed in the muscular triangle of neck . There are many types and anastomotic branches of inferior thyroid vein . The muscular triangle of neck is not a ' safety zone ' in operation .

  9. 双支甲状腺最下动脉尸解观察

    Observation on double thyroid ima arteries in 92 cadavers

  10. 甲状腺最下动脉的应用解剖

    Applied Anatomy of Lowest Thyroid Artery

  11. 本文在72具成人尸体上发现9例甲状腺最下动脉,出现率为12.5%。

    Cases of thyroidea ima artery were found in the 72 adult corpses ( 12.5 % ) .

  12. 甲状腺上下动脉内径则经介入血管造影测出分别为2.0~5.5mm和3.0~3.75mm。结论根据测出的血管腔径,选择合适的栓塞微粒,可以达到完整的介入栓塞效果,从而收到介入治疗的良好效果。

    The average diameter of superior and inferior artery was 2 - 5 . 5 mm and 3 . 0 - 3 . 75 mm measured by using interventional angiography Conclusion According to the diameters of arteries which were measured , complete embolization and good therapeutic effect can be achieved .

  13. 方法经股动脉穿刺应用Seldinger技术引入导管鞘,作甲状腺上动脉及下动脉的超选择性插管,使用PVA、明胶海绵颗粒、弹簧圈栓塞上述血管。

    Methods The catheterization of the femoral artery was carried out with Seldinger 's method . After super-selective catheterization of superior and inferior thyroid arteries were completed , embolization with PVA , grain of gelfoam or wreath of spring was performed .

  14. 结果甲状腺上动脉、甲状腺下动脉及颈横动脉均有2mm以上的外径及合适的可游离长度,具备进行端侧吻合重建椎动脉的解剖学条件。

    Results The calibers of superior or inferior thyroid artery , or transverse cervical artery were more than 2 mm in diameter , and the arteries had suitable free length for end to side anastomosis with vertebral artery .

  15. 结论甲状腺手术识别喉返神经的五种解剖标志中,以甲状软骨下角尖(或环甲关节)和甲状腺悬韧带较可靠,其次为甲状腺下极、甲状腺下动脉和气管食管沟。

    Conclusion The inferior horn of thyroid cartilage and the suspensory ligament of thyroid gland are most reliable as the anatomical landmarks for recognizing the recurrent laryngeal nerve .