
  • 网络life education theory
  1. 生活教育理论对当代教育的影响

    The influence of life education theory on contemporary education

  2. 陶行知的生活教育理论,是陶行知教育思想的精华。

    Tao Xingzhi 's life education theory is the soul of his education thoughts .

  3. 生活教育理论对学前双语教育的启示

    Drawing Inspiration from the Life-oriented Education Theory to the Preschool Education

  4. 裴斯泰洛齐与陶行知的生活教育理论之比较

    Comparison on the Theory of Life Education between Pestalozzi and Tao Xing-zhi

  5. 生活教育理论的语文实践研究;

    Life education theory language practice research ;

  6. 生活教育理论对发展职业技术教育的现实意义

    The practical significance on the theory of life education in developing vocational and technical education

  7. 生活教育理论是融教育改革与社会改革于一炉的系统科学。

    The theory of life education is a scientific system which combines education reform and social reform .

  8. 素质教育理论、建构主义理论、陶行知生活教育理论是本文分析的理论源泉。

    Quality education theory , constructivist theory and the Negligence education theory are the foundation of my theory .

  9. 生活教育理论与实践是20世纪人类文明的一大成就。

    The theory and practice of life education is one of the achievements made in human civilization in the 20th century .

  10. 要通过对教育目标、教育内容、教育方式及教育方法的改变来实现生活教育理论在高中思想政治教育中的运用。

    To realize the exertion of living education theory in high school ideological and political education , the objective , the content and the way of education should be changed .

  11. 生活教育理论的主要来源于传统儒学的认识论、墨家学说和杜威的实用主义教育理论。

    There are three main sources in the Life Education Theory : the epistemology of the traditional Confucianiststhought , the essence of Mohism and the education theory of Pragmatism of Dewey .

  12. 陶行知的课程思想是在其生活教育理论的指导下,在对传统教育批判的基础上提出的。

    Tao Xingzhi 's thinking of subject courses was put forward under the guidance of Tao Xingzhi 's theory of life-education and based on the criticism of the traditional theory of education .

  13. 陶行知超前、深入地探索了教育的理想境界,准确地把握住了教育的精髓,提出了生活教育理论。

    TAO Xing_zhi probed into the ideal form of education ahead of the times . With accurate explanation of the essence of education , he put forward the theory of life education .

  14. 而这与陶行知的生活教育理论不谋而合:生活即教育、社会即学校、教学做合一。

    But this the life education theory which notifies with the ceramic agrees without prior consultation happens to hold the same view : The life is the education , the society is the school , the teaching does gathers one .

  15. 生命教育理论以生活教育理论、人本主义理论等为依据,以教师和学生生命价值的充分发展和发挥为宗旨,以教育价值和教育意义的充分实现为最终目标。

    The theory on life education is based on the theory of living education , the theory of human-ism and so on . Its purpose is to fully develop the life value of teachers and students , and the full realization of educational value and significance is the final aim .

  16. 孙铭勋是最坚决的“生活教育”理论的坚持者之一。

    Sun Mingxun was a determined supporter of social education theory .

  17. 陶行知培养学生学习能力的思想,是他所创立的“生活教育”理论的有机组成部分。

    Tan Xingzhi 's thought of learning capacity training is an organic component of his " life education theory " .

  18. 生活地理教育的理论和实践

    Theory and Practice for Living Geography Education

  19. 它通过认知教育世界、引导教育生活、创造教育理论提升自己的价值;

    Such transition is to raise the value of educational research by means of understanding educational world , guiding educational life and creating educational theory .

  20. 从关系思维的角度理解,由教师与学生、书本世界与生活世界、教育理论与教育实践等基本关系构成的教育图景具有深远意义。

    In the relationship thinking , those relationships between teachers and students , books and life , educational theory and practice construct their respective educational prospects .

  21. 高职人文教育面向职业生活问题是教育理论与实践需要解决的现实问题。

    That the humane education in high vocational education is facing professional life is a real problem that should be solved by education theory and practice .

  22. 本文重点对生活道德教育的理论基础、必要性和实践途径作了详细阐述,旨在给学校道德教育提出一点合理的理论指导。

    This text discusses its academic foundation , necessity and approach of practice detailedly , in order to raise some reasonable academic directions for school moral education .

  23. 教育如何关注人,关注人的生活,是所有教育理论和实践工作者必须回答的最重要的问题,也是教育哲学的重要命题。

    How education pays attention to people and their lives is the most important question that all education theorists and education practitioners should answer . It is also the most important proposition of educational philosophy .

  24. 胡塞尔的“生活世界”,杜威、陶行知的生活教育理论都启发我们:道德教育要走出困境,必须向生活回归。

    Husserl 's " life world " theory , Dewey and Tao Xingzhi 's life education theory inspire us : moral education must be back to life to get out of its predicament .

  25. 生活德育是生活教育之题中的应有之意,生活德育论是陶行知生活教育理论的灵魂,生活内涵、实验思想及改造的心理学基础决定了生活德育论的科学性和实践性。

    Life moral education is a part of life education , and the theory of the former is the soul of that of the latter .