
  • 网络tennessee river
  1. 有一天,田纳西河沿岸出现了暴风雨。

    One day a thunderstorm blew up along the Tennessee River .

  2. 在田纳西河及其支流上都修建了大型水坝。

    Big dams were built across the Tennessee river and its tributaries .

  3. 今夏,田纳西河流域管理局(TennesseeValleyAuthority)与核能承包商Babcock&Wilcox签署了一项协议,在田纳西州克林奇河上建造六个小型模块式反应堆,标志着这种设计首次被用于商业发电。

    This summer , the Tennessee Valley Authority signed an agreement with nuclear contractor Babcock & Wilcox to build six small , modular reactors on the Clinch River in Tennessee , marking the first such developments for commercial power generation .

  4. 人们很少能看见核电站内部是怎样工作的,这座核电站隶属于田纳西河流域管理局(TVA)。

    This is a rare look at the inner workings of a nuclear plant , this one owned by TVA , the Tennessee Valley Authority , at Browns Ferry .

  5. 在诺里斯的陪同下,这位当选总统视察了田纳西河流域。

    The President-elect visited the Tennessee Valley in company with Norris .

  6. 一个从前住在田纳西河,属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。

    A member of the Algonquian people formerly living along the Tennessee river .

  7. 美国田纳西河的流域管理

    River Basin Management in Tennessee Valley , USA

  8. 田纳西河域吃蜗牛的河鲈,体长3英寸。

    3-inch snail-eating perch of the Tennessee River .

  9. 美国政府对田纳西河流域的开发

    American Government Developed Tennessee Valley Liulin River

  10. 这座核电站能承受6.0级的地震,以及田纳西河上百万年的洪水。

    This plant is designed to withstand a6.0 earthquake and a million-year flood on the Tennessee River .

  11. 进行上述试验的地区正是美国田纳西河所灌溉的地区。

    The district where the experiment was carried out was the area watered by the Tennessee River in the U.S.A.

  12. 第一次世界大战期间,政府在田纳西河上建立了水坝,为战时所需硝酸盐的生产提供电力。

    During the First World War , the government had constructed a dam on the Tennessee River to provide power for wartime nitrate production .

  13. 田纳西河支流之一的鲍威尔河曾在1996年由于煤矿淤泥泄漏遭污染,这一事故连同其他一些因素的影响,导致濒危物种黄鳍连尾的分布范围骤减。

    The Powell River , a tributary of the Tennessee , was devastated in1996 by spills of coal-mine sludge , which , among other things , drastically shrank the range of the threatened yellowfin madtom .

  14. 当雏菊和毛茛争芳吐艳的时候,苏立文小姐牵着我的手穿过田野。沿着田纳西河的两岸,农人们正在做着播种的准备。坐在温暖的草地上,我首次感受到了大自然对人类的馈赠。

    When the time of daisies and buttercups came Miss Sullivan took me by the hand across the fields , where men were preparing the earth for the seed , to the banks of the Tennessee River , and there , sitting on the warm grass , I had my first lessons in the beneficence of nature .

  15. 他向我描述了从北卡罗来纳州流入田纳西州的鸽子河的情况。

    He described the Pigeon River , which flows from North Carolina into Tennessee .