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tián jiā
  • Tian Family;farming family;farmer's family
田家 [tián jiā]
  • (1) [a farming family;a peasant family]∶农家

  • 邀我到田家。--唐. 孟浩然《过故人庄》

  • (2) [farmer]∶农夫

  1. 荷花塘、石板桥,一派田家风光。

    A lotus flower pond , a stone bridge , rural scenery .

  2. 故人具鸡黍,邀我至田家。

    Lee chicken with millet , invited me to Tian .

  3. 泽田家在岐阜县经营养鸡场,家里有三个姐妹花。

    Three sisters grow up on a chicken farm in a small town of Gifu .

  4. 司法官吏把对田家政治秩序的维护作为民事诉讼最重要价值的目标。接着文章又对传统民事诉讼观念优势和不足进行了探讨。

    The judicial officials regard the maintenance to the national political order as the most important target in the civil proceedings .

  5. 车408、车22、田家等三维地震是胜利油田探区施工的3块高分辨率三维。

    Che408 , Che22 and Tianjia are three blocks with high-resolution3D seismic data in the exploration zone of Shengli Oil Field .

  6. 此外,老福田家在东京都世田谷区的土地,有一部分也归小福田所有。

    In addition , a part of ground in Tokyo Doushigu restrict where old Fukuda lived also belonged to young Fukuda .

  7. 据说,这一经历使身为田家老二的田文华发誓要光耀门楣。

    The experience is said to have made Tian Wenhua , the second eldest child of the family , determined to make her family proud .

  8. 一无所有的他决定出去闯荡还投靠了织田家。在战场上他的才智得以发挥,并通过战绩得到提拔。

    With nothing else going for him , he went looking for adventure and joined the Oda clan , where he proved himself brilliant in battle and rose through the ranks .