
  • 网络Biological indicators;biomarkers;Biomarker;Biotic Index
  1. 贝那普利对2型糖尿病并发高血压患者内皮功能不全的血浆生物指标的影响

    Effect of Benazepril on Plasma Biomarkers of Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Complicated with Hypertension

  2. 伦敦癌症协会正在尿液中找病变“生物指标”。

    At the Institute of Cancer in London , scientists are hunting for ' biomarkers ' that are released in high quantities into the urine when a tumour is developing .

  3. VEGF是反映EMS侵袭生长及转移潜能的有效生物指标。

    VEGF is a efficient organism maker to reflect invading growth and metastasis potency of EMs .

  4. 结论癌胚胎纤维连接蛋白mRNA在乳头状癌中特异性表达,提示癌胚胎纤维连接蛋白mRNA有可能成为甲状腺乳头状癌的一种分子生物指标,具有一定的潜在性临床应用价值。

    Conclusions It is suggested that oncofetal fibronectin mRNA , which specially expressed in the thyroid papillary carcinomas , may become a biological marker with potentially clinical value .

  5. 结论VEGF的表达以及MVD的测定可作为判断口腔鳞癌恶性潜能的重要生物指标。

    Conclusion The expression of VEGF and the distribution of MVD can be considered as biological indicators of malignant potential in OSCC .

  6. 本篇论文主要目的是希望能够建立一个方法,找寻肺癌患者血清中的生物指标(biomarker)。

    The aim of our study is to setup methods and attempts to identify serum biomarker of lung cancer .

  7. 结论ER、PR是促进乳腺增生发展和癌变的重要影响因子,临近癌变存在显著增高的多生物指标共表达。

    CONCLUSION : ER and PR are important factors to promote breast hyperplasia advance and carcinogenesis , and the co-expressions of multi-biological markers are significantly accumulated in precancerous lesions .

  8. 工人接触10倍于MAC的铅烟已能引起血铅升高及其它生物指标的异常。

    The preliminary study indicated that lead exposure at the level of approximately 10 times of MAC had shown elevating blood lead level and causing abnormalities of other biological parameters .

  9. 结论:女性激素相关生物指标ER、PR在不典型增生细胞中检测阳性时临床上应特别重视,其发生乳腺癌的可能性增大。

    Conclusion : The results indicated that the positive expression of ER , PR in atypical hyperplasia of breast should be regarded clinically and may increase the chance of occurrence of breast cancer .

  10. 目的肺表面活性物质蛋白D(SP-D)被认为是急性肺损伤(ALI)和急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)有价值的生物指标。

    Objective Pulmonary surfactant protein-D ( SP-D ) is regarded as a valuable biomarker in acute lung injury ( ALI ) and acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) .

  11. 抑郁症的发生与异相睡眠(paradoxicalsleep,PS)失调密切相关,抑郁与睡眠紊乱之间的因果虽存争议,但PS作为诊断和治疗抑郁研究的生物指标被日增重视。

    Depression is closely associated with paradoxical sleep ( PS ) disorders , although the causality between depression and sleep disorders is controversial . PS as a biological indicator for diagnosis and treatment is much used in currently depressive research .

  12. 他们对肯尼亚孕妇的测试表明患有胎盘疟疾的受试者比健康受试者的一种称为C5a的生物指标升高。

    Their tests on pregnant women in Kenya revealed that levels of a biological indicator called C5a are elevated in those that have placental malaria compared with healthy subjects .

  13. 伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths,UniversityofLondon)高级讲师克里斯•布劳尔(ChrisBrauer)负责有关工作场所可穿戴设备的试验,他预计未来经理们将会用仪表盘显示员工睡眠质量等实时生物指标,这些是预示业绩表现的先行指标。

    Chris Brauer , a senior lecturer at Goldsmiths , University of London , who runs experiments with workplace wearables , predicts a future in which managers have dashboards showing real-time employee biometrics such as sleep quality that are leading indicators for performance .

  14. 辽宁省近岸海域水质生物指标及变化趋势分析

    Biomarker - indicated variation trend in coastal ecosystem of Liaoning Province

  15. 接触氯乙烯致肝脏损伤的生物指标探讨

    The Biological Index to Liver Harm for Contacting Vindy Chloride Monomer

  16. 玉米芯微生物生物指标控制方法及技术的研究项目;

    Corncob microbial indicators of control methods and technology research projects ;

  17. 种子发芽势在环境污染监测中作为生物指标的尝试

    A trying of seed germinating potential as a biological index for environmental monitoring

  18. 评价土壤有效氮测定方法的生物指标

    The biological indices for evaluation of chemical extraction methods determing available nitrogen in soils

  19. 结果表明,拒马河水生动物种类较为丰富,物种多样性高,水质生物指标综合评价拒马河水体受到轻度和中度污染。

    The results showed that species biodiversity of protozoa and zoobenthos in Juma River is high .

  20. 对比不同实验条件下水的絮凝情况和一些生物指标。

    The contrast is unlike downstream experiment condition flocculation condition and a few living things indices .

  21. 所以从多种多样的生物指标来判断,人类是单配偶物种还是多配偶物种呢?

    So by these various biological measures , are humans a pair-bonding or a tournament species ?

  22. 磁性参数和土壤理化生物指标之间良好的相关性表明,磁性参数可以作为指示红壤退化程度的重要指标。

    It indicated that soil magnetic coefficients could be used as an important indicator for soil degradation .

  23. 持续农业中的土壤生物指标研究

    Soil Bioindicators in Sustainable Agriculture

  24. 目的:观察了光照灭活病毒法对血浆中诸成分的免疫活性及生物指标的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of photo-inactivation of virus on immunological properties and biochemical ingredients of plasma .

  25. 土壤供氮能力测试方法的研究&Ⅰ.各项生物指标在反映土壤供氮能力上的效果

    Studies on Methods Determing Soil Nitrogen & supplying Capacities ⅰ . The Effectiveness of Different Biological Indeces in Reflecting Soil Nitrogen-supplying Capacities

  26. 浮游藻类的种群结构与其生活水域的水质状况密切相关,是评价水体质量的一项重要生物指标。

    Phytoplankton community is closely related to the water quality and thus to be an important biological indicator for water quality assessment .

  27. 在土壤环境受到农药和重金属等污染后,作为生物指标,土壤生物在监测和评价环境质量发挥着重要作用。

    As the bio-indicator , soil organisms perform the environmental quality monitoring and evaluation of soil polluted by heavy mental and agrochemicals .

  28. 对脑内沉积的铁进行定量测定,有可能成为一种提示各种神经退行性疾病存在和进展的生物指标,甚至用于治疗过程中疗效的观测和预后的判断。

    Estimating the amounts of iron deposits in the brain may be a new biomarker of the presence and progression of neurodegenerative diseases .

  29. 为合理开发和利用莴苣有机无机复混肥,采用田间小区试验,研究了有机无机复混肥对莴苣产量、品质及其生物指标的影响。

    Studies on the effects of organic-inorganic complex fertilizers on yields , quality , biomarker of lettuce were carried out by field plot experiments .

  30. 方法鉴定分析了由猪巩膜中提取纯化的胶原并对由该胶原经离心法制得角膜胶原膜的理化生物指标进行检测与实验研究。

    Methods Collagen was extracted and purified from porcine sclera and it was identified by means of ultra violet spectrometer and SDS PAGE method .