
  • 网络domestic pollution source;life pollution sources
  1. 重庆市生活污染源的主要污染物为COD。

    The primary pollutant of domestic pollution sources in Chongqing is COD .

  2. 东莞市沿海片和丘陵片、工业和生活污染源对入河污染物的贡献率较高,是需要重点治理的区域和污染源。

    In Dongguan City , the majority of pollutant in Dongjiang River comes from coastal and hilly area . Industrial and domestic pollution sources were also main ones to the Dongjiang River .

  3. 其他重要生活污染源有:

    Other important domestic sources of air pollution are :

  4. 农村生活污染源日益成为水体恶化加剧的重要因素之一。

    Rural sewage pollution is increasingly becoming one of important factors on water deterioration .

  5. 分析了滇池入湖污染物总量变化情况及主要影响因素,得出结论:生活污染源是流域污染控制的重点;

    The article analyzes the main factors of affecting the total quantity change of the pollutants to Dianchi lake .

  6. 无论是集中式供水或分散式供水,90%以上的水源有生活污染源;

    Over 90 percent of water sources were polluted by domestic sewage of either centralized type of water supply or decentralized type of water supply .

  7. 湖区规模化畜禽养殖、水产养殖和城镇生活污染源是导致洞庭湖水质污染的主要原因。

    The pollution of the water quality of the lake were mainly contributed to farming of large-scale livestock , aquaculture , and residential pollutions according to the investigation .

  8. 畜禽粪便污染源、生活污染源、化肥污染源、精养鱼塘污染源流失污染物分别占总量的29.49%、50.86%、16.68%和2.98%;

    The percent of the Iosed amount of the animals ' feces pollution 、 domestic living pollution 、 chemical fertilizer pollution and fish breeding pond pollution was separately 29.49 % , 50.86 % , 16.68 % and 2.98 % ;

  9. 本课题对影响珊溪水库水质的主要污染源(工业污染源、生活污染源和农业面源污染源)作了详细的分类调查,并采用等标排放量法进行了综合评价。

    The water environment quality of Shanxi Reservior was checked , the main pollutant sources ( industrial pollution source , domestic pollution source and agricultural pollution source ) were investigated and the pollution potential of main pollutant sources was evaluated with the equal-standard drainage capacity .

  10. 在对农村生活污染源、规模化畜禽养殖污染源、农田及城市地表径流污染进行深入调查的基础上,分析了济南市面源污染原因,提出了对策建议。

    This article analyzed the causes of surface pollution sources of Ji'nan city and put forward the countermeasures and proposals on the basis of the in-depth investigation for the pollution sources in rural life , large-scale animal breeding sources , farm and urban pollution of surface runoff .

  11. 取得以下研究结果:(1)本文对造成苏州市水环境污染的工业企业污染源和城镇生活污染源进行了调查,并采用综合污染指数法对研究区域内水环境质量状况进行现状评价。

    The conclusion of the research is as following : This paper carried on investigation towards pollution source of industrial enterprises and the towns and cities which lead to water pollution in Suzhou . Synthetic pollution index method is used to analyze and evaluate the water quality in the district .

  12. 确定库湾周边的工业、生活污染点源,磷矿面源是构成水污染的主要负荷。

    The industry , residential point source along the river and phosphorus mine non-point source are of great water pollution load .

  13. 近年来由于城市的生活垃圾、工业污染源等各种污染不断向农村转移,农村的生态环境日趋恶化。

    Because of the transfer of city garbage , industrial pollution sources and other invisible pollutions from urban to rural areas , the environment in rural areas became worse and worse .

  14. 地表水资源干流水质总体稳定,部分流域水质有所改善,主要污染由工业污染向生活污染、农村面源污染转化;

    The water quality of main streams of surface water resource is stabilized in general , with improvement in some valleys , changing from industrial pollution to residential and farm area-source pollution ;

  15. 畜禽养殖成为农业生态环境、农村生活环境的重要污染源,生态破坏和环境污染问题成为制约畜禽养殖业可持续发展的最为重要的因素。

    Livestock and poultry breeding has been sources of pollution in agricultural ecology and rural lives , and in turn problems of ecological damage and environmental pollution constrained sustainable development of animal husbandry .

  16. 调查结果显示该区域环境污染比较严重,主要表现为生活污染,其污染源为生活污水、生活垃圾和人畜粪便。

    Survey results show that environmental pollution is more serious in the region ; mainly manifestation for the life of pollution , its polluted sources is domestic sewage , garbage , human and animal feces .

  17. 第三章是通过对巢湖流域的种植业、水产养殖业、畜禽养殖业以及农村生活废水垃圾的污染源调查数据,分析了当前巢湖流域农业面源污染的主要原因。

    According to the survey data in pollution source of planting , aquaculture , livestock breeding industry , rural wastewater and waste , the main reasons in agricultural non-point pollution in Chaohu Lake were analyzed in chapter 3 .