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  1. 子实体,果实:产生种子或孢子的结构,该术语尤其适用于真菌的气生结实体(子实体),如蘑菇。

    Fructification A seed-or spore-bearing structure . The term is used especially for the aerial fruiting bodies of fungi , e.g. mushrooms .

  2. 高支纱生条结杂的控制

    The Nep and Impurity Control of Card Sliver High Count Yarn

  3. 梳棉机生条结杂的研究与控制

    Research and Control of Carding Sliver Neps & Impurities of Carding Machine

  4. 降低清梳联生条结杂和短绒的工艺研究

    Process Research on Reducing Neps Trash and Short Fibers in Blowing-c arding Card Sliver

  5. 龙眼速生早结技术及其效益研究

    Techniques and Their Economic Efficiency for Fast Growth , Early Fruiting in Logan Trees

  6. 高支纱生条结杂的控制高支全毛单经单纬产品的开发

    The Nep and Impurity Control of Card Sliver High Count Yarn Exploitation of Light Worsted Fabric with High Count Single Yarn

  7. 减少生条棉结杂质的实践与探讨

    Probing and Practice on Reducing the Nep and Impurity of Card sliver

  8. 应用二项分布控制梳棉机生条棉结杂质

    Quality Control through Binomial Distribution Statistics of Neps and Impurities in a Carding Machine

  9. 降低生条棉结杂质的研究

    Study on Reducing Nep Impurity of Carded Sliver

  10. 梳棉生条棉结的产生和控制

    Generating and Controlling of Card Sliver Neps

  11. 加强针布配套管理降低生条棉结杂质

    Reinforcement Management of Card Clothing for Reduction of Neps and Trashes Count in Cotton Sliver

  12. 研究探讨了国产清梳联工艺及解决当前生条棉结、短绒的有关问题。

    Domestic blowing-carding technology and questions of reducing neps and short fibers in card sliver are discussed .

  13. 结生识和结生的物质现象生起得非常快,甚至天眼也无法看见。

    The arising of rebirth-consciousness and material phenomena at conception takes place so fast that it is imperceptible even to the divine eye .

  14. 这树栽于肥田多水的旁边,好生枝子,结果子,成为佳美的葡萄树。

    He had it planted in a good field by great waters so that it might put out branches and have fruit and be a strong vine .

  15. 实验研究了梳棉机在不同产量、不同速度、不同类型刺辊的条件下,生条中棉结的数量和尺寸变化情况。

    The number and size variation of Neps in card sliver have been explored through experiments under different carding output and speed and by use of different type of taker-in .

  16. 试验结果表明:生条棉结数量受梳理工艺变化的影响最为显著,其中刺辊速度对生条棉结数量、短绒率及纤维长度不匀率的影响最大。

    The test shows that the influence of carding processing on numbers of neps in card sliver was evident , influence of linker-in speed on numbers of neps in card sliver , short fiber content and fiber length irregularity was the most .

  17. 总之,采用合适的提取工艺,猪粪-秸秆堆肥提取液都能获得较好的生防根结线虫效果,其中,厌气(7天)提取猪粪-秸秆堆肥提取液促生和生防效果相对最好。

    In conclusion , the compost extracts from pig manure-straw compost could obtain the better reduction of root-knot nematodes , when extracted with reasonable extraction technology , the best growth promotion and bio-control effects could be obtained from the extracts with NAFEC technology .

  18. ph对土壤中土著快、慢生大豆根瘤菌结瘤的影响。

    Effect of pH on nodulation of Soybean Rhizobia from Weifang and Huayuankou soils .

  19. TiO2复合薄膜光生亲水及防结雾性能研究

    Photo-Induced Hydrophilicity and Anti-Fogging Effect of Tianium Oxide Composite Films

  20. 利用离子注入技术在电池表面层形成密集的垂直PN结,缩短光生载流子到达PN结的距离,提高PN结的收集效率,从而研制成一种新型的抗辐照太阳电池。

    Junction in the surface layer of a solar cell by ion implantation . After the processing the distance from the light-generated carrier to the PN junction is shortened and the collection efficiency of the cell is improved . A new type anti-irradiation solar cell has been developed .

  21. 生条假性棉结初探清钢联生条的重量不匀特性与梳棉机自调匀整器的作用

    Sliver Weight Irregularity Characteristics and Autoleveller Performance of Chute-Fed Cotton Card

  22. 从耶西的本必发一条,从他根生的枝子必结果实。

    A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse ; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit .

  23. 方法:使用自制调查问卷,分别测查某高专02级、03级761名在医院实习的护理大专生,并对结其结果进行相关分析。

    Methods Self-made questionnaires were made in 761 students of the junior college of nursing in a school to analyse the results .

  24. 此模型描述了注入光功率与光生电流的关系,以及反偏电压对光生电流与结电容的影响。

    The model describes the relationship between photocurrent and incident optical power , and it also illustrates the impact of the reverse bias to the variation of the junction capacitance .