
shēnɡ wù xì tǒnɡ
  • biological system;biosystem
  1. 这提示,在BHPD对生物系统的光敏损伤过程中,不只是~1O2,O2~(?)和·OH等活性氧,很可能也起重要作用。

    It is very likely to show that in HPD photosensitized destruction of biosystem , ' O2 , O2 and OH play an important role .

  2. 生物系统固定化强化除藻试验及机理浅析

    Study on enhancing removal of algae by immobilized biosystem and mechanism analysis

  3. 生物系统亿万年来一直都是这样。

    Biological systems have been doing this for billions of years

  4. 为更清晰地理解此处的问题,我们来看一种不同的生物系统,比如说,橡子。

    To see the problem here more clearly , let 's look at a different biological system , say , an acorn

  5. GM(1,N)模型对生物系统应用的研究

    The applicability of gm ( 1 , n ) model to biological systems

  6. 本文利用Logistic模型和稳定性理论,建立了一类生物系统竞争和排斥的数学模型,并且讨论了模型平衡点稳定的条件。

    In this paper , author estimate a mathematical model of a kind of biological system 's competition and exclusion , and discusses the stability conditions about the equilibrium of model by the Logistic model and stability theory .

  7. CM(gs)具有模拟生物系统反射弧的简单结构RC,包括传入神经、中枢神经和传出神经,尤其是其中枢神经工作域的网络结构与神经元数量可以增长。

    CM_ ( gs ) has reflex-like construction ( RC ) which is similar to the reflex arc of the biologic nerve , and RC is composed by afferent nerve , nerve center and efferent nerve . Especially , the neurons size and their topology can grow constantly .

  8. 分子标志是重建生物系统发育关系的关键。

    Molecular marker is the key point to the reconstruction of phylogeny .

  9. 血液流系统是有代表性的边界特别复杂的生物系统。

    The blood system is a typical biological one with complex boundaries .

  10. 家蚕基因组计划推动了家蚕模式化生物系统研究,从基因组到蛋白质组是家蚕研究的自然进程。

    The silkworm genome project promotes Bombyx biological system research as a model .

  11. 系统生物学是从系统的层次上研究生物系统。

    Systems biology tries to understand the biological systems at the systematic level .

  12. 用内循环式生物系统处理炼油废水

    Inner-loop Biological System for Oil Refinery Wastewater Treatment

  13. 由于生物系统自身的复杂性,需要将多种分析理论和研究方法应用到该领域。

    The complexity of biological systems requires the crossing of various theories and methods .

  14. 复杂生物系统及其二分演化机制

    Complex Biological System and Bisection Evolutionary Principle

  15. 凤眼莲水生生物系统处理大型养猪场废水的应用研究

    Application of Eichhornia Crassipes Aquatic Plant System for Treatment of Sewage from Large-Scale Pig Farm

  16. 生物系统的超弱光子辐射

    The Ultraweak Photon Emission from Biological Systems

  17. 与此同时,有些人又是怎样克服这一生物系统,成功保持体重的呢?

    In the meantime , how do some people manage to overcome the biological imperatives ?

  18. 遗传算法起源于对生物系统所进行的计算机模拟研究。

    Genetic algorithms ( GAs ) originate from simulating and researching biology system by computer .

  19. 生物系统这样做已经有多少亿年了。

    The Truman government has been spending some $ 200 billion yearly for war preparations .

  20. 茶叶生物系统内通过氧化还原所产生的基团,制约着茶叶品质的形成特征。

    The quality formation of green tea infusion colour was significantly affected by the oxidation-reduction groups .

  21. 本文对多级生物系统的微生物生态结构及净化功能进行了研究。

    This paper deals with the microbial ecological structure and purification function of the multi-stages biosystem .

  22. 生物系统的某些特点

    Some Features in Biological Systems

  23. 生物系统与控制

    Biological System and Control

  24. 生物系统学与自然保护

    Biosystematics and nature conservation

  25. 神经生物系统中的配位化学问题

    Coordination Chemistry in Neurobiology

  26. 结果生物系统的混沌性为优化选择创造了条件,适应性为优化选择确定了方向。

    Results The optimizing selective is based on the chaotic property of creatures and the direction depends on adaptation .

  27. 对一类生物系统的奇点进行分析,并证明在整个平面上该系统不存在极限环。

    Analyzes singular points of prey-predator system and proves that the system hasn 't limit cycle on whole plane surface .

  28. 利用生物系统超弱光子辐射研究电场对小麦种子的影响

    Study About the Effect of Electric Field on Wheat Seeds with the Method of the Ultraweak Photon Emission of the Biological Systems

  29. 可能在所有的生物系统,甚至是细菌中,都有一些我们试图模仿却未能模仿的东西。

    Maybe there is something in all living systems , even a bacterium , which we have tried to emulate but are missing .

  30. 以统计物理系统、进化生物系统、经济系统等三类复杂的典型系统为背景,探讨系统科学的一些基本概念、研究方法。

    This article discussed some basic conceptions and approaches of systematic science under the background of statistical physics system , evolutional biosystem and economic system .