
  • 网络pastoral symphony;La symphonie pastorale;PIFA
  1. 节目单上说第一个节目是贝多芬的《f大调第六交响曲》,人们称之为《田园交响曲》。

    The playbill says that the fist selection is Beethoven 's Symphony No. 6 in F Major , commonly know as The Pastorale .

  2. 每星期有一两次我和她坐在沙发上,一边喝着她母亲端来的红茶,一边听罗西尼的序曲集、贝多芬的田园交响曲和《培尔·金特》送走一个下午。

    Once or twice a week , she and I would sit on the sofa , drinking the tea her mother made for us , and spend the afternoon listening to Rossini overtures , Beethoven 's Pastorale , and the Peer Gynt Suite .

  3. 另一个列表主要包括流行的古典音乐,比如贝多芬的《田园交响曲》,莫扎特的《长笛与竖琴协奏曲》。这些歌单里的歌曲都属于舒缓的音乐,能使牛奶安静下来,而不是那些噪杂的说唱歌曲。

    The other , includes classical hits like Beethoven 's " Pastoral Symphony " and Mozart 's " Concerto for Flute and Harp in D Major . " The songs that made neither list were sonically abrasive tunes like rap and techno songs that appear to disturb cows rather than calm them .

  4. 不错,纵使这位音乐诗人用形象来说明他的制作,例如,他把某一交响曲命名为“田园交响曲”,或者把其中一乐章称为“溪边景色”,另一乐章称为“乡人欢聚”。

    Even in cases where the composer himself has employed pictorial tags in talking about his work -- calling one symphony " Pastoral , " one movement " Brook Scene " and another " Jolly Concourse of Peasants " -- these tropes are properly reducible to purely musical elements rather than standing for actual objects expressed through music .