
  • 网络Biometrics;Biometric Identification Technology;biometric
  1. 生物识别技术是未来身份验证技术的发展方向。

    Biometrics is the development direction of the future identification technology .

  2. 说话人识别是一种生物识别技术。

    Speaker recognition is a kind of biometrics technology .

  3. 生物识别技术在ATM系统中的应用

    Biological Recognition Techniques Application in ATM System

  4. 其它公司则基于指纹及生物识别技术甚至是传感器和智能手机app程序也开发出了相关武器。

    Other companies rely on fingerprints and other biometrics or even sensors and smartphone apps to unlock their weapons .

  5. 该指令要求高安全ID卡片具备生物识别技术与视觉安全,确保只有经过授权的人才能进入政府设施和资料。

    The directive requires a high-security ID card that employs biometric technology and visual security to ensure that only authorized persons can access government facilities and information .

  6. 之前,美国国防部先进研究项目局在Atlas机器人(Atlas是谷歌旗下波士顿动力公司研发的人形机器人)和生物识别技术方面已取得成功,这令科学家们对皮质调制解调器项目的前景充满希望。

    DARPA has had success with the Atlas robot and biometric tracking technology in the past , which leaves scientists hopeful for the cortical modem project in the future .

  7. 自动指纹识别技术是最可靠、最有效的生物识别技术之一,随着IC产业的发展,指纹自动识别系统之间脱离计算机朝灵活性、方便性、实时性等方向发展。

    Automatic fingerprint identification is one of the most reliable and effective biometric technologies , with the development of IC technology , Automatic fingerprint identification system is gradually moving away from the computer in flexibility , convenience and real-time directions .

  8. 针对人耳图像自身的特点,并通过对现有生物识别技术的研究,本文尝试采用了一种基于核函数的Fisher判别分析算法对人耳进行识别。

    According to the characteristic of ear image and the study of the existing biometrics recognition technology , we try to use a Fisher discriminant analysis algorithm based on kernel function for ear recognition in this paper .

  9. 步态识别是生物识别技术研究中的新领域。

    Gait recognition is the new field of the Biometrics Recognition .

  10. 生物识别技术在网上银行认证安全体系的应用

    Application of a Biometric Technology in Information Security System of E-bank

  11. 指纹识别是身份验证中一种重要的生物识别技术。

    Fingerprint verification is an important biometric technique for personal identification .

  12. 目前生物识别技术大多被专利保护,而且一种产品只有一种用途。

    At the moment the technology tends to be proprietary and application-specific .

  13. 基于指纹与虹膜生物识别技术研究

    Research on Biological Recognition Technology Based on Fingerprint and Iris

  14. 指纹是当前应用最广泛的生物识别技术之一,指纹识别技术在国内外已经研究了几十年,技术已经比较成熟,这些技术主要集中在接触式指纹识别上。

    Fingerprint is currently one of the most widely used biometric technologies .

  15. 而步态识别正是生物识别技术的一个新兴子领域,它通过人走路的姿势实现对个人身份的识别与认证。

    Human gait recognition is one of these techniques .

  16. 生物识别技术在装备库房安全中的应用研究

    Application and Study of Biology Identification Technology Used in Security of Equipment Storeroom

  17. 基于生物识别技术的企业安全系统前景探析

    Prospect of the Business Security System based on Biometrics

  18. 人脸识别技术,是生物识别技术中一个非常重要的领域。

    Human face recognition is a very important field in biological recognition technology .

  19. 生物识别技术是利用人体所固有的生物特征来进行自动身份识别或鉴别。

    Biometrics are the technologies that analyze human characteristics for automated personal authentication .

  20. 手掌静脉识别是近年来提出的一种全新生物识别技术。

    Palm vein recognition technology proposed in recent years is a new biometric technology .

  21. 因此,指纹识别技术,作为一种可靠的生物识别技术,越来越受到了人们的重视。

    As a reliable biometric technology , fingerprint identification technology gets more and more attention .

  22. 先进的生物识别技术将会把人和银行账户联系起来,进行自动结账。

    Advanced biometric technology will link a person to a bank account for automatic billing .

  23. 由于传统的身份验证方式存在一些不足,于是生物识别技术应运而生。

    Because of the disadvantages of traditional personal authentication methods , biometrics identification techniques appear .

  24. 在众多的生物识别技术中,虹膜识别技术有着无可比拟的优越性。

    In all these biology recognition technologies , iris recognition technology has the prime advantage .

  25. 现在,许多日本银行将生物识别技术与银行卡或身份信息捆绑在一起使用。

    A number of Japanese banks use biometric identification in conjunction with cards or PINs .

  26. 指纹识别是技术较为成熟且应用广泛的生物识别技术分支。

    The fingerprint identification is one branch of the fully developed and widely used biometrics identifications .

  27. 生物识别技术是借助人体自身的生物特性来进行个体识别的技术。

    Biometric technology is the use of human biological characteristics for their own individual identification technology .

  28. 作为生物识别技术之一,虹膜识别己经被逐步应用到身份认证等安全领域。

    As one of biometrics technology , iris identification has been gradually applied to safety fields .

  29. 生物识别技术与应用

    The technology and application of biometrics

  30. 电子信息时代,人们需要一种更加方便、有效的安全身份认证技术,这种技术就是生物识别技术。

    In age of electronic information , a more convenient and effective identity verification technology is needed .