
  • 网络ufida;ufida software
  1. 用友软件凭借雄厚的资金,强大的研发团队,丰富的知识储备和大批老客户占据了大半个国内管理软件市场。

    Because of abundant fund , powerful R & D team and lots of faithful customers , UFIDA have the domestic management ware market share more than a half .

  2. 用友软件股份有限公司竞争战略研究

    Research on the Competitive Strategy of UFIDA Ltd

  3. 用友软件园I号研发中心,北京,中国

    UF soft r & d center , beijing , china

  4. 江门用友软件20年,软件咨询软着陆。

    Enterprise information for20 years . Software ( management ) consulting soft-landing .

  5. 信息化帮助成长企业建立复制能力&访用友软件总裁何经华

    Informationalization Help Enterprises Build Replication Capacity

  6. 切合企业实际情况,为用友软件(以及同类型的软件公司)进行外包合作伙伴的评价和选择提供了一定的参考和帮助。

    Provided some reference for companies ( especially for Ufida ) to evaluate and select outsourcing partners .

  7. 财务管理模块实现了与用友财务软件的信息集成,提供部门总帐、部门明细帐、财务报表的按权限浏览;

    The " Finance Management " module achieves the information integration with the UF system .

  8. 对用友会计软件的评析

    Comment of Accounting Software

  9. 如何运用项目核算方法编制现金流量表&以用友U8.71软件为例

    How to Use Project Accounting for Working out the Cash Flow Statement & Exemplified by the Software Ufida 8.71

  10. 本文介绍并比较了金蝶、用友、速达软件的编制技巧,对用友软件的小缺陷进行了分析。

    The text introduces and compares compilation skills of Jindie , Yongyou , Suda software , and analyses small defects of Yongyou software .

  11. 国内的用友、金蝶财务软件的财务分析模块还仅限于财务指标分析,达不到财务预警效果;

    The financial analysis module in finance software of UFIDA or Kingdee still is limited by the finance index analysis only , could not carry out financial early-warning ;