
shēnɡ sǐ zhàn
  • life-and-death battle
  1. 不莱梅主教练沙夫期待和巴萨的生死战,这将决定谁能和切尔西一起晋级。他在一次激战中奋战而死。

    Bremen coach Thomas Schaaf is now looking forward to a showdown clash with Barcelona to decide who joins Chelsea in the next phase . He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle .

  2. 在第六场生死战失利后(勇士队以111-86赢得胜利),德克诺维茨基沮丧万分,在回更衣室的通道内将一个垃圾桶举起砸到墙上。

    After the sixth and deciding game ( a 111-86 Golden State victory ) of the historic series upset , a frustrated Dirk Nowitzki hurled a trash can at the wall on his way to the locker room .

  3. Airbnb将在纽约面临一场生死之战,纽约州州长安德鲁.库默(AndrewCuomo)准备签署一个法案,实质上将结束这家住房分享集团在纽约市的业务。

    Airbnb faces a fight for its life in the Big Apple as New York governor Andrew Cuomo prepares to sign a bill that would in effect end the home-sharing group 's business in New York City .

  4. 在一片黑暗中,两个怪物进行着一场可怕的生死之战。

    There in the darkness , the two monsters fight a terrible battle of life and death .

  5. 除了三角恋、职业上的进取,克里夫还讲述了苏菲的故事:一个年仅8岁的孩子,在奥林匹克运动会开幕前被诊断出白血病,在生命的尽头处,打了一场特殊的生死之战。

    Into the love triangle and professional exertions Mr Cleave throws eight-year-old Sophie , diagnosed with leukaemia only days before the Olympics and fighting a different type of battle to the finish .