
  1. 浇水机器人(Droplet)那些白天要上班、生活一团乱的养花人都知道,给植物浇水是个大问题。

    Droplet Gardeners with day jobs and cluttered lives understand that watering plants is a classic problem .

  2. 比方说,我们知道她的生活一团乱

    For instance , we already know her life is a mess .

  3. 生活坑坑洼洼一团麻。

    Ma life a mass of potholes .

  4. 我们,事实上,就是生活在一团假象里,无法自拔。

    Actually , we are living in the place around of all the lies , cannot escape even one step .

  5. 而我的观点则倾向于,“生活是一团乱麻,解开它,把它整理好,再归类放入便当盒里。”

    And I 'm more of the , " life 's messy , clean it up , organize it and put it into a bento box . "

  6. 我在读的是一个社会工作的博士文凭,所以我整个学术生涯都被人所包围,他们大抵相信生活是一团乱麻,接受它。

    in social work , so my entire academic career was surrounded by people who kind of believed in the " life 's messy , love it . "

  7. 她一心想帮助孩子们的同时也不断地把里兹的生活搞得一团乱。

    As a result , she sometimes tended to " mess up " situations in Lizzie 's life while trying to help make them better .

  8. 你们的团章草案规定,四个月不参加组织生活就算自动脱团,这太严了。

    It is stipulated in your draft constitution that a member will be considered to have automatically withdrawn from the League if he fails to take part in its regular cell meetings for four months ; this is much too severe .